what will i learn from faith formation course

by Forest Gerlach 7 min read


  • Affirm Faith Formation as a faithful vocation
  • Strengthen lifelong faith formation in churches with paraprofessional staff or volunteer led ministry
  • Develop leaders who are: confident, competent, collaborative, energized, effective
  • Offer support and accountability that increases longevity and decreases burnout
  • Nurture fruitful ministry and spiritual formation

The 10-day course in congregational faith formation includes practical education emphasizing small groups, community development, and relational ministry. Topics include Biblical and theological training, cultural analysis, long range planning, family ministry, Christian Education and lots of how-to strategies.

Full Answer

What do you learn in faith formation?

Faith formation primarily focuses on deepening initial conversion to faith. It incorporates the catechetical, liturgical, and pastoral ministries. Because it is a form of evangelization, faith formation is a lifelong process.

Why do we need to study our faith?

Studying religion helps you understand different cultures. Ever read a newspaper story about a new temple in town? Religion surrounds our daily lives and studying types of religion can help you understand many types of differences that are visible all around you.

What is the difference between faith education and faith formation?

Both generally involve systematic learning. And religious teachings can feature in both. But, properly understood, educational experience is mainly exploratory in character while faith formation is, from the start, evangelising in purpose and in practice.

What does formation mean in religion?

Christian spiritual formation is the process of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and for the sake of others (II Corinthians 3:17-18). The focus of spiritual formation is the Holy Spirit, who guides the ongoing journey towards union with God. The response is submission.

What are the benefits of having faith?

Research has repeatedly shown that people of faith report feeling better and healthier. One of the most striking findings in social epidemiology, Luhrmann notes, is that religious involvement with God is better for your body in terms of immune functions and reducing loneliness.

How does faith impact your life?

With religion often perceived as being at the core of conflicts around the globe, evidence shows that religion and faith can be invaluable in promoting tolerance, respect, understanding and reconciliation. They represent a powerful positive force in the prevention, management and resolution of conflict.

What does formation mean in the Catholic Church?

Formation is the personal preparation that the Catholic Church offers to people with a defined mission, such as the priesthood or membership of a religious order such as the Society of Jesus. Such formation involves a program of spiritual and academic training.

What is a faith formation leader?

Develops goals, objectives, and implements strategies for a comprehensive faith formation program that serves Pre-K through adults, including preparation for sacraments. Directs and oversees various faith formation programs that support a lifelong deepening of the Catholic faith for all parishioners.

How does faith come in the Bible?

Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God”, gives us knowledge on how faith comes, by taking in God's word.

Why spiritual formation is important?

Thus, Spiritual formation is important because closeness with God brings us real freedom and completeness. “If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (Jn. 8:36). Similarly the scriptures tells us “For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

How do you achieve spiritual formation?

These include the following:internal disciplines: meditation. prayer. fasting. study.external disciplines: simplicity. solitude. submission. service.corporate disciplines, completed within the body of the church: confession. worship. guidance. celebration.

What is the nature of spiritual formation?

Spiritual formation is the process by which human persons actualize this capacity for transcendence through attentiveness, relationship, and disciplined practice. A specifically Christian spirituality seeks relationship with the God known through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Why is faith important in religion?

In religious traditions stressing divine grace, it is the inner certainty or attitude of love granted by God himself. In Christian theology, faith is the divinely inspired human response to God's historical revelation through Jesus Christ and, consequently, is of crucial significance.

What is the value of faith?

Faith is fidelity to something – a cause, another person, an organization, anything else that is important to you. It also means fidelity to yourself (be true to yourself, said Shakespeare, and you'll never be false to anyone else). Fidelity takes commitment.

What is faith in your own words?

Faith is defined as belief with strong conviction; firm belief in something for which there may be no tangible proof; complete trust, confidence, reliance, or devotion. Faith is the opposite of doubt.

What it means to have faith in God?

To have faith in Jesus Christ means to trust Him and obey His commandments. Faith is much more than passive belief. We express our faith through action—by the way we live.

How does faith formation take time?

It takes time to form faith habits. It takes time to work on service projects. Faith formation doesn’t happen by accident or in a moment. It takes time. 6. Effort- Just as faith formation takes a time commitment, it requires committed effort. It takes effort as a leader to prepare.

What is the basic resource for faith formation?

We need to get to know our Creator, our Redeemer, and our Sanctifier (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). This is where resources come in. The basic resource is the Bible . Resources are things that make understanding Scripture, tradition, and theology easier. Resources can be study guides, curricula, devotional helps, hymnals/songbooks, prayer methods or many other things. But, faith formation requires content.

What is the most important part of faith formation?

1. Participants– I would say that the most important piece of a faith formation experience are the people whose faith is being formed, who are growing as disciples. If you don’t have people, you can’t have faith formation! I specifically chose the term “participants.” These people are not a passive audience. For faith to grow, people must participate and engage in some way. Now this engagement can look very different depending on the context. It can involve moving, talking, getting your hands dirty, or even listening or receiving the care of others.

How is faith formed in Christ?

However, faith formation goes way beyond the classroom. Faith is formed through any action, experience, or relationship, and education is only one part of that .

What is faith formation?

Education is a critical part of forming the faith of all disciples. To have our faith and life formed by God’s love in Christ, we need to know something about the story of God, what it means that God loves us, ...

Do faith formation leaders need training?

And make no mistake, leaders are also participants! 3. Training– Most likely, faith formation leaders (and sometimes participants) need some training to be effective. There are some types of faith formation that just come naturally, especially the informal connections with others.

Who is a faith formation leader?

A faith formation leader can be a parent (or caring adult), a teacher, a priest, a minister, a small group leader, a service project organizer, or even just someone who starts a conversation or offers a hug. And make no mistake, leaders are also participants!

Key Idea 1: Intentionally grounding discipleship in our baptismal vows can help create a culture of discipleship

Building on this idea is another key point in the “Basics of Faith Formation” course, which is when we form faith in those who participate in the ministries of our churches, it naturally leads into engaging our communities.

Key Idea 2: Forming faith well leads to community engagement

When churches do faith formation strategically and intentionally, the result is disciples of Jesus Christ who engage and transform the world.
