what will happen if no ethical course of action is taken?

by Dr. Virginie Heller I 7 min read

Failing to act ethically can have a negative effect on customers and how they perceive your business. If you’re cutting quality corners to improve profits, customers will look elsewhere.

Full Answer

What happens when you don’t act ethically?

Unethical behaviour has serious consequences for both individuals and organizations. You can lose your job and reputation, organizations can lose their credibility, general morale and productivity can decline, or the behaviour can result in significant fines and/or financial loss. Take the former accounting firm of Arthur Andersen, for example.

What happens if you don't follow the Code of ethics?

Dec 01, 2017 · Key Points. • If you see, experience, or suspect an ethics breach at your employer, gather and document your facts and questions, check the issue escalation policy, and then talk …

What happens if a business does not follow ethical guidelines?

Companies that fail to adhere to ethical guidelines put their entire existence at risk. A business accused of discrimination in hiring and promotion practices, sexual harassment, misreporting …

What happens when a company fails to adopt ethics?

Sep 05, 2016 · Unfortunately, when a level of unethical behaviour starts to form, it can cause productivity levels to decrease which surround the person or corporation in question. When …

What happens when ethics are not followed?

Unethical behaviour has serious consequences for both individuals and organizations. You can lose your job and reputation, organizations can lose their credibility, general morale and productivity can decline, or the behaviour can result in significant fines and/or financial loss.

Why is ethical action important?

An organization that is perceived to act ethically by employees can realize positive benefits and improved business outcomes. The perception of ethical behavior can increase employee performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, trust and organizational citizenship behaviors.Oct 17, 2019

What are the potential consequences of ignoring ethical principles and regulations?

Not complying with research regulations may increase the potential for participants to be harmed—physically, socially, or psychologically (see much more on potential harms in Part 2).

What is ethical course of action?

Some suggest that the ethical action is the one that best protects and respects the moral rights of those affected. This approach starts from the belief that humans have a dignity based on their human nature per se or on their ability to choose freely what they do with their lives.Nov 5, 2021

Why is ethics important in education?

Ethics in Education are important because they assist to run the system smoothly. The Ethics sets the standards of what's acceptable and what's not, therefore, protecting the Interest of both teachers and students.May 13, 2020

Why is ethics important for students?

Ethical discussions not only expose students to contrasting ethical opinions, they also provide an opportunity to understand the reasons behind the differences. As a result, students are able to expand their understanding of ethics, sometimes even altering their own values and ethical decision-making process.Mar 26, 2018

What are the consequences of violation of publication ethics?

Apart from being unethical, multiple submissions can exaggerate the research findings, if the same article is published in different journals. Violation of publication ethics corrodes the integrity of science.

What possible can happen if ethics in research are disregarded?

Defying research ethics will also lower the credibility of your research because it's hard for others to trust your data if your methods are morally questionable. Even if a research idea is valuable to society, it doesn't justify violating the human rights or dignity of your study participants.Oct 18, 2021

How is ethical decision making done?

Ethical Decision Making Process
  1. Step One: Define the Problem. ...
  2. Step Two: Seek Out Resources. ...
  3. Step Three: Brainstorm a List of Potential Solutions. ...
  4. Step Four: Evaluate Those Alternatives. ...
  5. Step Five: Make Your Decision, and Implement It. ...
  6. Step Six: Evaluate Your Decision.
Aug 21, 2018

What is the role of courage in taking action on ethical decisions?

Moral courage helps us address ethical issues and take action when doing the right thing is not easy. Moral courage involves the willingness to speak out and do what is right in the face of forces that would lead us to act in some other way.

How can we make ethical decision and action?

Steps to Ethical Decision Making
  1. Step 1: Identify the problem. ...
  2. Step 2: Identify the potential issues involved. ...
  3. Step 3: Review relevant ethical guidelines. ...
  4. Step 4: Know relevant laws and regulations. ...
  5. Step 5: Obtain consultation. ...
  6. Step 6: Consider possible and probable courses of action.

What to do if you are fired for a suspected problem internally?

Nearly all the experts we spoke to suggested that if you do properly report a suspected problem internally and are subsequently fired—especially if you believe your employer is retaliating against you—your best action is to hire an employment lawyer. “They can help you determine if your termination was actionable enough to bring a case or claim,” says Feiman.

What to say when a prospective employer asks why you left the previous firm?

When a prospective employer asks you why you’ve left the previous firm or are seeking to move, Feiman recommends being honest and testing the new waters. “Mention that you are seeking a new perch because you were not comfortable with the thoroughness of compliance at your previous/current firm, and then gauge the reaction,” he says. Is that met with shock and dismay or with open arms and approval? As you get closer to getting an offer, it’s OK to ask to speak to the new firm’s chief compliance officer. That conversation can provide insight into how the firm views ethics.

What happens if you report a breach?

If you have reported what you believe to be a significant breach or problematic activity, you must then decide whether to stay or leave the company. This is particularly important if management or the company fails to address significant identified infractions, elects to ignore or dismiss them, or excuses them away by responding “Everyone is doing this.” If a regulator should instigate an investigation, an employee can become embroiled in the matter and be seen as culpable.

How to voice your concerns?

Consider using a non-threatening approach to voice your concerns. “You can always approach a situation with a ‘what if’ scenario and not use the names” of people who may be involved, explains Moscony.

Is it important to take concise notes?

However, taking concise notes can prove critical.

Can you assess a firm's moral compass?

It’s often difficult to truly assess a firm’s moral compass until you are working at the firm , Pitt acknowledges. But during a discussion with a potential employer’s chief compliance officer, remember to carefully assess not only answers to your questions but also his or her body language, which can provide definite clues. Pitt and other compliance professionals consulted for this article also recommend checking public regulatory enforcement violation records, which can show patterns of company violations. “The number, frequency, and seriousness of past transgressions are a [good] guide,” Pitt says.

What happens if a company doesn't follow ethical guidelines?

A business accused of discrimination in hiring and promotion practices, sexual harassment, misreporting time spent on chargeable projects to clients or overbilling for services rendered can find itself in legal jeopardy. In many cases, this can result in a company being banned from seeking further contracts in a particular industry. If reports of ethical shortcomings become public, like if a former employee becomes a whistleblower and goes to the press about your company’s alleged misdeeds, this failure to set an ethical example could be catastrophic.

How does not acting ethically affect your business?

Failing to act ethically can have a negative effect on customers and how they perceive your business. If you’re cutting quality corners to improve profits, customers will look elsewhere. If you understate the risk of danger or liability for a specific product, customers may file suit for damages, which can result in costs far beyond your original profit margin. The cigarette industry is a prime example of this phenomenon, as the ethical shortcuts of denying or obscuring negative health effects for decades are paying major consequences at present. Moreover, if you’re putting ethics aside and exploiting the advantages of being a first mover to gouge consumers on price, the profits encourage new entries into the market, which drive prices back down and undercut those early advantages.

What are ethical guidelines?

Ethical guidelines play a critical role for businesses. Focus has shifted in recent years, transforming what was typically a list of rules for employees to follow to a values-based code asking everyone associated with the company to take a principled approach to their business dealings. The federal government, the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq stock market require companies to promote ethical conduct and a commitment to comply with applicable laws, which has had the effect of turning what might have been a random ethics memo posted in the breakroom into an integral part of corporate culture. Failure to do so risks severe sanctions. The investment firm SAC Capital Advisors LP, for example, had to pay a $616 million penalty to settle two insider trading cases with the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2013 -- and while that addressed those individual instances of ethical failings, the federal investigation into company activities remained ongoing.

What is the code of ethics?

Employees must follow the code of ethics you set. Some principles for a code would include adherence to company values and standards relating to employee conduct. You might extend the code of ethics to social media usage, particularly for those responsible for using those resources under your company's banner. If you do business with vendors, a code of ethics should include a requirement for employees to disclose any relationships they have with a particular supplier and avoid conflicts of interest. It could also document grievance procedures and detail the process by which an employee can and should report ethical violations if witnessed. The code of ethics should also note the consequences for failing to adhere to the requirements, which could include discipline ranging from verbal warnings to written reprimands to suspension to termination, depending on the offense.

What are the consequences of failing to adhere to the code of ethics?

The code of ethics should also note the consequences for failing to adhere to the requirements, which could include discipline ranging from verbal warnings to written reprimands to suspension to termination, depending on the offense.

Is there a cost to ethical failure?

History shows there's a cost from ethical failures. With the modern era's increased connections between businesses, both locally and globally, and the speed by which information travels around the world via the Web and other technology, ethics problems don’t remain secret for long. Your business must be clear about ethical expectations and the consequences of the failure to adhere to them

What happens if you are unethical?

In severe cases of unethical misconduct, it can lead to severe legal issues that result in loss of time, large fines, and other penalties with possible jail time.

How does ethical misconduct affect a company?

Ethical misconduct in any company can lead to very serious consequences which can cause the company time and money in trying to repair their business reputation and any legal issues that may arise depending on the severity of the situation. Integrity breakdown can dramatically cost a business millions of dollars and even prison time in some extremely serious cases. In order to really protect your company from an ethical misconduct scandal, you need to incorporate a management plan in order to stay on top of any unethical practices within the corporate environment. To do this you must first understand the effects that poor corporate ethics can cause to your company in order to setup barriers to help prevent something like this occurring. This expert guide will give you inside advice on the major effects that ethical misconduct can cause to your company. But first:

How to stop unethical behavior?

In order to stop unethical behaviour in large corporations you need to consider a few things. These incude: 1 Setting realistic goals for employees to meet 2 Create policies and practices which promote good ethical behaviour 3 Select high quality people to add to your team that have a good reputation of work ethics in previous employment. 4 Train people on good ethical behaviour by implementing training sessions on a yearly basis to maintain strong ethical behaviours. 5 Maintaining strong ethical behaviour at a higher executive level to ensure employees maintain strong respect and good work ethics. 6 Build a corporate culture that’s based on communication, openness, and transparency. 7 Put controls in place such as progress audits to assess employees work efficiency and behaviour if complaints arise.

How to protect your company from ethical misconduct?

In order to really protect your company from an ethical misconduct scandal, you need to incorporate a management plan in order to stay on top of any unethical practices within the corporate environment . To do this you must first understand the effects that poor corporate ethics can cause to your company in order to setup barriers ...

Why is it important to maintain a high level of conduct and ethical behaviour?

In any corporate environment, it’s important to maintain a high level of conduct and ethical behaviour to ensure the success of a company. By knowing the consequences of what unethical misconduct can do to your business, you can work on keeping a strong and positive presence within your corporation to limit this behaviour from happening.

How does unethical behavior affect a company?

This in turn can cause your company to lose its credibility, resulting in customers abandoning sales with you, bad-mouthing your business, and not holding respect for you anymore. To gain credibility back a corporation needs to create a well-planned rebranding and marketing campaign, along with hiring a public relations team to help improve their reputation. This can lead to millions of dollars in costs, especially if you’re a well know and worldwide organization.#N#Legal Issues

Why is it important to maintain strong ethical behaviour at a higher executive level?

Maintaining strong ethical behaviour at a higher executive level to ensure employees maintain strong respect and good work ethics.

What is ethics in business?

Ethics is about choices-big and small. Organizations with integrity keep their values at the forefront in both mundane and the extraordinary moments. Corporate values should come into play and be reflected in multiple processes that drive the everyday life of the company, including:

Why is ethics important in a company?

Fortunately, if your company has diligently built an ethics and compliance program and woven it into the daily operations of the organization , a strong ethics culture is far more likely. Research proves that an effective ethics and compliance program helps build a culture of integrity in which everyone “walks the talk.” In a strong ethics culture, employees at all levels are committed to doing what is right and upholding values and standards.

What are the hallmarks of an effective ethics and compliance program?

The hallmarks of an effective ethics and compliance program are: Freedom to question management without fear; Rewards for following ethics standards; Not rewarding questionable practices, even if they produce good results for the company; Positive feedback for ethical conduct;

How to promote ethics culture?

There are several things leaders should do to help promote a strong ethics culture: Talk about the importance of ethics. Keep employees adequately informed about issues that impact them. Uphold promises and commitments to employees and stakeholders. Acknowledge and reward ethical conduct.

How can a company protect its reputation?

Your company’s good name and the trust of stakeholders are two of its most important assets. You can protect your company’s reputation and increase employee engagement by creating a workplace where ethical conduct is the norm. Reduce ethics risk by taking these five key steps: Honestly assess your needs and resources.

How to be ethical in leadership?

Acknowledge and reward ethical conduct. Hold accountable those who violate standards, especially leaders. Model ethical conduct both professionally and personally. When it comes to ethical leadership, there are two key things to keep in mind: Character is paramount.

What is Chapter 8 of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations?

Chapter 8 of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations also calls for oversight by the governing authority, high-level personnel with overall responsibility for the program, and individuals with operational responsibility for the program.

What happens if you violate ethical standards?

Violation of the standards may lead to disciplinary sanctions. Almost every aspect of business can become a possible ground for ethical dilemmas. It may include relationships with co-workers, management, clients, and business partners.

What is the biggest challenge of ethical dilemmas?

The biggest challenge of an ethical dilemma is that it does not offer an obvious solution that would comply with ethics al norms. Throughout the history of humanity, people have faced such dilemmas, and philosophers aimed and worked to find solutions to them.

What is ethical dilemma?

An ethical dilemma (ethical paradox or moral dilemma) is a problem in the decision-making process. Corporate Strategy Corporate Strategy focuses on how to manage resources, risk and return across a firm, as opposed to looking at competitive advantages in business strategy. between two possible options, neither of which is absolutely acceptable ...

What is the impact of people's inability to determine the optimal solution to such dilemmas in a professional setting

People’s inability to determine the optimal solution to such dilemmas in a professional setting may result in serious consequences for businesses and organizations. The situation may be common in companies that value results the most. In order to solve ethical problems, companies and organizations.

What are ethical issues?

Ethical issues exist, in a broad sense, whenever one’s actions affect others. In the workplace, a manager’s decisions might affect employees, customers, suppliers, creditors and shareholders. These are the stakeholders of an organization. Identify alternative courses of action.

What is unethical decision?

Unethical decisions can lead to cover-up and more unethical decisions down the road. Remember, ethics is about what you do when no one is looking. In other words, you are what you do and ethical people are motivated to do the right thing, not make a decision based on selfishness – egoism.

Why do ethicists dismiss the egoism method?

Most ethicists dismiss this method because it fails to consider the consequences on the stakeholders. For example, if a CEO or CFO is dealing with financial statement reporting and wants the statements to look as good as possible regardless of the rules and effects on others, then egoism rules the day.

How does utilitarianism work?

Utilitarianism: Here the decision-maker evaluates harms and benefits of alternative decisions using a calculus/weighting approach. Under act utilitarianism, the decision would be to select the act where the benefits to the stakeholders exceed the harms (i.e. , net benefits are greater than any other act I might take). The problem here is a decision-maker might weigh the alternative to manipulate the statements as having greater value than conforming to the rules. An alternative is to apply rule-utilitarianism where regardless of utilitarian benefits certain rules should never be violated, such as always follow proper accounting rules regardless of the consequences on others.

What is ethical reasoning?

Using ethical reasoning to decide on a course of action. Ethical reasoning skills are essential to making ethical decisions. A variety of methods exist including: Egoism: Egoism looks at each decision by considering the effects of a decision only as it relates to the individual decision-maker.

What is enlightened egoism?

Enlightened Egoism: This method considers the consequences of alternatives on the stakeholders but ultimately a decision is made based on what’s in the best interest of the decision maker. So, a manager would consider the effects on the stakeholders and may decide that since a particular decision is harmful to the stakeholders because manipulatation of the financial statements compromises the validity of those statements, it is in the best interests of the manager to conform the statements to accounting rules.

What is an alternative to utilitarianism?

An alternative is to apply rule-utilitarianism where regardless of utilitarian benefits certain rules should never be violated, such as always follow proper accounting rules regardless of the consequences on others.

Where is the Center for Business Ethics located?

Excerpted with permission from Ethics Matters: How to Implement Values Driven Management by Driscoll and Hoffman of the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Why is it hard to talk about values?

Talking about values is hard work because the meaning is subject to interpretation. The best place to start is to consider a few basic values appropriate to the economic structure of your company, the community, and the industry. The lowest common denominator is the law, and thus, is a logical place to begin.

Why were Thoikol engineers hesitant about the safety of the O-ring in cold temperatures?

The Thoikol engineers who were hesitant about the safety of the O-ring in cold temperatures no doubt could point to how the attitude of the Challenger space managers inhibited their ability to push their concerns up to the final decision makers. After all seven astronauts were killed in the resulting explosion, investigators suggested that NASA officials were operating in a “get-this-launched-at-all-costs” culture rather than one in which “safety first” was the predominant value.

Is it difficult to recruit talent without values?

Choose to do the Right Thing. It seems clear that businesses without values are businesses at risk. Their reputations suffer in the marketplace, depressing stock prices and eroding consumer confidence; recruitment of talented personnel is more difficult.

Who proposed that companies first make a list of laws, regulations, and procedures that apply to them?

Glenn Coleman , former director of communications and training in the office of ethics and business conduct at EDS, proposes that companies first make a list of laws, regulations, and procedures that apply to them. It might be a short list, but it will remind managers of obvious prohibitions.

Is business ethics an oxymoron?

That’s all fine. But the last time we looked, the business world was still engaged in delivering goods and services and making a profit. Does that mean that business ethics are an oxymoron? No. Values have a pragmatic place in the business world precisely because of society’s shifting sands. Name any of the currents that are buffeting organizations today and you’ll find a rationale for values-driven management. Here are a few.

How to determine if rules the Code of Ethics apply to your problem?

Determine if rules the Code of Ethics apply to your problem and can help develop a course of action for you to pursue. Identify who has the power and control in the situation. Identify what is in your control and what is not. Identify your resources. These can be a supervisor, special education director, or colleague.

What is the ethics and idea?

In the publication Ethics and IDEA, A Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Who Provide Services Under IDEA (ASHA 2003), the authors provide a ten step process for addressing ethical issues in the schools:


Honestly Assess Your Needs and Your Resources.

  • Successful businesses start with a good plan. So do successful ethics and compliance programs. In order to create a relevant and meaningful plan, you have to know the lay of the land. It’s important to know: 1. What ethics challenges are common in the work we do? In our workplace? 2. Where are our greatest areas of risk? Which groups of employees, locations, business units, e…
See more on ethics.org

Build A Culture of Integrity — from The Top down.

  • People have an innate desire to get along and (long-past high school) want to fit in and conform to the norms of those around them. It may not be pleasant to admit it, but most people’s ethics standards are fairly malleable. Although most people retain a desire to “do the right thing,” the definition of right is significantly influenced by the company they keep. Culture matters. Fortunat…
See more on ethics.org

Keep A “Values Focus” in Moments Big and Small.

  • Ethics is about choices-big and small. Organizations with integrity keep their values at the forefront in both mundane and the extraordinary moments. Corporate values should come into play and be reflected in multiple processes that drive the everyday life of the company, including: 1. HR policies and their implementation 2. Reward systems 3. Hirin...
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Re-Evaluate and Revise as Needed.

  • Situations and needs will change. You need to know what is working, what isn’t, what new vulnerabilities have emerged, what progress you’ve made and where there’s work yet to be done. Be disciplined about regularly revisiting the state of ethics and compliance in your organization. Risk assessments, follow-up surveys and periodic or ongoing focus groups will allow you to kee…
See more on ethics.org