what was wrong with the advice of job’s three friends? course hero

by Dr. Astrid Greenholt 3 min read

What did Job’s three friends have wrong and right?

What did Job’s three friends have wrong, and what did they have right? Job’s three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, have historically been known for offering lengthy speeches that resulted in their being condemned by God ( Job 42:7–9 ). At one point Job, weary of their unhelpful rhetoric, told them, “You are miserable comforters, all of you!”

What can we learn from the example of job and his friends?

Much can be learned from the example of Job and his friends. When we are aware of a friend who is hurting, we can follow the positive example of these men by going to the person, mourning with him, and spending time together. Our physical presence with a hurting friend can be a great comfort in and of itself, even if we have no words to say.

What did Job’s friends do right in the Bible?

Job’s friends did at least three things right that can be seen in Job 2:11–13. First, they came to him when he was suffering. Second, they empathized with him: “they began to weep aloud, and they tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads” (verse 12). Third, they spent time with him.

How long were they with job before they offered their advice?

Verse 13 states they were with him for seven days before they offered their advice. They commiserated with their friend in silence. But their silence did not last forever, and these three men gave a series of speeches to Job, recorded in chapters 4—25.

Why was Elihu angry at Job?

Elihu was a younger man who waited for all the speeches to end. He was angry at Job and at the three friends. At Job for trying to justify himself. At the friends because they condemned Job unfairly. Elihu argued that Job’s sufferings were instructive, meant to draw him to a deeper knowledge of God. When God finally speaks after Elihu, he doesn’t ...

Why did Bildad believe Job's children must have sinned?

Bildad believed that Job’s children must have sinned because they died suddenly. Sinners can expect nothing but suffering in life and dishonor in death. Zophar was the harshest of the three friends. He said Job deserved even more suffering that he was experiencing and told Job he needed to repent.

What does God say to Job after Elihu?

When God finally speaks after Elihu, he doesn’t explain to Job why the sufferings had come to him. Instead he calls on Job to admit how little he understands about who He is and how He works. The climax of the book comes in Job 42:2-6 where Job confess that God alone is sovereign and repents of his own folly.

What did Bildad believe about Job?

Bildad believed that Job’s children must have sinned because they died suddenly. Sinners can expect nothing but suffering in life ...