what was the chinese government’s response crash course

by Ora Thiel 6 min read

Why crash course world history 7?

In Crash Course World History #7, students examine the long, vibrant history of China, what has allowed this culture to thrive for over 2000 years, and how this area became the Þrst modern state.

Was China's initial handling of the Wuhan crisis effective?

While by a number of measures, China's initial handling of the crisis was an improvement in relation to the SARS response in 2003, local officials in Wuhan covered up and downplayed the initial discovery and severity of this outbreak.

What happened in China in 1911 and 1912?

In 1911 and 1912, Chinese nationalists brought 3000 years of dynastic rule to an end. China plunged into chaos as warlords staked out regions of the country for themselves.

Is China's crackdown on online rumours unreasonably harsh?

On 30 January, China's Supreme Court delivered a rare rebuke against the country's police forces, calling the "unreasonably harsh crackdown on online rumours" as undermining public trust.

How did the Chinese respond to European imperialism?

The nativist group launched a series of attacks against foreigners, Chinese Christians and complicit government officials. The high point of the rebellion occurred in mid-1900, when Beijing was occupied by 140,000 Boxers. They laid siege to the British legation, which harbored most of the international community.

What did the British find that they thought the Chinese would buy?

But then Europeans, especially the British, found something that the Chinese would buy: opium. By the 1830s, British free trade policy unleashed a flood of opium in China, which threatened China's favorable balance of trade. It also created a lot of drug addicts.

When last we checked in China was a thriving manufacturing power about to be overtaken by Europe but still heavily involved in?

When last we checked in, China was a thriving manufacturing power about to be overtaken by Europe but still heavily involved in world trade, especially as an importer of silver from the Spanish Empire. Europeans had to use silver because they didn't really produce anything else the Chinese wanted.

What is rule through and by the natives?

What is ""rule through and by the natives" workign with governments that were already in that area and they kept the same rulers and ruler through them. In colonized areas, why might native princes and landowners put up with European imperialism? To keep power and European education.

What was the main reason for the conflict between China and Britain?

Beyond the health problems related to opium addiction, the increasing opium trade with the Western powers meant that for the first time, China imported more goods than it exported. Settling this financial problem eventually led to the First Opium War between Great Britain and China, from 1839 to 1842.

How did the British respond What were the terms of the Treaty of Nanjing?

In the Treaty of Nanjing that ended the First Opium War in 1842, Britain made China pay a huge indemnity (payment for losses in the war). Britain also gained Hong Kong; The Treaty of Nanjing is the treaty which marked the end of the First Opium War and would have a lasting effect on East -West relations.

How did the British respond to the Chinese Tea Party?

How did the British respond to the "Chinese tea party"? Demanded compensation and access to Chinese territory where they could carry out their trade.

What 3 products did the Chinese threaten to cut off in trade with the British?

In the 18th century, the demand for Chinese luxury goods (particularly silk, porcelain, and tea) created a trade imbalance between China and Britain.

What immediate cause made it easier for Chinese to overthrow the Qing Dynasty in 1911?

The emperor was a five-year-old boy. What immediate cause made it easier for Chinese to overthrow the Qing dynasty in 1911? A. Widespread flooding made many Chinese furious at the dynasty.

How did farming and production change in Asia Africa and the Americas due to imperialism?

How did farming and production change in Asia, Africa and the Americas due to imperialism? Many people moved from being subsistence farmers to cash crop farming. This means that instead of growing the food they needed to survive they were selling crops for export.

How did technology make the colonization of Africa possible?

Advancements in technology clearly had a significant part to play in facilitating European colonial expansion through the acquisition of steam power, industrialization, a global economy, medicine and military technology. These adaptations enabled nations to access new lands, acquire resources and protect trade routes.

Why did the role of disease prevent the colonization of Africa until the 19th century?

What factors prevented sub-Saharan Africa from being colonized prior to the 19th century? Europeans had contact with sub-Saharan peoples, but large African armies kept Europeans out of Africa for 400 years. In addition, European travel was hindered by difficult rivers and African diseases like malaria.

Initial response

Based on retrospective case analysis, the first person known to have fallen ill with COVID-19 in Wuhan first began experiencing symptoms on 1 December 2019. In mid December 2019, Wuhan doctors noticed a pattern of unusual white spots in patients' lung scans. On 24 December, a sample was sent to a Chinese lab called Vision Medicals.

Zero-COVID policy

China and a small number of other countries have pursued an elimination strategy (also known as a "zero-COVID strategy"), which aims to completely eliminate local transmission of the virus.

Financial policies

On 1 February, the People's Bank of China and other five departments jointly issued the notice on further strengthening financial support for the prevention and control of the epidemic of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection, stating that relevant financial services will be further strengthened during the period affected by the epidemic.

Political leadership

On 20 January, Chinese Communist Party general secretary Xi Jinping ordered that great attention should be paid to prevention and control of the epidemic. The CCP also vowed to guide people's opinions with intensive publicity strategies and interpretations of current policies to ensure social stability.

International aid

China has sent tests, equipment, experts, and vaccines to other countries to help fight the pandemic. European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič expressed gratitude and praised collaboration between the EU and China. Chinese aid has also been well received in parts of Latin America and Africa.

Virus origin investigations

The central government has restricted the publication of some COVID-19 origins academic research.

International reactions

On 29 January, United States President Trump received a briefing on COVID-19 in China.

What is a crash course video?

Crash Course videos should be used as an introduction to new ideas and concepts, an instruction to core ideas of the unit, and should serve as a reinforcement of previously learned events. PROCESS. As with all of the videos in the course, assign students to watch the video before class.

What type of government did China have?

SAMPLE ANSWER:China had a centralized government and a large team of bureaucrats, who executed the wishes of the rulers of that government. SAMPLE ANSWER: A dynasty is a system of government in which the right to rule is passed down through the family line.

Why was it important for the Emperor to behave in this way?

It was especially important for the emperor to behave in this way because he was seen as the father to the entire country. SAMPLE ANSWER: One must study the history of sage emperors and learn from them and a good junzi had to understand and appreciate beauty in history, poetry, and painting.
