what trends are apparent regarding age, gender, and ethnicity in the workplace? course hero

by Ron Block 6 min read

What is gender diversity in the workplace?

Dec 07, 2015 · What trends are apparent regarding age, gender, and ethnicity in the workplace? 1. Age: the average of the US worker is increasing due to improved health care and higher legal limits for mandatory retirement. 2. Gender: as more females enter the workforce many organizations are faced with the “glass-ceiling;” that keeps females from advancing to top …

What is age diversity in the workplace?

Oct 17, 2020 · With age people are living longer and there for working longer . For gender more women are entering the workforce . With ethnicity more African Americans and Hispanics are entering the job market .

Which age groups have the highest participation rates in the workforce?

May 24, 2013 · Age Diversity Definition. C.B.M. is a very successful computer company that was started in 1980. The company just acquired a brand …

What do employers typically have in common between men and women?

Changes in the overall and detailed age, gender, race, and ethnic labor force participation rates are the result of a combination of factors, including changes in the demographic composition of the population as well as cyclical and structural changes in the economy. Each of these factors affects labor force participation rates in various ways. The demographic composition of a …

What is the difference between older and younger workers?

There exists a different work philosophy between the older and younger generations. Older workers tend to be more committed to their job and have strong internal motivational skills. The younger generation feels that family comes before work and can be impatient climbing the corporate ladder.

What is age diversity?

Age diversity is the ability to accept all different types of ages within a business environment. Companies have to adjust to an aging population in various ways. Updated: 09/09/2019. Create an account.

Why is age diversity important?

Age diversity is the acceptance of all ages in the work environment. This is affecting more companies due to the aging population.

How much of the population will be baby boomers by 2030?

This is affecting more companies due to the aging population. Baby boomers, who were born between 1946 and 1964, will be 20% of the population by 2030. Companies need to make adjustments in work philosophies, mentoring, pay, and intergenerational communication in order for both young and old employees to work together.

What is the baby boomer?

The baby boomers is the name for the older-age cohort of people born between 1946 and 1964. Heal Aspect employees realized early on they would be outnumbered by the older workers with the new merger. The task force came up with a list of suggestions to help make the merger successful. 1. Salary differences.

Which group has the highest labor force participation rate?

Hispanic men have the highest overall labor force participation rate, reflecting, in part, their age structure. Hispanics have a younger population than other racial and ethnic groups and therefore have a larger proportion at the ages of higher labor force participation.

How does age affect the labor force?

The aging of the population has a significant impact on the labor force and its growth. Populations age as the result of either an increase in their life expectancies or a decrease in their fertility rates . The age of the labor force and that of the population can be measured in various ways. One measure is the relative shares of younger workers (16 to 24 years) and older workers (65 years and older) in the labor force. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the ratio of people 65 years and older to those between 20 and 64 years could double between now and the middle of the century. 14 The median age, an index that summarizes age distributions, is another way in which the ages of both the population and the labor force can be measured. Both measures indicate that the labor force will be aging quite rapidly from 2012 to 2022.

How much will the labor force grow in 2022?

The labor force is anticipated to grow by 8.5 million, an annual growth rate of 0.5 percent , over the 2012–2022 period. The growth in the labor force during 2012–2022 is projected to be smaller than in the previous 10-year period, 2002–2012, when the labor force grew by 10.1 million, a 0.7-percent annual growth rate.

Who is Howard Fullerton?

D edication: This 2012–2022 labor force projections article is dedicated to the memory of Howard N Fullerton, Jr., who was the senior demographic statistician in the BLS Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections. Howard retired in 2003 after 42 years of federal government service. His many responsibilities included projecting the future demographics of the labor force. Howard was the author of numerous Monthly Labor Review articles on the labor force and was a key member of the office whose publications were always informative and widely read.

What is gender diversity?

Gender diversity, as it relates to a work environment, means that men and women are hired at the same rate, paid equally for equal work, and promoted at the same rate. Granted, we have come a long way in the last 50 years or so, but we are still a very long way from achieving true gender diversity and equality in the workforce. ...

How many CEOs are women?

As of last year, according to the McKinsey Report, a well-respected report on this subject, women made up about 40% of the global workforce. However, only about 5% of CEOs ( chief executive officers, or leaders of large corporations) are women. How can that be, you may ask…

Who are the three people at XYZ?

Let's look at three workers at XYZ Company. XYZ is a law firm where Jane, Judy, and Joe all work. Jane is 27 and a recent graduate of a prestigious law school. She was first in her class, and her grades were stellar. She is also transgender. Judy is 40 and has been with the firm for 12 years. She, too, did very well in school and has won some tough cases while at the firm. Joe is 32 and has been with the firm for 2 years. While he has some experience in the courtroom, his win/loss record is about 50/50. It is pertinent to mention here that Joe and Jane are both single, while Judy is married and has two children. Judy's husband is also an attorney, although he works at a different firm.

What does STEM stand for?

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math, and these are fields where females are grossly underrepresented. Fifty years ago, it was thought that girls just weren't as good at these subjects as boys were, so women were discouraged from entering these career fields.

What are the factors that hold women back?

The Pew Research study claims that other forces may be at play, including gender stereotypes, discrimination, professional networks aimed at men, and the fact that women tend to be less aggressive about raises and promotions.

Do women have higher education than men?

Research shows that young women are beginning their careers with higher educational attainment than men and a high wage relative to what their mothers and grandmothers earned. Then, at a certain point, many experience the drastic shift in priorities commonly referred to as “parenthood.” Even in a situation where both parents work, research shows that women find it to be more of a struggle to balance career and family. A few interesting statistics from the Pew Research study: