what to do when a professor of one section of a course is way harder than another

by Jerad Brown 9 min read

How do you deal with difficult professors in college?

Realize you're in college now. If you have a tough professor in your first or second semester of college, it can be a shock. College is more demanding than high school, both in the amount of work you have and in the type of thinking you'll be required to do. You'll need to change how you think about school.

Should I get along with my professor?

If the professor teaches classes in your department, you may not be able to avoid them throughout your college career, so it's best to try to get along with them now if possible. Also, if you try to take the class again another semester, you may find that a different professor is even worse. Decide if it's toughness or bad teaching.

How can I get my professor to make time for tutoring?

Be proactive. Email them or respectfully approach them at the end of class to schedule a time when you both can discuss the issues you’re having in the class. This way you can hold the professor accountable for making themselves available. If your head is still spinning even after meeting with your professor, try visiting a tutor.

Is it normal to have a bad professor in college?

Having a terrible professor in college seems almost like a rite of passage. In many cases, you can see bad professors coming a mile away, whether it’s from their 12-page syllabi or their pompous attitudes during the first week of class.

How do you deal with a difficult professor?

My Teacher Hates Me: How to Deal with Difficult Professors“Those Who Can't Do, Teach”? ... Go to class and stay on top of your assignments. ... Speak with the professor. ... Ask for extra help. ... Don't feel intimidated. ... Watch your mouth. ... Keep track of what goes on. ... Learn More:

Can you report a professor for being too hard?

Contact the Office of Student Affairs, or your university's equivalent, and ask them how they prefer to receive the complaint. If you aren't sure where to turn, contact your academic adviser or the department head.

Can you challenge a professor?

Even the best professors can be wrong, but the better ones will at least correct themselves in the next class or send out an email explaining something further. The best way to handle the professor isn't necessarily to try and show them up in class, but to either go to office hours and ask for clarification.

How do you handle a class that is too hard?

If you feel like your course is too hard, try these five steps to help you find a solution.Figure out what's making your course difficult. ... Use your school's academic resources. ... Find the study style that works best for you. ... Readjust your schedule. ... Have faith in yourself.

How do you get your professor fired?

Present the evidence to the school board. To terminate a teacher, usually one of the following must be proven: immoral conduct, incompetence, neglect of duty, substantial noncompliance with school laws, conviction of a crime, insubordination, fraud or misrepresentation.

What do you do when you hate your professor?

What to Do When You Don't Like Your College ProfessorEstablish Your Presence Right Off the Bat. ... Ask Them to Clarify the Things You Don't Understand. ... Respect Differences and Know that It's OK to Not Agree with Everything They Say. ... Focus on Doing Your Best Work.

How do you deal with an unfair professor?

If you still feel as though the professor is being unfair, these tips can help lead you to a positive resolution:Show good faith first. ... Follow the chain of command. ... Document, document, document. ... Be prepared for action.

Should I report my professor?

A student ought to have a smooth working relationship with your professor so that you may benefit from the resources he carries. In case he becomes rude to you always, then you should report him or her to the authority for possible replacements or further action.

How do you get rid of a professor?

See if someone else's lecture or teaching style better matches with your own.Get Help. Get help from other students. ... Drop the Class. Remember that you have the option of dropping the class—by the deadline. ... Speak With Someone. If something serious is going on, speak to someone.

Is it better to withdraw or fail?

Failing & Then Re-Taking a Class Croskey notes that dropping a class is better than withdrawing, but withdrawing is better than failing. “A failing grade will lower the student's GPA, which may prevent a student from participating in a particular major that has a GPA requirement,” Croskey says.

Is it normal to fail a class in college?

Many undergraduates fail a class in college and still go on to graduate. If you're at risk of failing, talk to your professor and meet with an academic advisor. Check your school's policies about retaking courses to remove an F from your transcript. Failing a class is a wake-up call that you may need to make changes.

How do you get through a tough class in college?

How To Pass A Difficult College ClassTake the Class with Friends. ... Sit Near the Front. ... Go Over Your Notes Multiple Times. ... Make a Study Group. ... Go Over Old Tests and Quizzes. ... Meet With Your Professor. ... Take Advantage of Your Extra Resources. ... Do the Extra Credit.

How can I be better at navigating the challenges of a difficult professor?

However, with better communication, harder and smarter work, and the ability to see the big picture , you’ll be better at navigating the challenges of a difficult professor. Inevitably, life will not only deliver to you a professor with arduous expectations, but also challenging supervisors, colleagues, or customers.

Why do people say "education is not preparation for life"?

John Dewey said, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”. People learn by doing, but that doesn’t limit the lesson to the task .

Is grad school hard?

Work smarter (or maybe harder). No one wants to hear that, but grad school is hard. Sometimes, reading the syllabus or assignment instructions is just a starting point to understanding the professor’s expectations.

To The Professor Who Makes College Difficult For Difficulty's Sake, Who Made You Like This?

We all have that one professor each quarter/semester that makes life harder.

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How to show your professor you want to work hard?

Be a model student. Being a model student can help you show your professor you want to work hard. That includes things like showing up to class on time and taking notes while in class. You should also do all the reading and try to participate in class without being called on.

How to get a good professor?

1. Ask good questions in class. Asking good questions shows your professor you're interested in the course, not just sitting their idly. The best questions include material from past classes or from outside reading, as that demonstrates you're actually retaining material from week to week.

How to show you are committed to a course?

Another way you can show you are committed to the course is to email your professor when you have a question. Emailing is also a way to get a leg up if you're having trouble. The key to emailing your professor is to have a purpose to the email, and then follow general academic email etiquette.

How to be more demanding in college?

If you have a tough professor in your first or second semester of college, it can be a shock. College is more demanding than high school, both in the amount of work you have and in the type of thinking you'll be required to do. You'll need to change how you think about school.

How to help a demanding professor?

When you have a demanding professor, your classmates can help save you. You can have study groups to help you understand the material better, for instance, or work together on tough problems together when you can't figure out . Having other perspectives can only help in a tough class.

What does it mean when a teacher is tough?

Ask the professor what the purpose certain assignments are. If they are unable to give a clear answer, it may be a sign of bad teaching rather than them being tough.

How long should I wait to talk to my professor?

If it's early in the semester, it's best to try to wait it out a week or two. You should also learn to communicate effectively with your professor. Later on in the semester, showing you're a good student and using what resources you have can make dealing with a difficult professor easier. Steps.

What to do if you think something serious is going on?

If something serious is going on, speak to someone. There are bad professors that don't teach well, and then there are unfortunately bad professors who say offensive things in a classroom or who treat different kinds of students differently. If you think this is going on, talk to someone as soon as possible.

Can you drop a class with a bad professor?

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can't make it work with a bad professor. If you need to drop the class, make sure you do so by the appropriate deadline. The last thing you need is a bad grade on your transcript on top of the bad experience.

Why are busywork professors so hard?

Busywork professors are tough because they require you to have a certain amount of the “grin and bear it” mentality. While it gets tremendously frustrating to feel like you’re completing all sorts of assignments and not learning anything, remember: As dumb as the assignments seem, they still count toward your grade.

What does it mean when a professor is rude?

A Rude Professor is the one who might be teaching you all the right material and in the right way, but when it comes to being a good person, they fall short. They tend to be disinterested in the subject or say inappropriate things to the class.

What does it mean when you are sitting in a class and you think you should understand but find your head spinning?

If you’re sitting in a class you think you should understand but find your head spinning, you might be falling victim to The Bad Explainer. Bad explainers usually use roundabout methods of explaining the solution to a problem, have disorganized lectures , and don’t highlight key terms.

Reasons why some teachers are poor in teaching

Telling that a professor is teaching badly or not is a subjective issue that depends on individuals. While one person may be OK with one lecture, another student may find it boring. Here are some specific reasons why professors might be bad teachers

What to do about a bad professor – how to deal with them

Learn to give your professor a fair chance by seeking a piece of advice early enough within the semester. Alternatively, another professor may be offering a similar class somewhere.

How to Rate your Professor effectively

The best and most effective way to rate your professor is by providing feedback on your institution’s rating platform. Most universities have the official feedback and rating mechanism for their staff. This is the most effective since the rating will actually be read by those who make the decisions.
