what to carry loop course 100 miles

by Layne Hill IV 6 min read

How do you pack for a looped course?

Ultrarunner Kaci Nash explains her technique: “Organization is key for me at looped courses. A lot of time can be saved if you have food prepackaged and bottles premixed. Clothes in Ziploc bags labeled. If you anticipate needing the bags in a certain order, arrange them in that order in your tub.

What is the key to 100 mile training?

The key to 100 mile training is simply not giving up. It’s hard, it’s time intensive, it’ll hurt, but if you manage to get yourself to that finish line, there’s truly nothing sweeter. The memory will hold up over time and it’ll be something you’re proud of for the rest of your life.

Should you run a looped course?

One of the appeals of a looped course is that you don’t need to go through the logistical challenge of packing and placing drop bags along the course. You don’t need the foresight to wonder what you might want or need at mile 50, 72, etc., because all of your stuff is right there at the start/finish line, waiting for you whenever you need it.

How many loops should you run in a marathon?

The premise of these races is typically to run as many loops as you can in a predetermined amount of time. Usually in increments of 6 hours (6, 12, 24, etc.). Therefore, you want to waste as little time as possible when you are not running.

What should I pack for a 100 mile run?

The Start Line List:Race kit: shorts, shirt, sports bra/undies, socks, shoes.Beanie or hat.Gloves.Jacket.Race number.Sunscreen and lube (applied)Watch or other device.Bottles or race vest.More items...•

How do I prepare for a 100 mile trail?

10 Ways to Prepare for 100 Miles of 10. Find a Trail. Most 100–mile races are on trails. ... of 10. Stay on Your Feet. ... of 10. Progress, Don't Dive Headfirst. ... of 10. Don't Overdo It. ... of 10. Get a Crew. ... of 10. Break It Up. ... of 10. Tough It Out. ... of 10.

What should I bring to an ultramarathon?

In Your PackWind/waterproof Layer.Insulation Layer.Headlamp with Batteries.Backup Headlamp.Space Blanket.Emergency Nutrition (UTMB Requires 800 Calories, about 2 bars and 2 gels)Hydration (UTMB Requires 1 Liter minimum)Gloves (light and heavyweight)More items...

How long does it take to train for 100 mile race?

For the 100K and 100-mile ultra distances, you need at least 9 hours of training per week for 6 weeks. Outside of this 3- or 6-week period, you can have a lower volume and be perfectly successful, as long as you also do higher-quality training.

Do you sleep during a 100 mile race?

Ultramarathons of around 100 miles, for example, typically involve racing through at least one night. In the popular Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB), most finishers miss two nights of sleep before completing the course within the allotted time of 46 hours 30 minutes.

What does running 100 miles do to your body?

The severity of ultra-endurance exercise might result in long-term adaptations that are more commonly linked to disease. These include structural and functional changes in the heart and blood vessels, electrical changes in the cardiac nerves, and possible damage to the heart tissue.

How do you eat during an ultramarathon?

For longer exercise bouts—say, up to three hours—stick with liquid carbohydrate sources instead of solids for the best gut-soothing results. That's because liquids have a lower gastric load and empty quicker from the stomach than semi-solids like gels or solid foods do, says Costa.

What do you put in a drop bag?

You won't need a new shirt at every aid station. The main reason for putting clothing in drop bags is changing weather conditions – most commonly, the decrease in temperature or threat of precipitation, and need for extra layers at night. A beanie, light jacket and a pair of gloves is often enough to keep you covered.

How should I dress for an ultramarathon?

For most races, you'll want either a wicking short sleeve shirt—no cotton—that provides some sun protection and helps prevent chafing, or a tank with the same characteristics. Whatever you pick make sure it works well under the vest you'll be wearing.

How many calories do you burn in a 100 mile race?

The higher the calories, the better. A runner can burn up to 16,000 calories during a 100-mile race – assuming the race takes 27 hours to complete (reference). People typically get around 500 calories per meal.

How many miles a week should I run for a 100 mile?

So I've seen a few guidelines from people in this community that state 60-70 miles per week is recommended to complete a 100 mile race.

Can someone run 100 miles in a day?

Ultra runner David Kilgore ran 100 miles in one day in the Florida heat to raise money for coronavirus relief efforts.

How many types of ultra runners are there?

When it comes to preferred types of race courses, there are three types of ultrarunners: Those who love running timed ultras (usually 6, 12, or 24 hours) on a short loop course. Those who loathe running timed ultras on a short loop course. And those who haven’t yet run a short looped ultramarathon course.

How to run a short loop ultramarathon?

Make Your Stops Infrequent. The premise of these races is typically to run as many loops as you can in a predetermined amount of time. Usually in increments of 6 hours (6, 12, 24, etc.). Therefore, you want to waste as little time as possible when you are not running.

What are some distractions?

At 10 miles I can have a stroopwafle, at 15 miles I can start listening to music, or after 12 PM I can steal a beer from Tony (her friend).” Of course, your rewards will vary based on what motivates you, but having shorter goals will help motivate you to keep moving forward.

What does UltraRunningMemes mean?

There’s a reason the popular instagram account, UltraRunningMemes , constantly refers to the lure of the chair (or, chäir, as they call it). The truth is: you’ll be tempted to sit, especially when you pass your home base, crew, and all of their chairs every mile or so.

Where did the runner fly from?

The runner, who was running it as their first 100, flew in from the farm fields of Kansas. They have no mountains, and no rocks, where he trained and thus, the challenge was more than he bargained for and the experience.. not as amazing as he had always envisioned.

Is Leadville a road run?

Leadville is mostly a road run with incredibly tight cut-offs, forcing runners to run at every chance they get. Not to mention that it happens at 10,000′! Food for thought. Look at the areas you think you’ll be able to train on. Now choose a 100 mile course the most closely resembles what you have available to you.

What is the most challenging mini loop?

The Down East Loop is the most challenging of the four mini loops, though Roger and Christine VanHoozer say that good preparation left them feeling confident aboard Miss Utah. "It was at our dock on Table Rock Lake that a friend mentioned the Great Loop, which we had never heard of before," Roger says.

Why is the Down East Loop so challenging?

"From a technical boating perspective, the Down East Loop is more demanding than the other loops because you have to navigate some ocean off Maine, and the weather and tides can make it challenging. Most people consider it doable in a single summer season."

Where does Roger VanHoozer live?

Roger VanHoozer is a retired manufacturing executive and consultant. He and his wife, Christine, have owned powercruising boats, both larger (a 47-foot Bayliner and 55-foot Vantare) and smaller (a 28-foot Stamos). They've been dayboaters on a Seattle lake and Catalina Island cruisers in Southern California. A consulting job brought them to Missouri, near Table Rock Lake, where they bought a houseboat and lived aboard for three years before selling it to buy their current boat, a 5288 Bayliner, Miss Utah, in Charleston, South Carolina, from where their looping began, and aboard which they now live. They've since completed the Florida, Triangle, and Down East Loops.

Where are Bill and Cheryll Odendahl?

Bill and Cheryll Odendahl of Michigan are both retired from the engineering department at General Motors. They cruise extensively and have lived aboard their trailerable 25-foot Ranger Tug, Roam. The couple has completed both the Florida Loop and the Triangle Loop.

How long was the Triangle Loop?

The Triangle Loop took them 28 days, including a side trip to the Thousand Islands area, and they tallied expenses of $659 for dockage and $393 for 142 gallons of diesel. "Be flexible with your schedule, and don't push it with the weather. The lake will calm down if you're patient," is Bill's advice.

How many feet can you clear the Erie Canal?

If you can clear a 15-foot bridge, you have the option to take the Erie Canal to its western terminus into Lake Erie. If you can clear a 17-foot bridge, you can do the Triangle Loop that takes you into Lake Champlain and through the St. Lawrence Seaway into Lake Ontario.

How long is the dismal swamp canal?

Cruisers come away saying the Dismal Swamp Canal is a 22-mile stretch that shouldn't be missed. Most cruisers accomplish the loop in three or four days, some take longer, Phil says, "but we did it in a smaller and faster boat in two days. It's shorter and less complicated than the Florida Loop.".
