what to bring to a military course

by Prof. Lola Collins 6 min read

  • Clothing. You’ll need casual, comfortable clothing. Also bring white underwear, calf-length athletic socks (also white), a pair of comfortable shoes or running shoes and your eyeglasses. ...
  • Combination lock or padlock. One lock is required, either a combination lock or a padlock with two keys. ...
  • Toiletries. Required toiletries include a toothbrush with a case, hairbrush or comb, one washcloth and towel, antiperspirant, shower shoes (flip-flops), toothpaste, dental floss, shampoo, soap and a soap case, a ...
  • Money. You can bring a small sum of money — cash, traveler’s checks or money orders — depending on your branch of service. ...
  • Required documents. You must to bring your Social Security card; a valid driver’s license or current state ID card; a direct deposit form for your checking account; immunization records; high ...
  • Your orders. You must bring all copies of the orders and documents issued to you by your recruiter and/or the Military Entrance Processing Station, or MEPS. ...

You'll need to take only a few basic things when you head off to basic training — everything else will be provided for you.
Checklist of items for basic training
  • Clothing. You'll need casual, comfortable clothing. ...
  • Combination lock or padlock. ...
  • Toiletries. ...
  • Money. ...
  • Required documents. ...
  • Your orders.
Jan 6, 2022

Full Answer

What should I do to prepare for Army basic training?

  • Endurance: Refers to the stamina of your muscles. Use 50% to 60% of your one-repetitio maximum (1RM) or the maximum amount of weight you can lift one time.
  • Muscle Growth: Size and leanness of your muscles. Use 60% to 70% of your 1RM.
  • Strength: How much you can safely lift, pull, or move. ...
  • Power: Amount of raw force you can generate. ...

What should you take to Army basic training?

WHAT TO BRING Personal documents (5 copies of each):

  • Certified copy of high school diploma or GED certificate
  • Certified copy of college transcript (s)
  • Original Social Security card
  • Valid driver's license with photo or other valid photo ID
  • Valid driver's license, if required by your MOS (be sure it's valid 30 days past your MOS training)
  • ATM or debit card for SurePay account

More items...

What is the hardest thing in Army basic training?

  • Don’t give up - unless you have physical injury, if you keep trying, you will most likely pass.
  • Always remember, on time is late. You want to be 5–10 minutes early to everything.
  • Listen more than speak.
  • Respect others before demanding respect for you.
  • Here is real key - don’t stand out. You don’t want to be first.. or last. ...

What do you need to learn before Army basic training?

Before you to Army Basic Training, you may want to become familiar with the following four: The Soldier’s Creed, General Orders, Code of Conduct, and Soldier’s Code.

What should I bring to Army annual training?

0:3112:10Packing for AT| How to pack for Annual training| - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipNow laundry bag shower shoes washcloth hygiene kids running shoes PT's PT caps reflective belts.MoreNow laundry bag shower shoes washcloth hygiene kids running shoes PT's PT caps reflective belts.

What should I bring to basic training graduation?

What to Bring to Basic TrainingCasual, Comfortable Clothing. Also bring white underwear, calf-length white athletic socks, a pair of running shoes and your eyeglasses. ... Combination Lock or Padlock. One lock is required, either a combination lock or a padlock with two keys.Toiletries. ... Money. ... Required Documents. ... Your Orders.

How do I prepare my body for military training?

Before You GoGet all personal matters in order prior to leaving. ... Be prepared for discipline. ... Take some time to learn about military life. ... Visit your doctor before you start training. ... Set realistic fitness goals. ... Don't forget to warm up and cool down. ... Time yourself. ... Drink plenty of water.More items...

Do you bring your phone to basic training?

Yes, you are, but once you get to basic you have a limited time to use the phone, whenever the drill sergeants allow you to. You cannot use it whenever your feel as you please. They will take it from you initially once you get here, but yes, you can bring your cell phone; that's good.

Do you get your phone in basic training 2021?

There are no cell phones allowed in Basic Training. This is a consistent rule for all of the military branches: Do not expect your service member to be able to call you, text you, or receive your messages when they are in Basic Training.

Can you fail Army basic training?

​Yes, it is possible to fail basic training. You could go through the trouble of leaving your home, job, family and friends and come back a failure. In fact, this happens to about 15% of recruits who join the military every year. Too many recruits I speak to think that it is impossible to fail basic training.

How many miles do you run in basic training?

You do a one mile run, one minute of sit-ups and one-minute of push-ups.

How many pushups should I do before basic training?

Push-Ups Required to Qualify In order to pass the initial push-up test, men need to be able to do 13 push-ups and women need to be able to do three. Once you complete the initial fitness test you qualify for basic training, which has much more difficult push-up standards to pass.

What should I eat before basic training?

Eat Right for Energy (Not Drink) Eating good carbohydrates and protein-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables and lean meats, is the best tool for energy to exercise and prepare physically for training.

Do you get Sundays off in basic training?

1:2210:07Do You Get Sundays Off In Basic Training?!? (2021) - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThat's that's not how it goes right so typically sundays are like a little more relaxed. They reallyMoreThat's that's not how it goes right so typically sundays are like a little more relaxed. They really don't have like a whole lot on the training schedule unless you're doing like an ftx.

Does the military check your phone?

As legal experts told Task & Purpose, military leaders cannot require subordinates to provide their phone for an inspection to make sure they've downloaded an app. “The only exception to the Fourth Amendment in the military context is a health and welfare inspection.

How long is Army basic training 2021?

10 weeksYou're ready to start becoming a Soldier. In 10 weeks, you'll be physically and mentally stronger than you've ever been, and ready to join the team that protects America.

What documents are needed for boot camp?

You are likely to receive a new pair, but you need to see in the meantime. Other essential documents – Documents include transcripts for college, and information regarding your spouse and dependents.

What to wear when traveling?

Comfortable and conservative clothing is essential the day you travel. Plan on wearing comfortable shoes, as well. Pay attention to the climate where you are traveling and decide if a jacket or coat is a good idea.

How many underwear should a male recruit wear?

Male recruits should bring three pairs of white underwear and an athletic supporter. Change of clothing – plan on bringing two changes of clothes. Sometimes it takes a couple of days for all the recruits to arrive, so the issuing of battle dress uniforms (BDUs) might be delayed.

Why is the Army intake process so fast?

The intake process goes faster because you have less to inspect. Also, the Army provides you with everything you need to become a soldier.

Can you bring your phone back after graduation?

If you bring these items with you, you will receive them back after graduation. However, it is best to leave them at home and arrange to receive them after completion of training. Consider packing a disposable cell phone with enough minutes for emergencies. If something happens to the cell phone, it is not as much of an issue compared ...

Do you need toiletries for boot camp?

Toiletries are necessary, but all the items you will need are available for purchase when you arrive. The Army values uniformity, so consider picking these items up when you get there and only bringing enough to get by. Also, when you arrive for boot camp, everything you bring along is inspected.

What to bring to basic training?

Checklist of items for basic training. While each service may have different requirements for what to bring with you when you start basic training, all generally include: Clothing. You’ll need casual, comfortable clothing. Also bring white underwear, calf-length athletic socks (also white), a pair of comfortable shoes or running shoes ...

What are prohibited items in basic training?

Prohibited items for basic training 1 Weapons of any type. Pocketknives, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, clubs, batons, brass knuckles, straight razors, ice picks, and so on are not allowed. 2 Tobacco products and lighters. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, tobacco, chewing tobacco, disposable lighters and lighter fluid will be confiscated when you arrive at basic training. If you have a non-disposable lighter, the fluid cartridge will be confiscated. 3 Alcohol-based products. This includes alcohol-based health products and alcoholic beverages. 4 Obscene or pornographic materials. These are prohibited. 5 Nonprescription drugs. Generally, medications not prescribed to you by the military are not allowed while in basic training. This may include (but is not limited to) foot powders, rubbing alcohol, motion sickness medication, commercial sleeping aides, decongestants, acne medications, antihistamines, analgesics, sex-related materials (diaphragms, condoms, and so on) and vitamins. 6 Narcotics/illegal drugs or any paraphernalia. All of these are prohibited from basic training — and military service in general. 7 Expensive personal items. Don’t bring items that are hard to safeguard during training, such as cameras; portable electronics like tablets or hand-held video games; jewelry and costly watches. You can bring your wedding ring. You’re also allowed to bring your cell phone to use while traveling, but it may be locked away for safekeeping after you arrive. 8 Gambling items and external reading materials. Dice, playing cards, dominoes, magazines, newspapers and books will be confiscated. 9 Food items. Gum, candy and chips are not allowed in basic training (but don’t worry, you won’t go hungry).

What items are confiscated in basic training?

Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, tobacco, chewing tobacco, disposable lighters and lighter fluid will be confiscated when you arrive at basic training. If you have a non-disposable lighter, the fluid cartridge will be confiscated. Alcohol-based products. This includes alcohol-based health products and alcoholic beverages.

What do women recruiters need?

Besides these items, women recruits also need sports bras, regular bras, hair elastics that match your hair color, and feminine hygiene items. Combination lock or padlock. One lock is required, either a combination lock or a padlock with two keys. You can buy more locks at the exchange if you need them later. Toiletries.

How much toiletries do you need to fly to training?

If you’re flying to your training location, liquid toiletries must be 3.4 ounces or less per container to comply with Transportation Security Administration regulations. Money. You can bring a small sum of money — cash, traveler’s checks or money orders — depending on your branch of service.

Can you bring jewelry to basic training?

All of these are prohibited from basic training — and military service in general. Expensive personal items. Don’t bring items that are hard to safeguard during training, such as cameras; portable electronics like tablets or hand-held video games; jewelry and costly watches. You can bring your wedding ring.

Can you have gum in basic training?

Gum, candy and chips are not allowed in basic training (but don’t worry, you won’t go hungry). Ask your recruiter if you have specific concerns about medications or toiletry products, and double-check your documents to be sure you’re bringing all items that apply to you.


Air Force

According to the Air Forcerecruiter, the only things you "HAVE TO HAVE" to go to basic training are a picture ID (driver's license if your Air Force job requires one), Social Security card or printout from the Social Security office, direct-deposit form and the clothes on your back. You can ship to basic training without shower shoe…
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Coast Guard

  • The Coast Guardrecruiter said you "HAVE to HAVE" the following to ship to basic training. 1. Federal- or state-issued picture ID (i.e., driver's license) 2. Direct deposit form from your bank 3. The clothes on your back He also recommended bringing running shoes if you have shoes requiring a special fit (i.e., wide width). Running shoes will be issued for all others not requiring s…
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  • The Navy recruiter said you "HAVE to HAVE"the following to ship to basic training: 1. Picture ID or driver's license 2. Birth certificate 3. Civilian clothes (1 day's worth) 4. Direct deposit form
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Marine Corps

  • Marine Corpsrecruiters are very straightforward. Here is what they say you HAVE to HAVE: 1. Driver's license or Picture ID 2. $20 (approximately) 3. The clothes on your back The recruiter said everything else is taken care of before shipping to basic training.
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Interested in Joining The Military?

  • We can put you in touch with recruiters from the different military branches. Learn about the benefits of serving your country, paying for school, military career paths, and more: sign up nowand hear from a recruiter near you.
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