what are the drawbacks of dropping a college course

by Dr. Walton Bashirian 8 min read

The Effects of Withdrawal From Classes

  • Grades and Academics. Withdrawing from a class can affect your grades. ...
  • Financial Concerns. If you withdraw from your classes, it's unlikely that you'll get the money you paid for the class back unless you withdraw during the first week or two ...
  • Graduation. ...
  • Withdrawal Limits. ...

Most colleges will give you specific deadlines to both add and drop classes. When you drop a class before the drop deadline, it's as if it never happened. This means that it won't show up on your transcripts and whatever grade you earned up until that point will disappear from your academic history.

Full Answer

What are the pros and cons of dropping out of college?

Here are some of the major pros and cons of dropping out of college: You can earn money instead of accumulating debt. Higher education can definitely be expensive, depending on where you go to school and how much financial aid you receive in the form of grants or scholarships.

What happens if you drop a class in college?

Therefore, if you drop a class and lose out on those credits, you’ll want to make sure that your financial assistance remains unaffected. 3. Does it affect your GPA? Dropping a class before the drop deadline should not have any effect on your GPA.

Should I drop a course if I don't do well?

On the other hand, if you are choosing to completely change your career path or major, then dropping a course might make the most sense, regardless of how well or poorly you may do in the course.

What happens if you drop out of college?

Below are the consequences of dropping out of college. Dropping out of college doesn’t just impact students. it’s also their families that have to face the consequences. Some of the most common end results one sees after dropping out of college are facing the social stigma of not completing education.

What to do if you have one semester left?

If you have one or two semesters left, power through because you’ve already invested time, money and energy to get to where you are, so it makes sense to earn your degree. 6. Poor Grades. If you failed one course or did less well than expected, simply retake the class.

Is college hard?

It is Difficult. It’s absolutely true. College can be challenging and difficult given the coursework, amount of time, balancing your social life and work, but if you put in effort, you can and will succeed. If you’re still not sure what to do next, seek assistance in making the decision.

1. Do I Need This Class to Graduate in the Next Few Semesters?

If you need the class to graduate this semester or next semester, dropping it will have some pretty serious consequences. Your ability to make up the units and/or content will interfere with your plans to graduate on a certain schedule. And while you can still drop the class, doing so now might present more challenges than benefits.

2. Do I Need This Class for a Class Next Semester?

Many courses in college are sequenced. For example, you have to take Chemistry 101 before you can move on to Chemistry 102. If the class you want to drop is a sequenced course, think carefully about how dropping it might bump everything down in your schedule.

3. What Impact Will Dropping Have on My Financial Aid?

Reducing your load from 16 units to 12 might not seem like that big of a deal, but it might have a pretty significant impact on your financial aid.

4. What Will the Consequences Be on My Transcript?

When you drop a class in college can be just as important as why. If you submit your drop form before the add/drop deadline, for example, the class may not even show up on your transcript. If you drop the class afterward, however, it might show a "W" for withdrawal or something else.

6. Can I Solve the Problem Another Way?

Academics should always take the highest priority during your time in school. If you're dropping a class because you're too busy, for example, it might be wiser to cut out some of your co-curricular involvement instead of dropping a class.

Why is dropping a class better than failing?

Dropping a class is much better for your GPA than failing a class or getting a C or D in it is because a dropped class does not affect your grade point average. Dropping a class may also raise your GPA because it can allow you to spend more time on other classes and raise your grades in them. If you are really struggling with a class, dropping it ...

Why do I drop a class?

There are a number of reasons a student may want to drop a class, including: You signed up for too many honors or AP courses and don't have enough time to devote to all of them. The course you signed up for is not what you expected it to be, and you no longer find it interesting or useful.

What does it mean to drop a class?

Dropping a class means that you have chosen to unenroll in that course. In order to officially drop a class, you often have to visit your academic counselor or the school office and fill out a form that may need to be signed by the teacher of that class.

What happens if you drop a class early?

If you drop the class early enough, usually within the first few weeks, your transcript may not even show the dropped class. However, if you miss this deadline, your transcript will show that you withdrew from the course, even if you sign up for a new course in its place. If you drop a class and later decide to retake it, ...

How long can you drop a class in high school?

Many high schools offer a period (often up to the first two weeks or month of class) when students can drop a class without it showing up on their transcript at all. This allows students to try out classes in a low-risk way.

What to do if you drop a class because you are not getting a good grade?

If you are thinking about dropping a class because you are not getting a good grade, first ask yourself if you have tried to improve your grade. This can include studying more, setting aside more time to work on the class, and speaking to the teacher about ways to improve your grade. If you have already tried to raise your grade ...

What to do if you drop a class early in the semester?

If you drop a class early on in the semester, try to add another class in its place so you still have a full schedule and can be sure of meeting the number of credits required for graduation. If this is a class you are required to take but found too challenging, be sure to be more prepared the next time you take it.

Is It Better To Drop a Class or Fail It?

If you are in a position where you are considering a withdrawal, drop out, or fail a course, make sure you speak with your professor or academic advisor before deciding.

Does Dropping a Class Look Bad?

Sometimes when a student has taken on too much or has a personal problem they are dealing with, it can cause a student’s grades to be negatively affected. It can also become uninteresting or bothersome to continue a class you know you aren’t interested in or need for your future.

How Bad Is Withdrawing From a Class in College?

If you are having problems with your courses, you have a few options. You can either speak with your professor regarding your grades, drop out of your class, withdraw or fail. Some of these possibilities are worse than others.

Does a W Go Away if You Retake the Class?

There are some misconceptions regarding the infamous W placed on an academic transcript. Some students will accept a fail because they don’t want to have a W on their report.

Will Dropping or Failing a Class Impact Financial Aid?

Before deciding to drop, withdraw or fail a class, there are a few things you should consider.

Decide If Dropping a Class Is Worth the Trouble

It is worth dropping a class in college if you decide that course is not suitable for you. Always speak to your teachers and guidance counselor before making any decisions.


Dropping or failing a college class is a tough choice to consider when being in college. You may want to consider your goals, your financial aid, your career path. Whether you decide to drop or fail, you are on the right path towards your academic career.

Why do people drop out of college?

Other factors that can cause students to drop out of college include: Experiencing a serious medical issue. Having family problems.

How to get a job after dropping out of college?

Fundamentally, the process of finding a job after dropping out of college is no different than it would be if you had graduated: You still need to show that you possess the skills and abilities to get the work done . Here are four tips to help you position yourself for success: 1. Pursue other training opportunities.

How long does it take to get student loans back after dropping out?

What happens when you drop out of college is that the grace period on your student loans automatically begins. That generally means you will have six months before a chunk of cash will have to start coming out of your account every month.

What percentage of first time students in 2013 completed college?

Interestingly, however, overall college completion rates have actually been steadily increasing. Statistics from the Clearinghouse indicate that, nationally, 59.7 percent of first-time students who entered college in 2013 completed a degree or certificate by 2019.

What happens if you complete an incomplete course?

If you complete all requirements by the deadline, the incomplete is removed and you receive a grade as if you had never taken a break. Of course, you can drop a course in college.

How to overcome a company's reluctance to take a chance on you?

3. Consider working for free initially. One of the most effective ways to overcome an employer's reluctance to take a chance on you is to make it risk-free for the company. Offering to work for nothing, at least at first, can pay off handsomely in the long run.

What happens if you withdraw your federal loan?

If you have a federal loan, the school is required to return a portion of the money if you do not complete 60 percent of the loan period, which is usually the academic year.

What happens if you drop out of Uni?

Here’s one con that’s hard to take. By dropping out of uni, you will unequivocally lose the respect of people. Some of them may even be your close friends or family. The society we live in today values formal education, no matter how impractical it may seem. In spite of many drop out success stories, people will fret and make faces at someone who has dropped out of uni. It’s during times like this that you will realise that unless “you” have faith in yourself, you will go nowhere.

What are the advantages of dropping out of Uni?

Ask any dropout the most important advantage of dropping out of uni, and they’ll say – Freedom. By dropping out, you are freeing yourself from the rigid clutches of your university. No more waking up for 8 am classes or staying up late to finish an assignment on the financial impacts of the G2 summit. You may be studying engineering but have dreams of being an entrepreneur. In a scenario like this, attending university makes no point. Such was the crossroads our very own co-founder Sayantan Biswas was at when he eventually dropped out of IIT Roorkee to start his entrepreneurial journey.

Is it expensive to go to university?

Attending university can be expensive. Even if you secure a full scholarship, other costs like rent, books, travelling, food can be too much to handle. Most students resort to loans and spend a good portion of their professional lives in repaying them. By dropping out of uni, you can actually use the money you would spend on education on things you’re genuinely passionate about – travelling, starting your own business, donation, etc.

What are the pros and cons of dropping out of school?

Pros: 1. You don’t have to spend 4 years doing schoolwork: One of the greatest advantages of dropping out of school is the fact that you do not have to spend 4 years of your time going through school and doing a lot of school work. 2. You can get a job to help your family out: It is easier to get some sort of job while you are out ...

Why do people drop out of school?

Dropping out of school has never been on the plate of many people as a to-do thing. This is because school is often considered the key to success in adulthood. However, there are people who have dropped out of school and went on to make a huge fortune them. But it should be remembered that even for those who have dropped out of school, the fortune they made was as a result of the school they went to before dropping out.

Why is it easier to make your own decisions when you drop out of school?

You can make your own decisions: It is easier to start making your own decisions when you drop out of school because you become your own person and not have to follow any particular rules within a given enclave. 6.

Can I start a business after dropping out of school?

You can start a business: Once you drop out of school, you can easily start a business that can sustain you and your family for some time. 8. You have so much time in your hands: Dropping out of school means you have so much time in your hands to do the things that you want to do. This is because you do not have to work on schoolwork all the time.