what tcc course transfer to osu finacne major

by Erich Blick 9 min read

TCC to OSU - Finance - 2019-20 Course Transfer Map OSU-Stillwater OSU-Tulsa


Tulsa is the second-largest city in the state of Oklahoma and 45th-most populous city in the United States. As of July 2016, the population was 413,505, an increase of 12,591 over that reported in the 2010 Census. It is the principal municipality of the Tulsa Metropolitan Area, a region with 991…

Associate in Science in Business Administration (TCC) to Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major: Finance (OSU) TULSA COMMUNITY COLLEGE (years 1 and 2) – 2019-20 Fall Semester

Full Answer

Does TCC transfer to OSU?

Tulsa Community College partners with Oklahoma State University to provide you with the opportunity to finish your degree at TCC and then transfer seamlessly to OSU to complete your bachelor's degree.

Which TCC degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to a four year college or university to pursue a baccalaureate degree?

Associate of Science degreesAssociate of Science degrees are designed for students who plan to transfer to specific science and engineering majors at baccalaureate institutions (four-year colleges and universities).

Will my credits transfer to TCC?

Transferring credits to TCC allows your previous college transcripts, standardized examination scores or career experience to be evaluated for possible college credit. See how course work from other institutions typically transfers to TCC using the Transfer Evaluation System.

Does Oklahoma State take dual credit?

Welcome, Concurrent Cowboys! Get a collegiate experience during your junior or senior years of high school by joining Oklahoma State University as a concurrent student. Concurrent Cowboys may earn dual credit for their college courses, receiving credit on their college and high school transcripts.

Can I transfer from TCC to FSU?

The Aspire TCC2FSU Program is a joint program between Florida State University and Tallahassee Community College, the #1 transfer school to FSU. This program is specifically for students who wish to earn an Associate in Arts degree at TCC and then transfer to neighboring FSU to complete a four-year degree.

Is an associate degree worth it?

For the average U.S. worker, there's a clear benefit to getting a 2-year associate degree. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2020 workers with an associate degree had median weekly earnings of $938, compared with $781 for people with just a high school diploma.

How do I send my transcripts to TCC?

High school transcripts may be sent electronically from the high school or school district via Parchment, Credentials, Scribbles, or Texas Records Exchange (TREx). When using these companies to send a transcript, send the official transcript to [email protected].

Can you get a bachelor's degree at Tulsa Community College?

We've Got a Pathway to Your Bachelor's Degree At Tulsa Community College, we can help you achieve your education and career goals on-time and on-budget. TCC provides affordability, quality academic programs, flexible course scheduling, and personalized support.

How many credits can I transfer to UTA?

Eligibility Requirements for Transfer StudentsMinimum Transferable Credit HoursMinimum Acceptable GPALess than 242.2524 or more2.25

What GPA do I need to transfer to OSU?

Transfer students with at least 30 transferable semester hours (or the equivalent), including credit for at least one calculus course, and a GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) enroll as pre-majors. Transfer students with fewer than 30 semester hours (or the equivalent) are considered using the freshmen criteria.

What GPA do you need to transfer to Oklahoma State?

2.25 GPATransfer admission requirementsCredit Hours Attempted*Admission Requirements7-23 credit hoursAdmission Requirements Freshman admission requirements and 2.25 GPA24-59 credit hoursAdmission Requirements 2.25 GPAMore than 60 hours or associate degreeAdmission Requirements 2.0 GPA

Does OSU require SAT for transfer students?

An official high school transcript is required of applicants with fewer than 30 semester (45 quarter) earned semester hours. SAT Scores: Standardized test scores are required of applicants with fewer than 30 semester (45 quarter) earned hours post high school graduation.

Does TCC offer bachelor degrees?

Let TCC's two-year bachelor's degree programs give you the skills needed for higher paying positions in your current field or help you move into another career field. All you need to get started is an associate degree from an accredited college. TCC's BAS degrees were designed with working professionals in mind.

What is also referred to as a four-year college degree or an undergraduate degree?

Bachelor's or Baccalaureate Degree Bachelor's degrees require students to complete four- or five-year programs in a specific academic discipline. The two most common types of bachelor's degrees are bachelor of arts (BA) and bachelor of science (BS).

What is B degree?

A bachelor's degree is a course of academic study leading to a qualification such as a bachelor of arts (BA), bachelor of science (BSc), or bachelor of medicine (MB).

Which of the following degrees would a student usually receive after completing four years of college?

Bachelor's Degree: The degree received after completing a four-year program. It is also known as an undergraduate degree or a baccalaureate.

How many credits do you need to transfer to OSU?

For the TCC transfer process to begin, OSU-Tulsa requires that all students complete a minimum of 24 credit hours. Beyond the credits themselves, OSU-Tulsa has specific requirements for all transfer students:

How many credit hours does TCC transfer?

The typical TCC student transfers during their sophomore year, after earning an average of 45 credit hours. However, due to the time and financial commitments associated, transferring from a community college to a four-year university should never be a last-minute decision.

What is the Tulsa Transfer Project?

As an investment in the Tulsa community and a way to stimulate the local job market, the Tulsa Transfer Project strives to increase the rate of TCC students transferring to a four-year institution like OSU–Tulsa and equip them with a bachelor’s degree, ready to make a difference.

What is linked degree in Oklahoma?

A reenvisioning of higher education in Tulsa, Linked Degree builds upon the foundation laid out by the Tulsa Transfer Project, along with existing TCC transfer guides and OSU-Tulsa’s Transfer Maps. Specific to OSU-Tulsa, OSU-Stillwater, and TCC, no other transfer program like this exists in Oklahoma.

What is the OSU Tulsa code?

OSU’s school code is 003170 . Your application for admission serves as your scholarship application at OSU-Tulsa.

How many credit hours do you lose in a community college?

In fact, along this higher education journey, the typical community college student loses an average of 13 credit hours, according to statistics from the US Government Accountability Office, and thus has to delay completing their bachelor’s degree.

Who sponsors the TCC program?

Sponsored by the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, the program is based on the framework created by the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education’s Foundations of Excellence, and as part of that structure, TCC and partnering four-year schools have established a clear matrix of corresponding equivalent courses and transferable credits. Students, after declaring a major, develop a transfer plan with guidance from academic advisors and admissions counselors concerning courses, their degree, and career goals, with the objective of reducing lost or redundant coursework.

What is a course map?

A course mapthat shows the classes that transfer into your desired OSU program.

Does OSU transfer credits to Stillwater?

What that means: If you follow the course plan outlined on the Transfer Map and verified by your OSU-Tulsa academic counselor, your credits will transfer toward the specified OSU degree, in Tulsa or Stillwater.

How to contact SPPO?

Fax: 292-7726. Contact the SPPO main office at 292-4958 to schedule an appointment, or leave your materials in the mailbox located in 298 Hagerty Hall. Please bring your syllabi, a copy of your transfer credit report, and a copy (unofficial) of your transcript.

How long does it take to get a communication evaluation from OSU?

Please provide the syllabus for any transferred Communication course. Evaluations may take 10-15 business days. Evaluations will not be completed in an appointment.

What is the preferred method of contact?

NOTE: Email is the preferred method of contact. Must call for an appointment.

How long does it take to complete a college evaluation?

Evaluations are not completed on a walk-in basis. Allow two weeks completion time, or more for autumn semester. When the evaluation is completed, you will be notified by e-mail or phone as to when and where you can pick up any textbooks or original materials.

Who to email for OSU transfer credit?

or from any international university excluding China, submit the required materials via email to Dr. Paul Berger ( [email protected] ).

Can you fax a course syllabus?

NOTE : Course syllabus (including name/author of text) may be faxed, emailed, or dropped off to the office. Email is the preferred method of contact. Transcripts and degree audits are not necessary.

Can you send sociology courses to social work?

Please do not send sociology courses to the Social Work department. Please refer to the below contact information for Susan Van Pelt for sociology course evaluations.

Who is the president of OSU?

OSU President Burns Hargis, OSU Tulsa President Howard Barnett and TCC President Leigh B. Goodson took part in a signing ceremony to establish nearly 20 new paths so students can complete an associate degree at TCC and transfer their credits to OSU to complete a bachelor’s degree.

Is Tulsa Community College a bachelors?

Tulsa Community College and Oklahoma State University today announced a partnership to help more students move from A to B – an associate degree to a bachelor’s degree – between the two institutions.

Does TCC have a reverse transfer program?

In addition to the A to B (associate to bachelor’s degree) agreements, TCC will participate in the OSU Reverse Transfer Initiative , a statewide collaboration with public community colleges. This initiative helps students to complete an associate degree from TCC while continuing to complete their bachelor’s degree. Students benefit by earning an academic credential without extra work or expense. In addition, the associate degree may satisfy general education requirements which could reduce the number of credit hours for a bachelor’s degree. To qualify for reverse transfer, students must have earned 15 credit hours at TCC and be enrolled at a regional or comprehensive university.

How many colleges does TCC transfer to?

TCC’s transfer programs secure your entrance into more than 40 Virginia colleges and universities when you meet the agreement requirements. Just take the required courses, get the grades, complete the transfer program – and you’re in!

Does TCC offer online transfer?

Don’t let a busy schedule keep you from advancing your education! TCC’s online transfer programs and degrees can prepare you to earn admission to the school of your dreams!

What is a finance major?

The finance major is designed to prepare students for careers in financial management in all types of businesses, firms and financial institutions.

What are the career opportunities for finance majors?

Specific career opportunities include financial management in manufacturing and distributing firms, commercial bank management, savings and loan management, stock brokerage, insurance, security analysis, and trust management. Some jobs require special training and licensing such as stock brokers, certified financial analyst (CFA) or certified financial planner (CFP).

What do you study in finance?

Students studying the field of finance take course work in corporate finance in which they study the effects of projects and financial policy on stockholder wealth. They study capital budgeting, project cost of capital, dividend policy, debt policy, leasing policy and option pricing.

What is Fisher Honors?

The Fisher Honors Program includes the Accounting Honors Program, the Business Honors Cohort Program, the Honors Contract Program and the Finance Honors Program. The Accounting Honors Program consists of a specific sequence of accounting courses that students complete beginning in their sophomore year and continuing into the senior year.

Transfer Topics

Plan Your Transfer: Plan out your steps to transfer from TCC to another school, including if your credits will transfer.

Outside Transfer Resources

College for All Texans Transferring Colleges: Learn how the transfer process works and the questions you need to ask when considering transfer schools.
