what substance will displace the cupula during rotational equilibrium? course hero

by Rowena Stoltenberg 10 min read

What is the rotational equilibrium of a system?

 · ROTATIONAL EQUILIBRIUM SIMULATION LAB ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS: For this activity, you will be using the pHet website When you open it, select the “Balance Lab” tab and select “Mass Labels”, “Rulers”, “Forces from Objects” and “Level” under the boxes at the right. Your screen should look like this one: Notice the blue arrow next to the bricks in the third box.

What happens to acceleration when a body is in equilibrium?

 · Rotational Equilibrium (Principle Of Moments) Rotational equilibrium is obtained when the algebraic sum of the torques is zero. The principle of moments states that for a body to be in rotational equilibrium, the sum of clockwise torques about any point (which acts as a pivot) must equal to the sum of anti-clockwise torques about the same point.

What are the conditions for an object to be in equilibrium?

Oct 13, 2017 Rotational Equilibrium In this experiment, we have applied the principle of rotational equilibrium to weight hung on a meter stick and figure out the weight of the stick and an unknown object weight. We noted that in this case, the linear acceleration of the object was zero. All of the experiments have dealt with forces which caused the objects involved to move in a straight line.

How much torque is required to be in rotational equilibrium?

Chapter 8 Rotational Equilibrium and Rotational Dynamics Study Tips Tip 8.1 Specify Your Axis Choose the axis of rotation and use that axis exclusively throughout a given problem. The axis …

When two of more sets of alleles affect the same trait in an additive fashion, it is termed?

are distributed to separate gametes. when two of more sets of alleles affect the same trait in an additive fashion, it is termed. polygenic inheritance. The skin pigment melanin is expressed differently according to exposure to sunlight, with a greater production of the molecule with greater exposure.

What is the purpose of a constant supply of new enzymes?

a constant supply of new enzymes must be produces to keep the metabolic pathway active. whether or not an enzyme is active and present within a cell depends on all of the following except. whether the enzyme catalyzes an endergonic or exergonic reaction.

What would happen if carbonic acid didn't form?

if the carbonic acid didn't form, then the pH of the individual's blood could shift toward 7.2. In the search to discover the agents that cause mad cow disease, scrapie in sheep, and CJD and kuru in humans, diseased brain tissues were passed through a fine filter ...

What is the most important factor that determines where major ecosystems are located on the globe?

the most important factor that determines where major ecosystems are located on the globe is. climate. the term biodiversity refers to. the total number of species, variation of species, and the ecosystem in which they live.

Why are transposons transposable?

transposons are transposable elements in the DNA because. they move from one location to another in the DNA.

What are nutrient molecules used for?

nutrient molecules are used to build cellular structures or for energy . this best represents which characteristic of life?

Which color of photosynthesis has the highest activity?

Photosynthesis shows higher activity for violet/blue and orange/red and a lower absorption for green/yellow. If we could create a different photosynthetic pigment that absorbed absolutely all visible wavelengths of light, the leaves would appear which color?

Which plexus acts as a selective pump which pumps Na+ plus more from the plasma to the ventricles

ventricles moves into the subarachnoid space. The choroid ple xus acts as a selective pump which pumps Na+ plus more from the plasma to the ventricles which then makes an osmotic gradient. CSF is reabsorbed by villi on the arachnoid membrane back into the blood and the cells which make this are the ependymal cells in the CNS who are known to make barriers between compartments. 5. a. Molecules/pigments: rods, cones, rhodopsin which when reduced is opsin and retinal, CNG channel, Calcium channel potassium channel, and sodium channel, cGMP.

What is the electrical state of rhodopsin?

b. The electrical state is that rhodopsin is inactivated and the rods are depolarized because the calcium channels are open , cGMP is high and the potassium and CNG (cyclic nucl.gated) channels are open due to it. This is also where the cis to trans transfromation is done with retinal when the light is striked in cones but thats not in the dark only after light is hit. c. When light is hit, retinal goes from cis to trans, light bleaches rhodopsin, which when it’s split into opsin, it decreases cGMP levels and thus the CNG channel closes. Rods are then hyperpolarized. 6. You and your friend went one the GIANT drop (vertical ride) at great america. a. Which receptor would be the primary sensor responding to the drop? masculae b. Where are these receptors located? Located in the otolith organ You hopped from this ride to the batman (mulitple twitch and turns) c. What are the receptors that help maintain equilibrium? cristae

What is the balance of adductor and flexor moments?

For example, all the adductor moments are balanced by equal and opposite abductor moments. Flexor moments are balanced by extensor moments.

Do we always activate muscles to counter thte effects of gravtity?

We don't always activate muscles to counter thte effects of gravtity. Sometimes, we move in such a way that gravity assists our movements, as when we throw a ball from a height like a pitcher's mound, or slam a book downward on the table.