The most important step to create a successful online course is to choose the right course to create. By “right” I mean right for your audience and right for your online business. Getting this right can make all the difference in profitability.
One way to cater to this rising demand, while also generating revenue, is to create and sell an online course.
Here are 7 ways to add excitement to your online training course: Create a framework that allows content to easily evolve and develop over time rather than repeating the same content each year. When employees see the same information over and over again, they can get lost in the course and not pay attention to what really matters.
And the number of tools at your disposal to create and sell your own online course—a profitable online course— has expanded at a near equal pace. According to GMD Research, the global e-learning market is projected to reach USD 390.6 billion by 2026, growing by 11.7% annually.
Tips To Improve Online Course EfficacyUse A Good Authoring Tool. ... Use Project Collaboration. ... Utilize Micro-Modules. ... Explain The Course Objective And Outcome. ... Keep The Course Structure Asynchronous. ... Ensure Easy Course Navigation. ... Utilize Multimedia. ... Get And Mention Inputs From Veteran Educationists.More items...•
Nine ways to improve online course design:Make it personal.Set clear learning objectives.Make the course easy to navigate.Keep accessibility in mind.Engage students through communication.Encourage active listening.Design engaging questions.Provide effective exams.More items...•
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If you are still reading, then you have probably decided that to sell courses online is worth it for your business, but you may still be wondering “Are online courses profitable?”
Now, let’s continue on from looking at profitability to considering what it takes to create a successful online course. After all, when the aim is to sell courses online, a profitable course implies a successful course and vice versa.
Okay, so you have decided selling online courses is worth it and that you’re ready to start selling. You’ve done the homework to identify your unique selling point and to map a path to profitability. Essentially, you’re clear on how to create an online course.
The idea of creating an online course that will actually sell has been the goal from the beginning. And at this point, you should have all the major pieces of the puzzle, only now you just need to know how to position them to create the picture that will turn prospective learners into paying customers.
Still have questions about how to sell online courses? Here are answers to some of the ones we get asked most frequently.
By this point, you should have a solid idea of what it takes to create and sell online courses and build an online business. As is true for any other type of business, building a profitable online course business is about more than creating a product, publishing a sales page, and waiting for customers to magically show up.
The topic you choose is entirely in your hands, and can be pretty much anything - from baking tips to website design. While the possibilities are just about endless, the right subject matter is a determining factor in an online course’s success.
Creating an online course requires a lot of hard work and effort on your part, so running a test before you begin will allow you to validate this online business idea as one that will pay itself off down the line.
Whether you’re already an expert in your field or are looking forward to learning it from start to finish, now is the time to deep dive until you know everything there is to know about the topic.
Now is the time to develop the curriculum for your online course. On a piece of paper, write down a list of the different lessons you plan on teaching online. Within each lesson, break it down to the main topics you want to cover.
If you already have professional experience with your course topic, it’s likely that you’ve put together content about it in the past.
Once you have your course content ready, it’s time to create the platform to bring it all together. If you already have a professional website, you can add your online course as a section there. If not, create a new website just for this purpose.
There are four different options for selling your online course, depending on your needs and business plan:
Creating and selling online courses is a booming market internationally. The elearning market is expected to exceed $325Billion by 2025 (see above), with a yearly growth of 5% (Global Market Insights)! Becoming an online instructor means you could be earning from a few hundred dollars per year to a six-figure income.
Whether you are creating an online course to teach a language, coach people or professional certified training, there are some steps you can follow to make it easier.
Offering a free course can work for your benefit as it can generate leads for expensive courses or a way to showcase your expertise. Don’t forget, it is the first point of contact to create rapport. We all love good communication, creating relationships and this sense of familiarity is what will help you sell more courses.
A great course always starts with an awesome title. If this is not written anywhere else, then we should write it down as a no.1 rule. The title is the headline of the course, and it’s probably the most important element it contains.
This is the page that will sell your course, by persuading the visitors of its value. It has to describe your course, show its value and pushes them into taking action.
As soon as you have your course’s sales page ready, you can launch your online academy and start selling!
When speaking about elearning, we tend to focus on the digital and forget the offline world as if it does not exist. When you will be marketing your online course, you might be focusing on digital marketing strategies, but, don’t forget there are more ways to reach people and sell courses.
Offering a training course certificate is another way to demonstrate how much you care about your students and how willing you are to help them.
Certificates come in many different forms (e.g., ms word, png, editable, printable, etc.) and types. For online training, it is helpful to distinguish between two main types of certificates: certificates of completion and certificates of knowledge.
Here are 17 examples of different types of certificates – diploma templates and award templates – that you can use in your online courses or simply get inspired by to help you create your own certificate designs.
Certificates of completion, achievement, and excellence as listed above, are more common in online course training. However, there are more training-specific certificates that you can use for corporate training as an online business.
With just a quick search on Google, you can find tons of resources and tools to help you create certificates. Out of the most valued ones that are recognized in the area of certificate design are the following:
Creating a certificate using an attractive, high-quality template will help your completion program look professional. With LearnWorlds you don’t have to worry about how to give certificates to students as it uses PDF templates with fields corresponding to data (e.g., username, the course title, etc).
What’s awesome about certificates is that they’re easy to make – and with no hard work, they can gain the credibility of students right away!
Retaking courses does not look bad. As a matter of fact, retaking becomes instrumental to your overall performance if you perform better than the original attempt.
You can retake a college class for a better grade. This possibility, however, depends on your college policies about retaking courses.
Retaken classes show up on the transcript. All attempts of a class, whether two or more, will be manifested on your official transcript.
There is no golden rule on how much time you need to put into creating the ideal content, but one thing is certain – you need to take your time to research material before making it available to your learners.
The design of the online course should take every learning style into consideration. For example, while one student may benefit from visual multimedia presentations of coursework and lessons, another student may be able to better absorb the information when it is presented in text form.
Students and teachers should be able to establish an open line of communication. Also, teachers should specify which means of communication they prefer and during which hours. This will ensure that expectations are met and that the student receives the help or support that they need.
When designing the site and e-learning platform, ease of navigation and functionality should be top priority. A well organized and intuitive web-based learning platform enables students to focus on the coursework rather than having to sort out technical issues that may arise from poorly designed sites and systems.
Course documents like the syllabus must be available for students to view, particularly at the beginning of the term. This will ensure that the student knows which lessons will be covered throughout the course, and can use the syllabus as a guide throughout the entire course.
A point we can’t stress enough: one of the reasons teams are unable to achieve goals is not having clear enough guidelines on how to reach them. Part of the curriculum of any course should be what will be done when it will be done, and what is needed for the successful completion of tasks.