what situation would be an example of an exploit? course hero

by Lera Boehm I 8 min read

Why do art thiefs sneak out of museums?

What happens when a film reel catches fire?

What is the purpose of permission?

Do people attack vulnerability for financial gain?

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Ans : Office Space : Three friends and disgruntled coworkers at a tech company discover that the company ’s accounting system has a computer glitch that calculates certain financial information to six decimal points , but only records the first two decimal points in the accounting files and then regularly discards the remaining fractions of pennies .

Why do art thiefs sneak out of museums?

An art thief sneaks into a museum and steals a famous painting and then sneaks out of the museum without being caught by security because the thief identified and traveled through the museum via blind spots of the museum's security cameras. After the incident, the museum increases the number of security guards and cameras guarding the museum at all times.

What happens when a film reel catches fire?

A film reel catches fire in the middle of a crowded showing of a popular new release film. The film is ruined. Due to the cinema's policy, all of the people in that audience receive refunds for the price of their tickets.

What is the purpose of permission?

ensuring that individuals with proper permission can use systems and retrieve data in a dependable manner

Do people attack vulnerability for financial gain?

People are not inclined to attack vulnerability for financial gain.

Why do art thiefs sneak out of museums?

An art thief sneaks into a museum and steals a famous painting and then sneaks out of the museum without being caught by security because the thief identified and traveled through the museum via blind spots of the museum's security cameras. After the incident, the museum increases the number of security guards and cameras guarding the museum at all times.

What happens when a film reel catches fire?

A film reel catches fire in the middle of a crowded showing of a popular new release film. The film is ruined. Due to the cinema's policy, all of the people in that audience receive refunds for the price of their tickets.

What is the purpose of permission?

ensuring that individuals with proper permission can use systems and retrieve data in a dependable manner

Do people attack vulnerability for financial gain?

People are not inclined to attack vulnerability for financial gain.
