what qualifies as a course that provides continuing education activity

by Paula Keebler 8 min read

Define Continuing education activities. means college courses, institutes, seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops, and various forms of mediated instruction or programmed learning courses a course of study related to nursing practice which has been awarded credit hours or units in nursing or medicine by an organization authorized to award such credit.

Full Answer

What is continuing education activity?

All continuing education programs must align with the university’s mission and vision. Continuing education activity incorporates all educationally based outreach programs offered or hosted by the university. It documents outreach activities on behalf of the university.

What are the different types of continuing education programs?

Post-secondary degree programs are a common form of continuing education. Post-secondary degree programs include associate degrees, master's degrees and other degree programs. Earning a post-secondary degree can be key to advancing your career. 2. Professional certifications

Which professions require continuing education?

Here are some of the professions that require and encourage different types of Continuing Education: Being a lawyer is one of the most sophisticated but technical professions in the United States. The American Bar Association (ABA) has established and issued the ABA Model Rule for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) in 2001.

What are continuing education units (CEUs)?

Continuing education units or CEUs are awarded to those who complete training and education in a specified area. Continuing education allows individuals to progress in their industry, field or profession.

What are components of continuing education activities?

Four broad categories of Continuing Education Activities have been defined: Sponsor Initiated Activities, Participant Initiated Non-RID Activities (PINRA), Academic Coursework, and Independent Study Activities.

Which program is an example of a continuing education program?

Post-secondary degree programs are a common form of continuing education. Post-secondary degree programs include associate degrees, master's degrees and other degree programs. Earning a post-secondary degree can be key to advancing your career.

How do you make a CE course?

The following are eight guiding steps to initiate a training and development program.Determine Needs. If programs are going to be effective, they must meet the needs of participants. ... Set Objectives. ... Determine Content. ... Select Participants. ... Set a Schedule. ... Select Facilities. ... Select Instructors. ... Coordinate the Program.

What is a CE activity?

CE/CME for health care professionals consists of educational activities which serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance and relationships that a health care professional uses to provide services for patients, the public, or the profession.

What are the best continuing education courses?

Top 6 continuing education programsGeneral Assembly.Springboard.Udemy.Thinkful.Flatiron School.We Can Code IT.

What are curricular courses?

A course of study that will enable the learner to acquire specific knowledge and skills. A curriculum consists of the "roadmap" or "guideline" of any given discipline.

Why is continuing education important for employees?

Encouraging learning leads to reduced downtime with extra productivity, fewer mistakes that require an audit, and less employee turnover. For team members, it also helps with career advancement, job security, and overall workplace satisfaction.

How do I become a CEU provider in Texas?

Become a Continuing Education ProviderSatisfy Commission requirement to administer courses with competency, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity.Maintain a fixed office in Texas or designate a resident of Texas to act as attorney-in-fact to accept service of process.More items...

How do I become a CEU provider in Florida?

Continuing Education (CE) Provider ApprovalComplete an application with fee through www.CEBroker.com.Provide three sample courses and an instructor for each.Submit Course Offering Data Form B for each course.Submit a sample certificate of completion for each course.Submit Instructor Qualifications Form C.

Do Webinars count as live CE for pharmacists?

An individual subscription allows one pharmacy technician to participate in all learning activities available during the subscription time frame. This includes over 40 hours of T-designated CE, as well as access to live CE webinars.

How long does it take for CE to show up on Nabp?

It may take up to 24 hours for a provider's system to recognize the newly created NABP e-Profile ID.

How many hours of continuing education must be in pharmacy law every two years?

30 hoursTo renew your pharmacist license in California, you must complete 30 hours (1.25 hours per month) of continuing pharmacy education (CE) every two years. The law regarding CE can be found in section 4231 of the Business and Professions Code and in section 1732 of the California Code of Regulations.

What is continuing education?

Continuing education is when adults return to formal instruction to remain current in their career, develop serviceable skills, train for a new job, earn a degree, or develop a personal interest. Some of the types of continuing education programs adults might participate in are outlined below.

What is professional development?

Professional Development. Adults can participate in conferences, workshops, seminars, and courses to update their job skills and learn about office technology. In a professional development class, business managers study ways to improve workplace communication and efficiency.

What is personal enrichment?

Personal Enrichment. As an adult, you may want to take a class for fun, whether to learn more about a specific topic or focus on a hobby. Enrichment classes can cover topics ranging from art, photography, and cooking to fitness, gardening and retirement planning.

What is a continuing education unit?

Continuing education units or CEUs are awarded to those who complete training and education in a specified area. Continuing education allows individuals to progress in their industry, field or profession. Some professions require CEUs to maintain certain licenses and other certifications.

How many hours of CEU are there?

According to the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), a CEU is defined as 10 contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction.

What is IACET CEU?

International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) IACET is a nonprofit organization created to establish CEU standards that adhere to the guidelines set in place by the organization to promote quality education and training around the world.

What is IACET in Tennessee?

According to the Tennessee Technology Center at Shelbyville, IACET conducts research and development projects to improve continuing education and training and also disseminates effective teaching and learning practices for adults, as well as educates the public about the CEU.

What are the benefits of becoming an IACET provider?

There are benefits, including increased credibility, to becoming an authorized IACET provider. These providers are able to issue CEUs that are backed by the organization's internationally recognized standards and quality level of education and training.

Can a school award CEUs?

Businesses, associations, schools and other organizations are able to award CEUs without acquiring prior permission or approval. The CEU is considered public domain, which means that no one person or entity holds a legal claim to its usage. Some conferences and events award CEUs to attendees.

Do I have to be accredited to offer CEUs?

Institutions and organizations are not required to be accredited to offer CEUs. Although no stipulations are in place that would prevent anyone from awarding them, not all CEUs are honored and accepted by other institutions. There are benefits, including increased credibility, to becoming an authorized IACET provider. These providers are able to issue CEUs that are backed by the organization's internationally recognized standards and quality level of education and training.

What are continuing education programs?

Programs that seek to improve work-related skills, provide personal learning enrichment, support community or economic development, or encourage civic engagement are recognized as continuing education activity. Examples of continuing education activity include: 1 Workshops, conferences, seminars, training programs, professional or executive education, short courses, and other structured educational experiences greater than five hours in length. 2 Computer training, in-service training for teachers, health worker training, certification, licensure, or accreditation maintenance, professional education programs, non-credit certificate programs, travel-study programs. 3 Educational-based youth programs, or other programs for youth or adults that are designed to enrich, enlighten, or inform the participant. 4 Any program that provides documentation of recognition for licensing bodies, professional associations, or other professional organizations.

How long does it take to report continuing education at USC?

Continuing education activity must be reported within fourteen days of the program conclusion.

What is educational based youth?

Educational-based youth programs, or other programs for youth or adults that are designed to enrich, enlighten, or inform the participant. Any program that provides documentation of recognition for licensing bodies, professional associations, or other professional organizations.

What is continuing education?

Continuing Education is a form of education that most professionals need to pursue after their formal education to have the most updated knowledge in their field of expertise. There are many mediums and methods for such programs; they would vary from one-time classes, conferences, online courses, and post-degree programs.

How many hours of continuing education do accountants need?

According to the Uniform Accountancy Act Model Rules published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) in 2018, accountants should incur 120 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) every three years.

How many webinars does Strafford have?

Boasting more than 9,500 experts in different legal areas, Strafford offers premium quality of Continuing Legal Education. They have 900 live webinars annually and have already completed more than 6,700. These CLE courses are accredited all over the different states in America. They offer a Strafford Annual Pass, which allows you to attend unlimited webinars at your convenience.

What is CLE in law?

It is an administrative document intended to guide other states on implementing approaches and structures according to their continuing legal education. There are many accredited activities for continuing legal education, and these include teaching, writing publications, self-learning, online education, and CLE in the actual law firm.

What is Sequoia CPE?

Sequoia CPE is intended for accountants who would like to go for self-study programs. This online platform provides continuing professional education courses for CPAs, enrolled agents, and other financial professionals. With their innate and user-friendly interface, they will deliver their studies in a timely and convenient manner. You can subscribe for an annual membership that will allow you to take unlimited courses and earn maximum CEUs. With affordable prices and simplified technical requirements, there is no reason why you won’t choose Sequoia.

How many hours of CE do you need to become a registered nurse?

Registered nurses are required to gain 30 contact hours of credit every two years. Depending on your state where you practice your nursing profession, there are different nursing CE requirements. The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) is the agency responsible for accrediting learning institutions and organizations to provide Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) programs for practicing nurses.

What is post degree?

Post-degree programs are available in different universities and learning institutions. Continuing education online is also widely obtainable, especially in continuing education colleges. When you enroll yourself in a program, seminar, or degree, you will receive a certificate of completion. Aside from the certificate, you will be earning ...

Learn how continuing education can help you

Alison Doyle is one of the nation’s foremost career experts and has counseled both students and corporations on hiring practices. She has given hundreds of interviews on the topic for outlets including The New York Times, BBC News, and LinkedIn. Alison founded CareerToolBelt.com and has been an expert in the field for more than 20 years.

What Is Continuing Education?

Continuing education is a general term for learning acquired after the completion of a course of study. Some professionals may be required to participate in continuing education in order to keep their license or certification current. Others may choose to take a class, seminar, or course to learn more about a certain area of their job.

What Are Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?

Continuing education units (CEUs) are a standardized measurement for professional education and training. One CEU is equal to 10 contact hours.

Types of Continuing Education Programs

There are two main types of continuing education programs: professional licensing and general learning.

Benefits of Continuing Education

Even if you’re not required to get a certain number of CEUs to maintain licensure, continuing education offers several benefits.

What is continuing education?

Continuing education is an all-encompassing term that describes a variety of formal and informal learning activities and methods. For example, at one end of the spectrum, we have courses and certifications that enabled you to further develop your skills and knowledge in specific areas of your career or profession.

Why is continuing education important?

Finally, and possibly the most important reason is that continuing education allows you to learn about the things that you have an innate curiosity for. It allows you to begin pursuing your passions and directing yourself towards the future that you would enjoy bringing into reality.

How to be a kinesthetic learner?

As a kinesthetic learner, your mind won’t like being in one static position for very long. Take time to get up and walk around or do another physical activity for a few minutes between study sessions.

What is a learning style?

A textbook definition of learning styles is: [1] “Characteristic cognitive, effective, and psycho-social behaviors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment. ”.

Is there a right or wrong way to self-educate?

There is no right or wrong option here. The real goal is figuring out which option works best for you and how you can apply it to your daily life. In the end, self-education comes down to your pursuit of acquiring knowledge or developing skills.

Continued Education Explained

Nursing CEUs, which almost all states require for licensure renewal, cover the same kinds of topics found in nursing school curriculum, such as ethical practice in nursing, organizational leadership, and healthcare promotion and disease prevention.

Five Things to Know About Nursing CEU

Nurses usually seek out CEUs that satisfy requirements for maintaining their employment, state licensure, or specific certifications. The cost of these courses varies, with free or low-cost options available.

What Doesn't Count as Nursing CEU Courses?

Nurses can choose from an array of continuing education courses that cover almost every nursing topic and specialty. However, not all courses count as accredited nursing CEUs.

What Does Count as Nursing CEU Courses?

Nursing CEU courses must be state-approved and accredited by a recognized organization, such as a professional nursing association, a school, or an employer. Nurses can also find free continuing education courses accredited by the ANCC and other healthcare organizations and government agencies.

Nursing Continued Education: FAQ

One contact hour refers to 50-60 minutes of instruction in a board-approved class or clinical or didactic activity. One CEU equals 10 contact hours.

Reviewed by

Brandy Gleason, MSN, MHA, BC-NC, is a nursing professional with nearly 20 years of varied nursing experience. Gleason currently teaches as an assistant professor of nursing within a prelicensure nursing program and coaches graduate students.

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Whether you’re looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the education you need could be more affordable than you think. Find the right nursing program for you.


Who Gives CEUs?

International Association For Continuing Education and Training

  • IACET is a nonprofit organization created to establish CEU standards that adhere to the guidelines set in place by the organization to promote quality education and training around the world. According to the Tennessee Technology Center at Shelbyville, IACET conducts research and development projects to improve continuing education and training and...
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Accreditation and Credibility

  • Institutions and organizations are not required to be accredited to offer CEUs. Although no stipulations are in place that would prevent anyone from awarding them, not all CEUs are honored and accepted by other institutions. There are benefits, including increased credibility, to becoming an authorized IACET provider. These providers are able to issue CEUs that are backed by the org…
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