what order parkour moves for warframe obstacle course

by Cora Collins 4 min read

The most common sequence is: Bullet Jump –> Double Jump –> Roll –> Air Slide You’ll want to practice chaining this sequence together as it is one of the fastest ways for most Warframes to move.

Full Answer

What is the obstacle course in Warframe?

Aug 30, 2015 · UPDATE SEPT 2016: You can find Ayatan Treasures here as of Silver Grove Update 3. A video of all 3 obstacle courses (parkour challenges) that can spawn durin...

What happened to the dojo obstacle course Warframe passives?

Oct 16, 2018 · The most common sequence is: Bullet Jump –> Double Jump –> Roll –> Air Slide. You’ll want to practice chaining this sequence together as it is one of the fastest ways for most Warframes to move. Double Jump and Roll both retain the momentum of the Bullet Jump, increasing your distance traveled seamlessly.

How do you Crouch and roll in Warframe?

Aug 30, 2015 · Hello there! Long time tenno, first time poster here! I looked through the forums and never saw a thread for this, so I though Id make one. if a thread like this already exists, whoops. I primarily wanted to see the absolute fastest obstacle course time possible after parkour 2.0, and I thought p...

What is the best Warframe for sprinting?

Double jumping is a bit trickier. Sure, in theory double jumping is simple and is a decades old mechanic. However, in Warframe, learning to use your double jump properly can drastically improve your parkour skills. This is because, after a normal jump, if you hit your crouch key while in the air your second jump can be a bullet jump.

How do you do the obstacle course in Warframe?

You are tasked to wall run on the right wall, then jump off the wall and wall climb the wall in front of you. After climbing sufficiently, you backflip off the wall and onto a platform. Do another wall climb to finish the obstacle.

Where to practice movement in Warframe?

You can practice in the the Simulacrum, during the Jackal Boss Fight or simply run solo missions while ignoring the objective and just bullet jump around from wall to wall, sliding and rolling all while trying to land shots on enemies and tweaking your aim sensitivity to match.May 16, 2019

Is Warframe a hard game?

Yeah the game is pretty daunting when you first start. Actually very daunting. But atm im just following the quests in order they appear and doing every blue thing on each planet.Feb 12, 2021

How do I aim better in Warframe?

Part of a video titled Improve Your Aim & Movement in Warframe - YouTube
System while also learning to aim at high speeds bullet jumping aim gliding slide attacks slamMoreSystem while also learning to aim at high speeds bullet jumping aim gliding slide attacks slam attacks dodging rolling wall latching.


Welcome to part 2 of our Beginner’s Guide series. In this part, we’ll cover the basic foundation of movement (called “parkour”) in Warframe. You’ll want to practice parkour techniques in Warframe early on so they become habit. This is probably the most important part of the game for new players to learn and become comfortable with.

Bullet Jumping

The most common method of traversing any “tile set” (maps) in Warframe is using Bullet Jumps. Don’t be confused by the name – it’s just the term that the game uses for the maneuver. Bullet Jumps are faster than sprinting in most cases and more convenient than rolls making them the ideal maneuver.

Butt Scoots

There is a special maneuver not explained in the game that is far more effective if you switch your crouch key from toggle to hold: The Butt Scoot. Yes, you heard that right. The Butt Scoot is when you tap the crouch button and immediately let go (if you have it set to hold to crouch) while walking, running or falling.

Maneuver Sequences

You can travel even faster by combining maneuvers into specific sequences for increased momentum. The most common sequence is:

Moving On

While there are other sequences of maneuvers you can use within Warframe to optimize your movement, the first sequence listed above is by far the most important and will allow you to travel far faster than normal. If you master Bullet Jumps and the above sequences, you will have no issues traversing any of the maps that Warframe throws your way.

Basic movement

Bullet Jump - can be performed by pressing crouch and jump keys (by default CTRL + Space). This movement can be performed on any surface or while in the air (if you haven't performed a double jump or bullet jump before). It can be performed horizontally or vertically, by moving the crosshair to the front or under/above the player.


Bullet Jump, Double Jump, Roll - you can perform them once during a single combination.

How does the jump button work in Warframe?

While crouching, pressing the jump button will cause the Warframe to quickly launch themselves towards the direction of the reticle, leaping into midair with a spiralling movement. This allows the Warframe to close a longer gap or reach a higher destination.

What does sprinting do in Warframe?

Sprinting will cause the frame to lower their weapon and move at a greatly increased speed. Each Warframe has a different base Sprint Speed. Firing will cancel the sprint, but certain melee weapons can be swung while sprinting. In Settings, you may configure a new Key Binding to Toggle On/Off to auto-sprint.

What is melee in Warframe?

Melee is a form of combat system that utilizes edged or blunt weapons and close quarter attacks. Every attack causes the player to take a single step forward. However, if the player is crouched, non-combo melee attacks will not cause a step forward. Melee weapons can be equipped in the tertiary slot of the arsenal in Warframe.

What is rolling in combat?

Rolling is a basic combat evasive maneuver used to get out of the way of a charging enemy, to evade bullets, grenades or melee attacks and to transition from cover to cover. It can also be used as a stealth maneuver while crouching.

What is an archwing maneuver?

Archwing Maneuvers are a set of actions that a player can perform with the Archwing, a set of mechanical wings used by a Tenno to fly and engage in combat in space and underwater.

What happens after jumping?

After jumping, a frame will attempt to grab onto an edge of any kind, then attempt to climb up to a standing position regardless if there is enough space to stand or not.

What is sliding in a game?

Sliding is crouching while moving. This will bring a frame to a gradual stop because of Friction, except when on slopes. Ranged weapons may be used while sliding and a melee attack creates a separate combat maneuver.