what method of administration is typically used with opioids course hero

by Joshua Lebsack DDS 3 min read

Traditional methods of opioid administration remain in common use today (oral, rectal, intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection). The key to achieving more effective pain relief with these techniques is to individualize treatment regimens for each patient.

Full Answer

How to classify opioids?

One method of classifying opioids is by their mechanism of action at the receptor sites. Agents that act on the same receptor sites are most likely to be cross-allergenic.

What are the effects of opioids on the body?

The opioids are linked to hepatic, renal, and hematologic tissue damage. The adverse effects of the opioids are extensions of their pharmacologic effects, which is proportional to their analgesic strength.

Why do opioids cause nausea?

Patients who are given analgesic doses of opioids frequently suffer from nausea and vomiting caused by the stimulation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the brain. How can this adverse effect be reduced?

Why are there differences in opioid tolerance?

Differences in action of different opioids in tolerance to pain may be the result of variations in the endogenous levels of the neurotransmitters. Differences in the action of different opioids at these and other specific receptors explain some of the variations among the different opioids adverse reactions.

What is the rate of development of tolerance and addiction?

The rate of development of tolerance and addiction is related to the strength of the opioid and its frequency and length of use. Addiction to opioid analgesics is a common problem when they are used to treat dental-related pain.

Is respiratory depression a concern with opioids?

E Respiratory depression is not usually a concern with opioid use.