what mcat prep course is the best for test strategies

by Dedrick Lang 7 min read

Best MCAT Prep Courses Summary
  • Best Overall MCAT Prep Course: Blueprint MCAT.
  • Most Immersive MCAT Prep: Altius.
  • Best Value MCAT Prep Course: Magoosh.
  • Best MCAT Live Online Classes: Princeton Review.
  • The Popular MCAT Pick: Kaplan.
  • Most MCAT Study Material: Gold Standard.

Is Kaplan or blueprint MCAT better?

Books – Blueprint provides 6 hard copy prep books (all specific MCAT subject related) to all of its' students, while Kaplan provides 8 prep books (7 subject matter related). All are extremely thorough, well written, do an excellent job of breaking down complex concepts, and closely track the coursework.

Is an MCAT prep course worth it?

For these students, are MCAT prep courses worth it? Yes, definitely. But even at this level, you don't need to spend $3,000. Well, you could go to companies out there that charge thousands of dollars for a class.

Is blueprint better than Princeton Review?

Blueprint offers 15 full-length practice exams, while Princeton offers 16. Both do a great job of replicating the real MCAT questions in content, length and difficulty. For our team, however, Blueprint stood out with its advanced test scoring analytics. Slight edge – Blueprint.

Is Kaplan the best MCAT prep?

All in all, Kaplan gives students access to 16 full-length practice tests. This is a very respectable number of practice exams and is bested only by the Gold Standard MCAT Prep, which provides 20 tests. While 16 exams doesn't sound like much, at 7 hours+ per exam, that is a lot of hours spent simulating the real MCAT.

Is Kaplan or Princeton Review better for MCAT?

The primary difference between the Kaplan and Princeton Review MCAT offerings revolves around instruction. Kaplan provides better quality on demand, video-based instruction, while we tend to like the quantity and approach of Princeton's live classes better.

Is Princeton Review MCAT course worth it?

Is the Princeton Review worth it? Yes! Princeton Review has a great course that has helped students raise their score through effective content and an easy-to-use platform. Their 510+ score guarantee is especially valuable for students who need to hit a specific score for admissions.

What MCAT books should I buy?

The Best MCAT Prep BooksBest Official Guide: MCAT – The Official Guide to the MCAT® Exam, 5th Edition. ... Best for Visual Learners: MCAT Complete 7-Book Subject Review 2022-2023. ... Best for Exam Strategies: MCAT Prep Books 2021-2022. ... Best for In-Depth Subject Coverage: MCAT Princeton Review.More items...•Nov 1, 2021

Is Magoosh good for MCAT prep?

Verdict: Magoosh MCAT Prep Course Review If you are self-motivated, prefer learning alone at your own pace, and fancy video lessons, Magoosh may be a great fit for your MCAT prep needs. Their 380+ video lessons, while on the dry side, are very thorough and expertly communicated.

Which Princeton MCAT course is the best?

The MCAT 510+ course is Princeton Reviews most popular course they offer. This course is the most in-depth course they offer. Students can purchase this course for $3099. The course includes 123 hours of live online instruction from 4-6 subject-matter experts.Dec 30, 2021

Is the Kaplan class worth it?

Conclusion. Kaplan MCAT prep is a great choice to get you ready for the MCAT. Many have gone through the course and had great success and you do have the higher score guarantee, which means Kaplan stands behind their work. Kaplan is a great choice if you learn mainly by lecture/video and practice questions.

How good are Kaplan practice tests MCAT?

Most test takers report that Kaplan practice tests are more difficult, with many scoring about ten points higher on the real MCAT than they did on Kaplan practice tests.Apr 9, 2021

Can I study for the MCAT in 3 months?

How many months should I spend studying for the MCAT? 12 weeks, or 3 months, is generally sufficient time to spend studying for the MCAT at about 20 hours per week. This can be compressed or extended based on your schedule.Dec 31, 2021