what is intellectual property (ip)? what are the information ethics associated with ip? course hero

by Kelli Bergnaum Sr. 8 min read

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What is intellectual property (IP)? What are the information ethics associated with IP?

Expert Answer

Intellectual property refers to the any outcome that results from the creative process of someones mind / thought process / inventions. It can be better illustrated with following examples: Any new view the full answer

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Question -2. What is intellectual property (IP)? What are the information ethics associated with IP? What is the impact of digital media on the information ethics of IP? What are examples of technologies used to control access to digitized intellectual property?

Expert Answer

The answer to Q 2: What is intellectual property (IP)? Intellectual Property refers to the intangible property created using human intellect and need to be protected for the benefit of the creator. In view the full answer
