what math course do 8th graders take

by Cordie Blick 4 min read

The primary strands for an 8th-grade
The eighth grade is the ninth school year, the second, third, fourth, or final year of middle school, or the second and/or final year of junior high school, and comes after 7th grade. Usually, students are 13–14 years old in this stage of education.
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math curriculum are number sense and operations, algebra, geometry, and spatial sense, measurement, and data analysis and probability. While these math strands might surprise you, they are all critical lessons for an 8th-grade math curriculum.

What are the basics of 8th grade math?

Eighth grade math

  • A. Number theory
  • B. Integers
  • C. Operations with integers
  • D. Rational numbers
  • E. Operations with rational numbers
  • F. Exponents and roots
  • G. Scientific notation
  • H. Ratios, rates, and proportions. Do the ratios form a proportion?
  • I. Proportional relationships
  • J. Percents

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What math concepts are taught in eighth grade?

What Are the Different Types of Math in 8th Grade?

  • Background. Throughout most of the latter portion of the 20th century, many eighth grade math courses were arithmetic-based, and students didn’t take algebra or geometry until high school, if at ...
  • Pre-Algebra. An eighth grade pre-algebra course almost always serves as a precursor to a ninth grade Algebra 1 course.
  • Algebra. ...
  • Geometry. ...
  • Blended. ...

Why is 8th grade so hard for students?

Why So Many Students Struggle With Math

  • It’s difficult to relate to. Math is a very abstract subject. ...
  • There’s only right and wrong. ...
  • It builds on itself. ...
  • Students expect math to be difficult. ...
  • Putting memorization ahead of understanding. ...
  • It has a reputation of being “boring”. ...
  • It requires a lot of practice. ...
  • Students move on before they’re ready. ...

What are the 8th grade math standards?

North Carolina 8thGrade Standards Standards for Mathematical Practice The Number System Expressions & Equations Functions Geometry Statistics & Probability Know that there are numbers that are not rational and approximate them by rational numbers. NC.8.NS.1 NC.8.NS.2 Work with radicals and integer exponents.

What do you study in eighth grade?

Although there isn't a specific recommended course of study for eighth-grade science, students typically continue to explore earth, physical, and life science topics. Some students may take a general or physical science course for high school credit while in eighth grade. Common general science topics include the scientific method and terminology.

What should eighth graders learn?

Eighth-grade students should also learn to recognize and understand the uses of language such as figurative language, analogies, and allusion.

What should students practice in preparation for standardized tests?

In preparation for standardized testing and college entrance exams, students should practice applying their reading comprehension skills to a variety of documents. They should be able to recognize the main idea, central theme, and supporting details.

What is the last year of middle school?

The final year of middle school, eighth grade is a time of transition and preparing students for high school. Eighth-grade students will spend their last year of middle school building on what they learned as sixth- and seventh-grade students, strengthening any areas of weakness, and digging into more complex coursework as they prepare ...

What is the language arts class for 8th graders?

As in previous middle school grades, a typical course of study for eighth-grade language arts includes literature, composition, grammar, and vocabulary-building. Literary skills focus on reading comprehension and analyzing texts. In preparation for standardized testing and college entrance exams, students should practice applying their reading ...

What should students be able to identify?

They should be able to identify the cause of the conflicts, such as contradictory or inaccurate facts or the author's opinion or bias on the subject.

What are the topics of health courses?

Typical topics for a health course include personal hygiene, nutrition, exercise, first aid, sexual health, and the health risks and consequences associated with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use. Bales, Kris. "Understanding a Typical Course of Study for 8th Grade.".

Which states have the highest advanced math enrollment?

The top four states that boosted advanced enrollments were Minnesota (35%), and Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington (all with 17%). In contrast, two states stand out for going against the national trend with shrinking advanced math enrollments: Nevada (-22%) and Georgia (-17%).

How many seventh graders took algebra in 2012?

In California, 8.1% of seventh graders (nearly 38,000 students) took the algebra end of course exam in 2012. If Common Core means the same curriculum for all, a time will surely come when exceptional math students need an uncommon curriculum that is appropriate for them.

How many states have decreased enrollment in math?

Twenty-eight states decreased enrollments in general math, twenty increased, and three stayed the same. In general, course enrollments behave like a tube of toothpaste—squeeze on one end and the other end bulges. States with rising advanced math enrollments experienced shrinking enrollments in basic courses.

Is it normal to take algebra in eighth grade?

No one knows how gifted students’ needs will be met in the Common Core Era. Taking algebra in eighth grade is the new normal, and taking algebra in the seventh grade is rapidly becoming the new normal for gifted math students.

Is eighth grade algebra unique?

Part III of the 2013 Brown Center Report on American Education. As recently as 1990, taking algebra in eighth grade was unique. That has changed dramatically in recent years, and now more eighth graders take algebra than any other math class. Enrollment in eighth-grade algebra—and in other advanced math classes—varies by state.
