what makes a course blak?

by Kirstin Stehr 7 min read

Why do we call it “your black”?

Apr 25, 2019 · What Two Colors Make Black. It is possible to make black by mixing secondary colors with primary colors as well. Here are some examples of what two colors you can mix to make black. The first secondary and primary color combination entails green and …

What two colors make black?

Nov 02, 2020 · Black stool may occur as a result of a bleed in the upper GI tract. This may be due to damage to the esophagus, stomach, or upper intestine. An upper GI bleed may indicate cancer, but this is not always the case. To diagnose the cause of your black feces, a doctor will carry out a procedure called upper endoscopy. They may also arrange for blood tests and an analysis of …

Why is my motor oil black?

Shampoo your hair gently, slowly working it into your hair. Rough rubbing may cause frizz or tangles when you get out of the shower. As for conditioner, apply this on the ends first and work upward. If your scalp gets oily easily, do not bring the conditioner all the way up to the scalp.

Can you see blood in stool?

Very small amounts of blood in the stool may be seen by the naked eye and not significantly change the color of stool. This is called fecal occult blood, which can be a symptom of a serious disease and may be found with regular, routine medical testing.

What are the symptoms of black stool?

Symptoms that may accompany black stool include: Abdominal pain or cramping. Abdominal swelling or bloated feeling. Change in bowel habits.

What are the symptoms of a symtom?

Seek immediate medical care (call 911) if you, or someone you are with, have any of the following symptoms: Change in level of consciousness or alertness, such as passing out or unresponsiveness. Change in mental status or sudden behavior change, such as confusion, delirium, lethargy, hallucinations and delusions.

Why is my stool black?

Black stool can be due to a variety of serious or life-threatening conditions that result in bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract including: Abdominal or esophageal trauma. Abnormal blood vessel.

What is abnormal blood vessel?

Abnormal blood vessel. Bleeding esophageal varices (abnormally widened or distended blood vessels in the esophagus that rupture) Bleeding peptic ulcer (stomach or small intestine ulcer) Bowel ischemia (lack of normal blood flow to the intestines and death of intestinal tissue)

What causes a swollen stomach?

Bowel ischemia (lack of normal blood flow to the intestines and death of intestinal tissue) Gastritis, such as irritation and swelling of the stomach caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Inflammatory bowel disease (includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) Radiation therapy.

What is the name of the disease that causes a swollen stomach?

Gastritis, such as irritation and swelling of the stomach caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Inflammatory bowel disease (includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) Radiation therapy. Stomach cancer or other types of upper gastrointestinal cancer.

What is coarse hair?

Coarse hair refers to the circumference of the individual strand. It’s possible to have thin and coarse hair just like it’s possible to have thick and fine hair. Hair density and hair texture are different and we all have some combination of the two.

How to tell if you have coarse hair?

Another way to identify whether or not you have coarse hair is by comparing the thickness of one strand to that of a piece of sewing thread. If the hair strand is thicker than the thread, you have coarse hair.

What is the difference between coarse and thick hair?

Thick hair refers to the hair density, or the number of follicles on the scalp. Coarse hair refers to the circumference of the individual strand. It’s possible to have thin and coarse hair just like it’s possible to have thick and fine hair.

How to get dry hair out of your hair?

Try washing your hair about twice a week. Washing more than that may prevent your scalps natural oils from traveling down to your ends. Over a period of time, this will result in dried out hair. Try Co-Washing. If your coarse hair is prone to dryness, you may want to try co-washing.

How to keep your hair from drying out?

Try Co-Washing. If your coarse hair is prone to dryness, you may want to try co-washing. Common among the curly-haired, co-washing is when you only wash your hair with conditioner. The conditioner rinses the dirt out of your hair while preventing dryness and moisturizing at the same time.

Can you blow dry your hair?

If possible, avoid blow drying your hair. This literally blows the moisture out of your hair and it can take your hair’s natural oils along with it. Instead, try planning ahead and giving your hair plenty of time to air dry. When your hair is slightly damp, apply a light moisturizing oil.

Why is my hair frizzy?

Frizzy Hair. Frizziness in coarse hair can be the result of over-washing or over-processing. If your hair tends to be naturally frizzy, humidity may increase the frizz, making your hair difficult to manage. Try limiting the amount of heat you use on your hair.

What does it mean when your stool turns black?

Blood in the Stool (Melena) Blood that comes from the upper GI tract—such as the esophagus or the stomach—may turn the stool black. This is a condition called melena. If you have melena, you may also notice that your stool has a tarry texture or is similar to coffee grounds.

What causes black stools?

Iron supplements, taken alone or as part of a multivitamin for iron-deficiency anemia, may cause black stools or even green stools. 1. Foods that are dark blue, black, or green may also cause black stools. Substances that are often found to cause black stools include: Black licorice. Blueberries.

Why is my stool red?

This is a condition called hematochezia. Blood stemming from this region will be more red in appearance, because it will be exposed to less of the digestive process.

What are the risk factors for bleeding in the GI tract?

Talk to a doctor about the potential for bleeding and blood in the stool if any of these potential risk factors apply to you: Liver disease. Cancer.

What is the procedure called when you insert a tube down your throat?

In particular, your healthcare provider may conduct an esophagogastroduodenoscopy ( EGD, or upper endoscopy). This procedure involves inserting a flexible tube with a camera down your throat so that your doctor can inspect the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine. 3.

What is a sore on the lining of the stomach that can cause bleeding and result in melena?

An ulcer is a type of sore on the lining of the stomach that can cause bleeding and result in melena. Contrary to popular belief, stomach ulcers are not usually caused by stress or spicy food (although these can aggravate an already existing ulcer).

What is the inflammation of the stomach lining?

Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach lining. This inflammation can be caused by too much alcohol, eating spicy foods, smoking, infection with bacteria, or by the prolonged use of NSAIDs. Gastritis can also develop after surgery or trauma, or it may be associated with already existing medical conditions. 5

What temperature does oil cool in the morning?

During your drive to work in the morning, your engine reaches normal operating temperature (typically 195ºF–220ºF [90ºC–104ºC]), heating the motor oil. Then the oil cools while your car sits in the parking lot. During lunch, the oil again is exposed to heat during your drive to Walmart for butter and shoe laces.

Why does oil turn black?

Soot causes oil to turn black. While heat cycles cause oil to darken, soot causes oil to turn black. Most people associate soot with diesel engines, but gasoline engines can produce soot as well, particularly modern gasoline-direct-injection engines. Soot is a byproduct of incomplete combustion.

What does the color of the oil mean?

Oil Myth: The color of the oil indicates when it’s time for an oil change. It’s common to assume that black motor oil has worn out or become too saturated with contaminants to protect your engine and requires changing. Not necessarily.

Does soot cause engine wear?

Since soot particles are less than one micron in size, they typically don’t cause engine wear. For comparison, a human hair is roughly 70 microns in diameter. If soot particles agglomerate into larger wear-causing contaminants, the oil filter will catch them.

How many microns is a human hair?

For comparison, a human hair is roughly 70 microns in diameter. If soot particles agglomerate into larger wear-causing contaminants, the oil filter will catch them. Sometimes people who use bypass filtration systems, which can filter contaminants down to two microns, express surprise that the motor oil is still black.

Can mold grow in your house?

Mold spores are present everywhere and can survive even the most extreme circumstances, so it is nearly impossible to prevent them from getting into your home.

What is the most important element for black mold?

Of the elements necessary for black mold growth, moisture is the most important. Black mold requires more water than any other type of mould, and it needs it for longer periods of time. It can receive this moisture from a wide variety of sources, including rain, leaky pipes, humidity in the air and condensation from things such as air conditioners ...

What temperature does black mold grow?

The ideal temperature for this type of mould growth is about 73 degrees Fahrenheit, but it can occur in temperatures as low as 36 degrees Fahrenheit or as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, black mould can lie dormant in temperatures outside this range.

How long does it take for mold to grow?

Sufficient Time – Most molds can begin to grow after being in contact with water for 24 to 48 hours, but black mildew requires longer exposure times. A substance must be very wet for several days before this type of mold can start to develop. This commonly occurs in the case of a flood or a leak.

Why does black mold grow on walls?

Poor ventilation makes it difficult for humidity to escape from the home, causing moisture to accumulate on ceilings, walls and other surfaces. The lack of airflow also means that wet areas take a long time to dry, which gives black mold plenty of time to develop.

What causes black mold in a house?

Flooding. Floods are one of the most common causes of black mold. They soak entire areas of a home, and the water can seep deeply into walls, ceilings, and flooring materials. These surfaces can sometimes take several weeks to completely dry out.

How to prevent black mold?

The best way to prevent black mold is to find and quickly repair problems that occur in the home’s windows, roof, heating and cooling system, and plumbing. Regrettably, many homeowners do not take the time to maintain these areas or to check for proper ventilation and humidity levels. This can contribute to black mold.

What does it mean when your gums change color?

Good oral health is essential for overall well-being. Changes in the color of the gums can indicate an underlying health problem, so a person should speak to a doctor to determine the cause.

Why are my gums dark brown?

Dark brown or black gums may be due to a person having more melanin in the body. If a person’s gums have always been very dark, there is no cause for concern.

What is minocycline used for?

Minocycline is used to treat acne and some infections, such as chlamydia. An uncommon side effect of minocycline is pigmentation or discoloration, which can sometimes occur in the mouth. A person should speak to their doctor about any discolorations caused by medications, as alternative drugs may be available. 4.

What causes black gums?

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is a gum infection that is also known as trench mouth. It causes fever, painful gums, and bad-smelling breath. An infection can cause black or grey gums if a layer of dead tissue builds up over the gums.

Why do my lips turn dark?

weakened muscles. As Addison’s disease progresses, a person may experience darkened gums and lips. The medical term for this is hyperpigmentation. As well as affecting the lips and gums, Addison’s disease can cause darker patches of skin in other areas of the body.

What causes dark spots on the body?

The medical term for this is hyperpigmentation. As well as affecting the lips and gums, Addison’s disease can cause darker patches of skin in other areas of the body. The most common places where dark patches may develop are on the knees, knuckles, in the lines of the palms, and around scars.

What are the symptoms of Addison's disease?

If hormone levels drop too low, it can cause an adrenal crisis. Symptoms of an adrenal crisis include severe dehydration, fast and shallow breathing, drowsiness, and pale, clammy skin.

Why do ketones show up in urine?

Their insulin is absent, so ketones show up where they normally wouldn’t. Just because something is there doesn’t mean it is the cause.

How does antiperspirant work?

Antiperspirant works by blocking your pores —I’m simplifying here—once those pores are blocked, an extra coat of the white stuff isn’t going to be helpful. It’s just going to rub off on the inside of your clothing.

What is the active ingredient in antiperspirants?

Most of the antiperspirants/deodorants you see will all have the same active ingredient (s): aluminum chloride, aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum-zirconium, or a combination of thereof.



Black stool isn't always due to a big problem. There are many reasons stool could appear black, and iron supplements or even Oreos could be to blame. This is especially true for people who have had ostomy surgery or a colectomy, because the food is not being digested as fully as it is in people who have not had any abd…
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  • If you're seeing black stools and can trace it back to a food you ate, that's OK. However, a doctor should be consulted immediately if black stools cannot be traced back to a food, an iron supplement, or Pepto-Bismol. The black color alone is not enough to determine that it is in fact blood that is being passed in the stool. Therefore, a doctor will need to confirm whether there ac…
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  • Blood that comes from higher up in the digestive tract, such as the esophagus or stomach, may turn stool black, which is called \"melena.\" As the blood passes through the body and interacts with enzymes in the digestive process, the blood changes from red to black. This makes it a bit more difficult to see in or on the stool than if there is red b...
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  • If the black stool is accompanied by other symptoms such as feeling faint or actually fainting, dizziness, pain, or vomiting, especially if there's blood in it or it looks like coffee grounds, contacting a doctor immediately is important because it could be a medical emergency. For some people, there may already be a known risk factor for bleeding in the digestive tract. Talk to a doc…
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  • Ulcer. An ulcer is a type of sore on the lining of the stomach that can cause bleeding and result in melena. Contrary to popular belief, stomach ulcers are not usually caused by stress or spicy food (although these can aggravate an already existing ulcer). In fact, they are typically caused by an infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Antibiotics are normally prescrib…
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Signs and symptoms

  • Esophageal Varices. Esophageal varices are dilated veins in the wall of the lower esophagus or upper stomach. When these veins rupture, they may cause bleeding, which can cause blood to appear in the stool or in vomit. Esophageal varices are a serious complication resulting from portal hypertension (high blood pressure) brought on by cirrhosis of the liver.
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Clinical significance

  • Mallory-Weiss Tear. This is a tear in the mucous membrane that joins the esophagus and the stomach. If this tear bleeds, it can result in melena. This condition is fairly rare (only occurring in four of 100,000 people) and may be caused by violent vomiting, coughing, or epileptic convulsions.
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