what major course is eeob 3510

by Mr. Luther Christiansen 4 min read

EEOB 3510. Introduction to the structure and function of animal cells, and to patterns of early development in vertebrates and invertebrates.

Burst into tears at the end of my last final

I didn’t realize how stressful this semester was until I just finished my last final and cried. I was carrying so much pressure and stress and I’m so thankful for this break.

Masks are cold weather heroes

I freaking love the mask. My lips are less chapped. The cold and wind doesn't hurt my face because its covered. I wear enough of the same colors that I can generally match it to an outfit. I don't find it hard to breathe really at all. I think the closer to winter it gets, the more the masks are going to come in clutch and I'm ready for it.
