what is ucat course

by Mr. Brady Lynch I 5 min read

The UCAT stands for University Clinical Aptitude Test, (previously named UKCAT, UK Clinical Aptitude Test), and is required for entry to a medical/dentistry degree at many UK universities. Even though a name change has taken place, the UCAT is an identical test to the UKCAT.

What is the online UCAT course?

Our Online UCAT Course is a self-paced e-Learning course you can do in your own time. This UCAT Course is delivered live during one-day. Can I get a discount if I buy more than one course?

What is the purpose of the UCAT?

The UCAT was developed with the goal to assess qualities considered desirable in the health professions, including problem solving, empathy and abstract reasoning skills. Many universities also use an interview to select students into medicine and dentistry.

What is UCAT masterclass?

It’s evident that UCAT Masterclass is an online course highly dedicated to providing students with the most tried and effective strategies to smash out every single section, apparent in the extensively structured layout of their in-course digital ‘textbook’. Want a free UCAT exam? Test yourself with our free 2 hour online UCAT exam.

How is the UCAT different from other exams?

The UCAT is not a test of knowledge, it is a test of your generic skills. Therefore, the questions in the UCAT will be very different to anything you have been exposed to at school and university. The UCAT is composed of questions drawn from five constructs:

What is UCAT used for?

UCAT stands for University Clinical Aptitude Test. UCAT is one of the main criteria used by most universities in Australia and New Zealand to select students into high-demand, health-related careers such as medicine and dentistry.

What do you learn in UCAT?

Sign InVerbal Reasoning.Quantitative Reasoning.Abstract Reasoning.Decision Making.Situational Judgement.

Is UCAT a qualification?

The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test, used by a consortium of UK Universities and non-UK associate member universities to help select applicants for their medical and dental degree programmes.

Who needs to do a UCAT?

You are required to sit the UCAT 2022 if you are applying for entry in 2023 (or deferred entry in 2024) to a relevant course at a UK Consortium or non-UK Associate Member University. All applicants should check the entry requirements for each course with the relevant university before booking a test.

Is UCAT harder than NEET?

Since UCAT is Universal Clinical Aptitude Test it is including the word Universal while neet examination is for India and if we compare the difficulty levels so it is entirely different in NEET examination there would be questions of physics chemistry and biology while in UCAT you will see aptitude questions, comparing ...

Can I sit UCAT after Year 12?

Eligibility. Can I sit the UCAT ANZ if I'm enrolled in Year 11 and taking a Year 12 subject? No. The UCAT ANZ is only available to a candidate whose educational level at the time of sitting the test is that they are undertaking or have completed their final year of secondary schooling, or higher.

Can I apply for medicine without UCAT?

No. UCAT isn't compulsory for medicine degrees. But that doesn't mean you should not sit the UCAT if you intend to do medicine. The universities that don't require UCAT for undergraduate medicine make up only a small fraction of the courses on offer.

Can Indians UCAT?

Can I take the UCAT exam in India? Yes, the UCAT is delivered in Pearson VUE test centres in India. What is a good UCAT score? A score above 650 in each subtest is considered a good UCAT score and a score of over 680 will allow you to make a competitive application to any medical school.

Is UCAT compulsory in UK?

There are 30 Med Schools in the UK that require the UCAT as part of their admissions criteria. The few that don't, require BMAT instead. The UCAT universities are: University of Aberdeen.

Can you get into dentistry without UCAT?

Applicants are required to sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) in the year they wish to make their application. Please note that the result is valid for one application cycle only. If applicants are reapplying, they must re-sit UCAT.

How do I start studying for UCAT?

How To Prepare For UCAT 2022Stage one: Learn theory and strategies. Focus 10+ hours at the start. Learn with UCAT Courses.Stage two: Apply the theory with practice. Spend 25 – 50 hours. Use Tutoring to improve your weaker areas.Stage three: Consolidate to time with mocks. Spend 10 hours on timing.

Is the UCAT hard?

UCAT is probably the single most important and hardest test that you will ever have to sit. Many students, especially those who do not prepare, are shocked by the difficulty of UCAT. Some who do prepare become disillusioned with the process, finding the questions difficult to complete within the time limits.

What is UCAT?

UCAT stands for University Clinical Aptitude Test. The UCAT is one of three main criteria used by most universities in Australia, New Zealand and t...


Because the demand for medicine, dentistry and some other health science courses is so significant, the final school year score required to get int...

When is UCAT?

The UCAT ANZ 2022 testing will be held between 1 July and 12 August 2022.

What courses require the UCAT?

You will need to sit the UCAT if you are interested in any of the following courses: University of Auckland (Medicine) University of Otago (Medicin...

How many questions are in the UCAT?

There are a total of 233 questions in the UCAT, with the questions divided among the subtests as follows: Verbal Reasoning - 44 questionsDecision M...

How long is the UCAT?

The UCAT takes a total of approximately 2 hours. There is also 5 minutes of instruction time, 1 minute before each subtest.

When do registrations for the UCAT open?

Registrations for a Pearson VUE online account and booking a UCAT test date: Bookings open: 1 March 2022

How can I prepare for the UCAT? How can I study for the UCAT? How can I do well in the UCAT?

Successful preparation for the UCAT can be summarised in five key steps: Understand the importance of the UCAT Familiarise yourself with UCAT-style...

How to register for the UCAT

The best way to register for the test is to follow the instructions from the UCAT website. They will take you to the Pearson Vue website where you can find your nearest test centre and follow the instructions for booking your test. You’ll need to register and create an account with them.

How to book the UCAT

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be sent a link with booking instructions. At this point, you’ll be asked to pay for the test (see the section below on the cost of sitting the exam). You’ll also be sent links for rescheduling or cancelling should you need to do it.

Cost of sitting the UCAT exam

The cost of the UCAT varies depending on when and where you sit it. The UCAT website will have the details and is updated for each specific year. Generally, the test costs £55 if sat between 1 st July and 31 st August (for applications for the following September), which goes up to £80 between 1 st September and 1 st October.

What to expect on the day of your UCAT exam

For those who have sat their driving theory test, the environment on the day will be familiar. If you haven’t, this is what will happen:

UCAT Key Dates

This page on the UCAT website will tell you all you need to know about dates. Below are rough dates for you to have in mind:

How to prepare for the UCAT

Seeing as the UCAT is an aptitude test, it’s pretty hard to revise for it in the same way you would a normal exam. The test aims to assess your cognitive reasoning and problem-solving skills, which often can’t be learnt over a short period of time.

Resitting the UCAT

As we’ve mentioned before, the rules only allow you to sit the test once per application cycle. If you don’t do as well as you’d have hoped, don’t worry too much about it as you may still get offers from universities! If you don’t, then you’ll have to re-sit the test the following year.

What is the UCAT test?

The UCAT stands for University Clinical Aptitude Test, (previously named UKCAT, UK Clinical Aptitude Test), and is required for entry to a medical/dentistry degree at many UK universities.

Is UCAT a trademark?

UCAT is a trademark or registered trademark of the UCAT Consortium in the United States and other countries, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. Pearson VUE is a trademark of Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates.

Is UCAT live or online?

If you prefer live teaching, then the best UCAT courses would be ones that are held live, whether that’s in-person or via a remote classroom. But if you prefer to learn yourself with e-learning, you may find our online course is actually the best UCAT course for you!

Is UCAT running again in 2021?

We’re running in-person UCAT Courses again in 2021. We’re uniquely placed to do this thanks to our partnership with Dukes Education – a group that operates schools throughout the UK. If you prefer online teaching, that’s fine by us. You can attend our Virtual Classrooms from anywhere in the world!

What is a physical UCAT course?

With a physical UCAT course, you are roped into a time and day, but you are taught by a real person and you can ask questions as you go along. The courses will generally cram a lot more information in one day.

Is the UCAT a tough exam?

The UCAT is a tough exam – you can’t become perfect in a day. Instead, you need to practice regularly so that you can develop the techniques you’ve learnt. Therefore look for a course with ongoing tutor support until test day. That way if you have any questions or difficulties, you’ll get the expert help you need.

What is UCAT?

Before discussing the details of the course, let’s take a look at what exactly it is we are preparing against, and why we need to prepare for it so intensively:

How we can help you

In Achievemed, we have been offering UCAT tutoring for three years now and we have helped over a hundred students come one step closer to their goals. We have recruited people who have achieved extraordinary results and we have used their help to set-up a course that will help you come closer to doing the same thing.

Our Tutors

Achievemed is a small start-up, but what makes us unique is the quality of the people that makes us who we are.

Our Results

We take great pride in the results we have achieved over the years, as we value quality over quantity.
