what is the strangest college course

by Ms. Catharine Yost 3 min read

The 10 Weirdest University Courses #1: The Simpsons and Philosophy This peculiar course at the University of California, Berkeley examines the popular animated series from the perspective of philosophers such as Plato and Nietzsche, among others.

10 Weird College Courses That Really Exist
  1. Introduction to Beekeeping. You've probably heard the buzz about this class at Temple University. ...
  2. Tree Climbing. ...
  3. Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. ...
  4. Harry Potter Studies. ...
  5. The Selfie Class. ...
  6. Patternmaking for Dog Garments. ...
  7. Wasting Time on the Internet. ...
  8. Arguing with Judge Judy.
Aug 20, 2021

Full Answer

Are college courses really that bad?

Top 25 Strangest College Courses Published on Monday January 28th , 2008 College is a time for self-expression, freedom from parents, the pursuit of knowledge and exploration of a new career.

What is a cryptid class in college?

2. Introduction to Turntablism. Taught by: Jamie Shorey at Oberlin College. What It Is: A DJ crash course, but for college credit. The syllabus will cover all basics such as sampling, beatmatching ...

How much do you know about college courses?

Mar 12, 2009 · The gang at Online Colleges Blog have compiled a list of "The 15 Strangest College Courses In America." They concede that these courses "sound like lots of fun" but wonder "with tuition costs ...

Is choosing your class schedule the most difficult part of college?

Nov 16, 2021 · Take your pick from 10 of today’s strangest college classes: 10. Patternmaking for Dog Garments. ... –and some break from the predictability of your college life routine–do check if your college or university’s college courses list offers strange college classes that you will look forward to attending.

What is the most useless college course?

20 Most Useless DegreesAdvertising. If you're an advertising major, you may hope to get into digital marketing, e-commerce, or sports marketing. ... Anthropology And Archeology. ... Art history. ... Communications. ... Computer Science. ... Creative Writing. ... Criminal Justice. ... Culinary arts.More items...

What is the weirdest degree?

Weirdest degrees to study at universityViticulture and Oenology. ... Horology. ... Air Transport with Helicopter Training. ... Ethical Hacking. ... Brewing and Distilling. ... Ethnobotany. ... Animal Behaviour and Psychology. ... Baking Science and Technology.More items...•Feb 10, 2022

What is the hardest college course ever?

Organic Chemistry: It shouldn't surprise you that organic chemistry takes the No. 1 spot as the hardest college course. This course is often referred to as the “pre-med killer” because it actually has caused many pre-med majors to switch their major.Aug 24, 2020

What is the most easiest college course?

9 Easiest College Classes For SuccessCreative Writing. ... Physical Education. ... Psychology. ... Public Speaking. ... Anthropology. ... Art History. ... Acting. ... Photography. If you're not in art school or trying to become a professional photographer, taking a photography class can still provide you with valuable lessons.More items...

What majors are useless?

One bad mistake might have a long-term impact on your professional career especially when you pick one of the most useless college degrees in the world....Advertising. ... Anthropology And Archeology. ... Fashion Design. ... Tourism And Hospitality. ... Communications. ... Education. ... Criminal Justice. ... Creative Writing.More items...•Jan 4, 2022

What is the rarest major?

Arts majors are least valuable Visual and performing arts ranked as the least-valuable major, largely because the median income for degree holders was just $35,500.Oct 4, 2021

What is the most failed subject in high school?

AlgebraAlgebra is the single most failed course in high school, the most failed course in community college, and, along with English language for nonnative speakers, the single biggest academic reason that community colleges have a high dropout rate.Sep 15, 2017

What is the hardest class in Harvard?

The Hardest Courses at HarvardPhysics 16: Mechanics and Special Relativity. ... Economics 1011a: Microeconomic Theory. ... Chemistry 30: Organic Chemistry. ... Social Studies 10. ... ES181: Engineering Thermodynamics. ... Math 55a: Honors Abstract Algebra.Sep 2, 2010

What is the easiest subject to learn?

What are the 12 easiest A-Level subjects?Geography. ... Textiles. ... Film Studies. ... Sociology. ... Information Technology. ... Health and Social Care. ... Media Studies. With a pass rate of 100% in 2019, Media Studies is definitely one of the easier A-Levels. ... Law. A-Level Law is surprisingly easy, especially compared to degree-level Law.More items...

What is the least stressful major?

According to the annual National Survey of Student Engagement, software engineering, computer science and astronomy majors enjoy the least stressful college experience, and spend the most time relaxing and socializing, including hanging out with friends, playing video games and going online.Jan 30, 2018

What are top 10 courses?

The following are the top 10 best courses to study at the university.Information Technology. What is the best course to study in 2020? ... Medical and Biological Sciences. ... Entrepreneurship. ... Pure Mathematics and Statistics. ... Business Administration and Sales. ... Engineering. ... Clinical Psychology and related courses. ... Finance.More items...•Jan 22, 2021

What is the easiest degree with highest pay?

With that in mind, here are the 12 easiest college majors that pay well.Philosophy Major. ... Creative Writing Major. ... Communication Major. ... History Major. ... Religious Studies Major. ... Education Major. ... Health Major. ... Sociology Major. Sociology allows students to learn about different human behavior patterns derived through massive data.More items...

What is a DJ crash course?

What It Is: A DJ crash course, but for college credit. The syllabus will cover all basics such as sampling, beatmatching, laptop Djing, and how to scratch. Best of all, this might be the one college course you can actually make a living off of.

Is college education unaffordable?

A college education has never been more unaffordable—so why not spend it watching Monty Python, or debating Miley Cyrus, or playing StarCraft? Here, the best uses of your credit-hours this side of sleeping through recitation

When society as we know it lies in ruins, will alien archeologists sift through billions of

Someday, when society as we know it lies in ruins, alien archeologists from 300 million light-years away will sift through billions of photos of duck-faced girls and shirtless dudes — and it will be just as weird for them as it is for us.

Is Ohio State University training the next generation for revolt?

Ohio State University is busy training the next generation for revolt. Just kidding (maybe), but it does offer a course that looks at different revolutionary movements to better understand why some succeed and others fail.

What is the cannabis college?

The Cannabis College. More an entire college than one specific course, Oakland, California-based Oaksterdam is "America's first cannabis college.". Founded in 2007, it now has 40,000 alumni and a mission "to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to lead and succeed in the evolving cannabis industry .".

What is Northwestern University's class about?

Northwestern University#N#Speaking of digital distractions, here's a class on the very same. However, instead of asking its students to create GIFs, selfies, and so on, it explores "the technologies, habits, forms, and cultures emerging alongside smartphones, social media, and pervasive wireless networks in the mid-2000s." Which does sound slightly more intellectual.

What is the University of Virginia course on Game of Thrones?

University of Virginia. This course compares how George R.R. Martin's books differ from the show, and specifically will "compare the ways in which HBO's approach to the 'Game of Thrones' phenomena both changes and cements aspects that Martin created.".

What is the philosophy course at Indiana State University?

This course, " an introduction to philosophy through the eyes of Rod Serling," says instructor Dr. Kevin Bollinger, includes themed weeks where students explore the topics of "honesty, loyalty, love, and faithfulness, as well as narcissism, prejudice, and vanity."

What college teaches you to climb trees?

Cornell University. There is nothing lofty hidden in the syllabus here — this course literally teaches people how to climb trees, albeit for recreation as well as education and research. The course is open to all ages and experience levels, so if you've longed to be a kid again, this one's for you.

Where is Reed College?

Reed College, Oregon. After liberal arts colleges in the 1950s starting offering classes that sounded increasingly un-academic, someone started a joke about an underwater basket weaving class, and it stuck. And for years, media sites have reported that Reed College actually offers this class.

Does Reed College offer a litany of other courses?

They do not, but they do get a kick out of people thinking they do. Reed College does, however, offer a litany of other courses that, while not wacky, are enough to warrant an unusually high number of graduates who go on to earn doctorates and post-grad degrees. 16 / 21.

What college offered the Phallus class?

In 2007, the Occidental College in Los Angeles, California didn’t escape the watchful eye of the media (and curious spectators) when they offered “The Phallus” class. It raised eyebrows because the was exactly what people thought it was: detailed discussions on the definition of the phallus, the types of phallus, the connection between the phallus and the male penis, the relationship between phallus and fetishism, and phallologocentrism. It also covered sensitive topics such as the whiteness and significance of the phallus, the genital organs, fetish, masculinity, and femininity.

What is the science and sociology of Harry Potter?

Rowling’s best-selling novel series. The Science and Sociology of Harry Potter was a three-credit course that did not include witchcraft or wizardry in discussions; instead, it highlighted the science and sociology behind the magical effects used in the Harry Potter series, including regrowing of bones, wall walking, teleportation, and anti-gravity to explain the mechanism behind the flying broomstick.

What is the zombie apocalypse?

The idea of the “ zombie apocalypse ” was primarily used as an attraction to draw more students.

What is the course called "Writing 150"?

It is formally called “Writing 150: Writing and Critical Reasoning, Identity and Diversity.”

What is the English department at the University of Texas?

The English Department of the University of Texas in San Antonio offers a course that tackles “the historical, social, literary, and theoretical structures of black feminism”–with entertainment on the side. This class dissects “Lemonade”, the chart-topping single from pop icon Beyonce, focusing on the song’s historical and cultural implications.

What is street fighting math?

Inspired by the insanely popular video game “Street Fighter,” the Street Fighting Mathematics course centers on the methodologies used for problem-solving without calculated solutions. It acquaints students with various mathematical approaches–such as analysis, analogy, reasoning, generalization, and approximation–as problem-solving techniques and sharpens their analytical skills.

What is Star Trek about?

As the course’s name suggests, the massively popular television series “Star Trek” is used to explain the laws of Einstein and Newton in physics, as well as the physics of transporter beams, laser swords, warp drives, inertial dampers, particles, and time travel. The concepts of race and metaphysics are also discussed.

What is strategic storytelling seminar?

But how many of us really wanted to become professional storytellers after listening to an enticing bedtime story? Strategic Storytelling Seminar is a degree offered by Columbia University to those who want to harness the power of narrative thinking. We have already discussed how events such as seminars and conferences add value to students’ learning outcomes. What makes it one of the weird college degrees is that this course goes beyond strategizing storytelling. It will show you the correct approach to storytelling and narrate impactful stories in the most innovative ways.

What is ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking is the authorised study of getting unauthorized access into a computer system, mobile device or any other device of communication. Ethical hacking has gained popularity. Ethical hacking started in the year 1995 and ever since, many cyber enthusiasts have attempted to channel their urge of hacking by taking the help of a completely legal degree course and the career opportunity of becoming an ethical hacker .

What is the study of patterns of nature that humans can emulate to solve problems of design and engineering?

Biomimicry is the study of patterns of nature that humans can emulate to solve problems of design and engineering. Biomimicry experts become well-adapted to the world and create environments that are more sustainable and close to nature.

What is an adventure education degree?

Just like the name suggests, an adventure education course focus es on making the most of nature and uses adventure as a mode of learning. The exams of an adventure education class may be in the form of a rock-climbing lesson, a wilderness expedition, kayaking and more. This is what makes it one of the most unusual college degrees in the world. There are several universities such as Plymouth University that offer this degree course to both domestic and international students.

What is Lady Gaga's sociology course?

Little Monsters will fall hard for the University of South Carolina 's strange ode to Mother Monster herself, a course dubbed "Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame." After becoming enthralled with the singer and artist after seeing her on television, sociology professor Mathieu Deflem devised the course, explaining to The New York Times, "The central objective is to unravel some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame of Lady Gaga." And for more surprising info on your favorite stars, check out these 50 Crazy Celebrity Facts You Won't Believe Are True.

How many students went to college in 2018?

May 1, 2018. Approximately 20.4 million students headed off to college campuses in the United States last year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. And of those 20.4 million , it's a good bet that, come course selection morning, about 20.3 million weighed just how fun a class in calculus or Renaissance poetry would actually be.

Is Game of Thrones a good show?

Game of Thrones is more than just a great show: studying it is also a way to earn college credit at the University of Virginia. Fortunately, Game of Thrones purists will also get to explore the George R. R. Martin books on which the series is based, comparing and contrasting the worlds created in print and on screen.

Can you study zombies online?

If you've ever wanted to know if you would make it out alive in a zombie apocalypse, Michigan State University has the one course that can give you a definitive answer. Better yet, since the class is offered entirely online, you can study in the privacy of your own room, even further reducing your chances of becoming an undead being's next meal.

Is the O.C. worthy of study?

While many of us were obsessed with Mischa Barton's beachy waves and the relationship drama between Summer and Seth, The O.C. hardly seemed worthy of academic study —until Duke University made the case otherwise, that is. For a period of time, the prestigious school allowed students to study the culture surrounding the hit show and the "California exceptionalism" it exemplified.

Is surfing a good sport?

Surfing is: a great workout, a cool skill to show off to your friends, and, if you're a student at the University of California—Santa Barbara, an academic subject worthy of study. In addition to teaching the history of the medium, students in this course will also learn about the issues facing coastal communities, and how surfing has influenced cultures around the world.

Can college courses be rote?

Yes, it's no secret that some college courses can be rote and—dare we say—total snoozers. But the flip side is also true! Digging through the curriculum guides of American universities will reveal a treasure trove of fun, exciting, downright ridiculous-sounding courses.

What are some examples of courses in Mesalands Community College?

Where you can get the degree: Mesalands Community College Example courses include Equine Anatomy and Physiology, Horseshoeing Theory, and Blacksmithing. Farrier Science majors can become a farrier or a professional in the equine and/or agricultural industries.

What are some examples of courses at Penn State?

Where you can get the degree: Penn State Example courses include Turfgrass and Ornamental Weed Control, Turfgrass Nutrition, Case Studies in Turfgrass, and Turfgrass Pesticides. Turfgrass Science majors can find jobs in golf course maintenance, professional lawn care, grounds maintenance, sod production, sales and service, athletic field maintenance, and research.

What are the courses at Florida Keys Community College?

Where you can get the degree: Florida Keys Community College Example courses include Advanced Diving Theory and Practice, Intro to Marine Biology, Intro to Oceanography, Scuba Rescue and Emergency Medicine, Underwater Photography, and Basic Seamanship. Diving majors can find careers as Divemasters, Scuba Instructors, Commercial Divers, Research Divers, and Underwater Photojournalists.

What are some examples of Kansas State University courses?

Where you can get the degree: Kansas State University Example courses include Introduction to Grain Science and Industry, Cereal Science, Flour and Dough Testing, and Baking Science. Baking science majors can chart careers within restaurants, catering, hotels, clubs, food manufacturers, testing laboratories, and large and small bakeries.

What are some examples of courses at the University of Arizona?

Where you can get the degree: University of Arizona Example courses include Race Track Marketing and Media Relations, Racing Laws and Enforcement, Race Track Organization, and Structure and Financial Management. Graduates in this field will find track-related careers such as track secretary or announcer, journalist, or photographer.

What are some examples of Texas A&M degrees?

Where you can get the degree: Texas A&M University Example courses include Books and Treatises on Shipbuilding, Outfitting and Sailing the Wooden Ship, and Archaeological Photography. Careers can be found in Maritime Archaeology and Conversation as well as Nautical and Underwater Archaeology.



  • 1. Philosophy of Sex and Love, William Paterson University: You understand the basics; now, get to the bottom of what your partner is really thinking in this liberal arts course, and finally figure out why breaking up is hard to do. 2. Death and Immortality, Boston University: This religion course explores ancestor worship, alchemy, cremation, AIDS and near-death experiences. Bring a box lu…
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  • 3. A History of the Pig in America, Xavier University: Dig in to your studies and get the beef on pork with this meaty course. From Indian conflict to American meatpacking, the pig has used its trotter to make a mark on U.S. history -- now, you can learn how the porcine kind shaped a nation. 4. Mad Men and Mad Women, Middlebury College: Are you a Peggy or a Joan? Take a tour of masculinit…
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  • 5. Horror Films, Rutgers: Whether you love your zombie flicks or you're obsessed with chainsaw massacres, this film studies course is right up your (dark) alley. Students attend screenings and discuss trends in the art of scary movies. 6. Visual Learning: From the Simpsons to the Guerrilla Girls, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis: T...
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  • 11. Rural Surgery, Columbia University: Load up the pickup truck and head to the country; this health care elective has med students getting their surgical experience far from the sophisticated trappings of city life. 12. Forensic Psychiatry, University of Arizona: Get into the mind of madness with this behavioral scienceelective. Students get a chance to interview criminal offenders and c…
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Political Science

  • 14. Wargaming Theory and Practice, U.S. Naval War College: Operational warfare is the subject of this military college course. Students even get to design their own war. "Required readings are kept to a critical minimum," the text promises. 15. Peace Studies, Columbia College: War games not your thing? This course focuses on the spirituality, social justice, and the purpose of human …
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  • 17. English through Music, San Jose State University: Sing along with popular songs and learn English words, phrases and idioms. Plus, learn the phrase "Before I leave / brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack." 18. The Rhetoric of Recipes, Santa Clara University: If making a delicious dinner is an art, writing down the instructions is a science -- in this course, anyway. Students examine "th…
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  • 19. Deviance, University of Texas: "Be prepared to study," warns the course description for this popular sociology course. No word yet on whether skipping class to smoke cigarettes behind the gym offers extra credit. 20. Negotiation Analysis, UCLA: This course, found in an entertainment management degree program, teaches you how to Jerry Maguire your way into Hollywood agen…
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  • 21. Plagues and Pandemics, UC Berkeley: If you're feeling under the weather, you might want to skip the morning lecture of this immunology course, which features a guided tour through history's most diseased years. 22. The Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms, Evergreen State College: If aquatic algae isn't on your mind every day, it should be -- according to this science elective, an…
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  • 23. Religious Cults, American Military University: From Heaven's Gate to Jonestown, the cult has long been a fascination of world culture. Students dig deeper into cult formation, leadership, and purpose, and find a method to the madness.
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  • 24. Guerrilla Altruism: A Mini-Manual of Subversive Activism, Temple University: Fight the power in this subversive class. From Guevara to Banksy, this unique architecture elective is "a multi-disciplinary investigation into the unorthodox strategies deployed by contemporary guerrilla artists and activists." It's easy to find coursework that keeps you entertained as you get an instru…
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