what is the purpose of a defensive driving course?

by Zelda O'Connell 7 min read

The primary reasons people take defensive driving courses include:

  • Remedying a traffic ticket or infraction
  • To avoid suspension of your driver’s license
  • Reducing and/or avoiding an increase to car insurance payments
  • To reduce insurance premiums
  • As part of training for a fleet job
  • General interest in improving driving habits

With defensive driving classes, students learn to improve their driving skills by reducing their driving risks by anticipating situations and making safe well-informed decisions. Such decisions are implemented based on road and environmental conditions present when completing a safe driving maneuver.

Full Answer

What are the basic defensive driving skills?

  • Scanning the roadway and adapting to surroundings
  • Employing the two-second rule for following distances
  • Knowing your vehicle's stopping distance
  • Being aware of reaction distance
  • Environment hazards
  • Vehicle emergencies
  • Sharing the road
  • Passing and necessary clear distance
  • Right of way
  • Speed adjustments and railroad crossings

Why to take defensive driving?

  • SAVE MONEY. Many states support safe driver incentives that could reduce your insurance premium by as much as 10% for completing a defensive driving course.

What are some tips for defensive driving?

Top 10 Defensive Driving Tips

  1. Stay Focused & Alert. The first defensive driving tip seems obvious, yet many drivers don’t follow it. ...
  2. Assume Other Drivers Are Bad Drivers. This rule is reinforced repeatedly in driving school. ...
  3. Follow 3 or 4 Seconds Behind. ...
  4. Reduce Speed (Within Reason) This tip is obvious. ...
  5. Avoid Other Drivers’ Blind Spots. ...
  6. Know How to Escape. ...
  7. Invest in Maintenance. ...

More items...

What are defensive driving classes?

Defensive driving courses (or traffic school courses) are designed to improve your safe driving habits, develop a better driving attitude, and gain a deeper understanding of Colorado traffic laws. Even if you are not eligible to take a defensive driving course to dismiss a traffic ticket or earn an insurance discount, completing a course can ...

What is defensive driving and why is it important?

Defensive driving is all about avoiding unexpected dangers on the road. From bad weather to distracted drivers, there are all sorts of dangers that can lead to a crash. As a defensive driver, you can defend yourself against these threats by being cognizant of the road and knowing how to act quickly to avoid a crash.

What is an important part of defensive driving?

An important aspect of defensive driving is to be alert and concentrate on your driving and your surroundings. If you are not alert and cannot concentrate, your response time to a hazard situation decreases, and you may not be able to react promptly.

Is defensive driving course good?

The short answer is yes, defensive driving courses are worth the money. Defensive driving courses give drivers a new perspective on viewing the road. They help drivers identify dangerous situations before they unfold. Defensive drivers can determine and mitigate risky behavior from other drivers.

What are the 3 basic principles of defensive driving?

Pass to stay alive. Speed up to get around the other vehicle. Get back into the right lane as quickly as possible. Do not pass unless you can see far enough ahead.

What is the most important element of defensive driving?

1. Put Safety First by Following to the Rules. The most important aspect of driving defensively, is the practice of safe road habits. You won't grasp this concept until you obey the rules of the road, and minimize the risks you take.

What two words best describe defensive driving?


What is the 2 second rule when driving?

The 2-second rule is a technique used to estimate a safe following distance between your vehicle and the traffic ahead. It is a general rule of thumb taught in every driving school across the United States. The premise is that by following behind traffic by two seconds, you will have the time and space to brake safely.

What is meant by defensive driving?

Defensive driving is a set of driving skills & strategies which helps to recognize the unanticipated risk and take well-informed decisions. This safe driving enables the driver to manage & control the vehicle in an emergency & reduce the danger associated with it.

What is defensive driving course online?

Defensive Driving Course Online (4-hour and 2-hour course) The course presents real-life driving situations, hazard recognition scenarios and defensive driving techniques to motivate drivers to change risky driving habits and behaviors to avoid collisions and traffic violations.

What is the Four A's of defensive driving?

In the past, some have called the topics in this lesson Aggression, Alcohol, Accidents and Awareness.

What are the five C's of driving?

“Kindly exercise the five C's – care, caution, consideration, common sense and courtesy when using the roadways. Let us avoid the use of reckless driving on our roadways which will aid in the reduction of deaths to human lives.

What are 5 defensive driving strategies?

Following these defensive driving tips can help reduce your risk behind the wheel:Think safety first. ... Be aware of your surroundings — pay attention. ... Do not depend on other drivers. ... Follow the 3- to 4-second rule. ... Keep your speed down. ... Have an escape route. ... Separate risks. ... Cut out distractions.

How to enroll in defensive driving?

Besides the obvious benefit of making you a better driver, there are several other reasons to enroll. These include: 1 Many auto insurance providers reward enrollment with lower premiums. Contact your car insurance agent and ask if this money-saving option exists with your plan. 2 Traffic tickets. Depending on your state or situation, completing a defensive driving course may prompt your Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or presiding court to dismiss the charges. This could possibly prevent your drivers license from getting suspended or revoked. For example, say you have an excessive number of speeding tickets on your driving record, and you just got flagged again, putting you in jeopardy of being declared a habitual offender. Having the ticket removed could possibly save your driving privileges. 3 Some states reward traffic school enrollment with the removal of points. New York, for example, trims up to four points from a driving record. The exact number of points removed depends on state.

What is the danger of driving under the influence of alcohol?

The dynamics of a crash. This pertains to how speed, place of impact and size of vehicle affects the severity of the collision. An extensive look at safety equipment, addressing the importance of seat belts, head rests, air bags, and child safety seats.

How many points are removed from a driving record in New York?

Some states reward traffic school enrollment with the removal of points. New York, for example, trims up to four points from a driving record. The exact number of points removed depends on state. If you enroll for the purpose of tickets or points, be sure the traffic school you enroll in meets state approval. Otherwise, you will not be credited.

Can you get your license suspended for defensive driving?

This could possibly prevent your drivers license from getting suspended or revoked.

Why do people take defensive driving classes?

The primary reasons people take defensive driving courses include: 1 Remedying a traffic ticket or infraction 2 To avoid suspension of your driver’s license 3 Reducing and/or avoiding an increase to car insurance payments 4 To reduce insurance premiums 5 As part of training for a fleet job 6 General interest in improving driving habits

What is defensive driving?

The basic idea of defensive driving is using your knowledge and understanding of the rules and risks of the road to proactively protect yourself to help prevent accidents rather than reacting to dangerous situations when they arise.

Why is defensive driving important?

Defensive driving courses aim to fix those faults and improve their students’ driving manners.

How long is a defensive driving course?

A: In many cases, a defensive driving course will only take a few hours. The NSC course is roughly four hours, but other longer or shorter courses also exist.

How many sessions are there in the NSC defensive driving course?

For more information and the full eight-session outline about the NSC’s defensive driving course, visit Safety Serve.

Why do accidents occur?

A: A majority of accidents occur because of six primary decisions people make. Those include speeding, violating the right of way, distracted driving, turning improperly, and driving left of center.

How to be a safe driver?

Recognize that driver safety affects everyone. Identify your personal driving behaviors and tendencies. Recognize that every behavior is a choice. Define risky driving behaviors. Identify the Six Deadly Choices that lead to the majority of crashes. Identify what’s in your control.

Why do you need to take defensive driving classes?

Taking a defensive driving course teaches you safe driving techniques for controlling your vehicle in emergency situations, as well as procedures for handling fatigue, emotional stress, and road rage. Of course, there are many more reasons for learning safe driving habits.

What is defensive driving?

Defensive driving courses teach drivers safe techniques to proactively anticipate and effectively react to a variety of hazards including careless actions by other drivers, poor visibility and road conditions due to dangerous weather conditions, and dangers triggered by various physical and emotional states.

How much does a defensive driving course reduce insurance premium?

Many states support safe driver incentives that could reduce your insurance premium by as much as 10% for completing a defensive driving course. Many states support safe driver incentives that could reduce your insurance premium by as much as 10% for completing a defensive driving course.

What happens if you have a defensive driving course?

If you have driving violations, completing a defensive driving course could remove points or dismiss a ticket from your driving record. Too many points or tickets on your record could cost you money in fines, as well as potential lost wages if your license is suspended.

How to stay safe while driving?

The best way to stay safe is to put yourself in position to avoid potential threats. Defensive driving courses teach drivers safe techniques to proactively anticipate and effectively react to a variety of hazards including careless actions by other drivers, poor visibility and road conditions due to dangerous weather conditions, and dangers triggered by various physical and emotional states.

What are the advantages of defensive driving?

While the benefits of a defensive driving course will save you money and help you become a smarter, safer driver, the advantages offered by online courses make the learning experience fast and easy. Convenient. Anytime, anywhere, any device learning means you decide when to fit the courses into your busy schedule. You Control the Pace.

Can you control the pace of DriveSafe?

You Control the Pace. DriveSafe Online courses feature intelligent bookmarking so you can start and stop the course as often as you like.

Why is defensive driving important?

Remember you and the other road users around you are only human; and humans make mistakes. A defensive driver does not just concentrate on his or her own actions, but anticipates the likely actions of other road users.

How does defensive driving reduce the likelihood of a collision or incident?

Defensive driving techniques reduce the likelihood of a collision or incident and can even save costs related to vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption , by driving smoothly and steadily.

How to be safe driving?

Safe driving tips. Keep up-to-date with the law and rules of the road; Do not drive if you are feeling tired or emotional, whether angry or upset; Maintain a three second gap when following other vehicles; Ensure other road users are aware of your intentions – signal early and clearly;

How to prevent distracted driving?

Ensure other road users are aware of your intentions – signal early and clearly; Eliminate distractions such as mobile phones, food and drink; Minimise unnecessary lane changes; Ensure you have plenty of time to make your journey; and. Adapt your driving to road and weather conditions.

Can you avoid a collision?

For example, imagine the situation where another vehicle has run into the rear of your car; it is likely this could have been avoided had you left more space between you and the vehicle in front. This type of defensive driving technique may have given you the option to move forward or pull out of the way entirely, avoiding the speeding car.

Why do people take defensive driving classes?

Many drivers enroll in defensive driving courses for one reason: to get a traffic ticket dismissed. Completing a defensive driving course may be all that you need to do to have your ticket dismissed, but you will learn important lessons that will make you a better driver.

Why is defensive driving important?

Driving defensively has the added benefit of reducing wear and tear on your car. This is especially true of your brakes and tires. Aggressive driving leads to repeated sudden use of your brakes while you try control your vehicle, weave in and out of traffic or make turns at unsafe speeds. You can count on more frequent visits to the repair shop and higher costs of maintenance. Your car is an important investment and should be treated as such.

Do defensive drivers get tickets?

Drivers who take defensive driving courses may be less likely to get tickets for speeding and other traffic law violations. Drivers often walk away with a greater understanding of and respect for traffic laws and the consequences of violating these laws.

What is defensive driving?

Defensive driving is a set of valuable skills that give you the ability to defend yourself while on the road. This includes avoiding collisions caused by oblivious drivers, intoxicated drivers, or inclement weather.

Why is defensive driving important?

Defensive driving is more important than ever to ensure your driving trips are always safe.

How does driving speed affect emergency driving?

Your driving speed will affect how fast you can stop your vehicle in the event of an emergency. Your driving speed should vary based on the current road conditions. Never exceed a speed that is “reasonable and safe” even if the speed limit is higher.

What is the best way to avoid an accident?

Planning ahead also includes making evasive maneuvers. Should the vehicle in front of you get into a car accident, you can quickly decide whether changing lanes or moving over to the shoulder is the best idea. This will help you avoid the accident and keep you and those in your vehicle safe.

What are the skills needed for defensive driving?

The skills necessary for defensive driving are a mix of preparing, observing, and reacting appropriately. Defensive drivers follow these main practices:

What are the most valuable driving skills?

The most valuable driving skills are knowing how to identify a potential hazard and how to avoid an accident. Throughout the course, you’ll learn many of the defensive driving practices listed above along with understanding vehicle emergencies and how to safely share the road.

How many feet does a car need to go to stop at 30 mph?

For example, a vehicle driving at 30 mph will need to travel about 120 feet before coming to a complete stop. This includes about 60 feet for reaction time and 50-60 feet of braking time.

The 5 Elements of Defensive Driving

Defensive driving courses are for drivers of all skill or comfort levels, and they're based on five basic elements.

How Defensive Driving Courses Help

Because they're based on these five elements, defensive driving courses can do a whole lot of good for you and your team. Even if you're the best driver in the world, a defensive driving course still has plenty to offer, including:

What Will I Learn In A Defensive Driving Course?

In a defensive driving course, you will be educated on traffic rules, laws, signage. Proper understanding of these topics will reduce potential threats to your safety, as well as the safety of other motorists around you. You may already know much of this information, but rules do change over time.

Defensive Driving in a Nutshell

When we talk about defensive driving, there are really only two factors that you can control.

Making Defensive Driving Work for You

People take defensive driving courses for several different reasons. Certainly, the most common is to remove a citation or points from a driving record. Others take a driver safety class for an insurance discount or job-related purpose. Whatever the reason, scheduling a course will require rescheduling your life.

Defensive Driving is a Good Idea for Everybody

Whether you’re a new driver or a seasoned veteran, there is always something new to be learned by taking a defensive driving course. If you’re taking the course for an insurance discount or to get a traffic ticket dismissed, a defensive driving course can be your ticket to more responsible driving practices.
