what is a cognate course university of kentucky

by Jackson Anderson 10 min read

Cognate courses facilitate student exploration of specialty areas in nursing. Specialty areas may include but are not limited to, pediatrics, obstetrics, public health, critical care, psychiatric, or other unique fields in nursing.Mar 16, 2021

Full Answer

What does cognate courses mean?

- Cognate o A series of courses that display a distinct curricular pattern in one or more disciplines different from the major. Cognates may be program requirements within the program of study if they are counted in the required hours to graduate. Some programs of study may not include a cognate.

What is a cognate university?

A cognate is a set of at least three related courses, and students take one cognate in each of the three areas of knowledge: Arts and Humanities, People and Society, and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

What is a cognate undergraduate degree?

A cognate discipline is a closely allied or related discipline, or defined branch of study or learning. The disciplines, branches of study or learning that are considered 'cognate' are commonly defined at the program level for the purposes of assessing applicants for entry or for recognition of prior learning.

What is the difference between a cognate and a minor?

Minor or Cognate Minors and cognates are intended to develop a coherent basic preparation in a second area of study. The difference between a minor and a cognate is that minors are a more prescribed plan of study while cognate course selection is more flexible.

What is a cognate course?

Cognate courses facilitate student exploration of specialty areas in nursing. Specialty areas may include but are not limited to, pediatrics, obstetrics, public health, critical care, psychiatric, or other unique fields in nursing.

What is a varied learning experience?

Varied learning experiences -- Students will learn through a combination of classroom, laboratory, and supervised clinical-setting instruction. Learn about our Clinical Simulation and Learning Center.

Does the University of Kentucky have a nursing program?

The Commonwealth of Kentucky Board of Nursing certifies that the University of Kentucky Baccalaureate Degree Program has met the requirements established by law and the Kentucky Board of Nursing. This full-approval confers the right to operate a nursing program in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in accordance with the provisions of the Kentucky Revised Statutes Chapter 314.

Can you petition the BSN cognate subcommittee?

If you have taken a course at UK or elsewhere that is not a designated College of Nursing cognate, you may petition the BSN Cognate Subcommittee to grant an exception to allow the course to satisfy a Cognate requirement. To request a cognate exception, read and complete the below Cognate Exception Request document. Cognate Exception Request.

Major Requirements

The Communication major provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, manage, and evaluate communication processes involving individuals, groups, and the public. Graduates develop strong oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills as well as an advanced ability to analyze and critique messages, behaviors, and media.

Degree Requirements

120 Credit Hours (EXCLUDES: KHP service courses, EXP courses, and remedial courses)


Major Requirements—21 Hours Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (COM 326 or 351) COM 325—Introduction to Organizational Communication

Who is eligible?

UK students with 60 completed credit hours who are returning to coursework after a year or students from other programs with 60 completed credit hours. The program may exercise flexibility with these eligibility requirements.

Why choose to complete your degree in Communication at UK?

We host all major courses online asynchronously, so you can work at your own pace and accommodate your schedule

What does the program cost?

The Undergraduate Online Learning Tuition Rate is the same for resident and non-resident undergraduate students. See https://www.uky.edu/registrar/ for current tuition rates.

How do I get started?

State Authorization Disclosure: Per state laws, distance education courses and programs must be legally authorized in a state prior to offering courses or programs to students residing there. Therefore, program availability varies by state.

What is the purpose of the substance misuse course?

This course is designed to challenge and develop the student’s knowledge of and ways of thinking about substance use and misuse. It provides clinical and scientific knowledge about the nature of substance misuse and the effect of substance misuse on individuals, families, health, and development. It also introduces current evidence-based treatment and prevention approaches.

Why do students start supervised fieldwork in a generalist setting?

Students start supervised fieldwork in a generalist setting to practice what you’ve learned in working with individuals, families, small groups, organizations, and communities.

What is the purpose of the clinical intervention theory course?

This course builds on previous content related to clinical decision-making, psychopathology and clinical assessment, and is designed to 1) apply a range of intervention theories to children, adults, families and groups , 2) facilitate the student’s capacity to conduct a comparative analysis of the approaches across common, conceptual, clinical, cultural and ethical domains, and to provide the forum for a critique of each approach using the latest empirical evidence on efficacy and effectiveness.



  • To obtain a BSN in Nursing, students must satisfy the University requirements for graduation, including the UK Core requirements, and obtain a 2.0 grade-point average in nursing degree programs. A grade of C or better must be attained in all courses required in the nursing curriculum in order to proceed to the next clinical course or to graduate. A minimum of 120 credit hours is r…
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Things to Consider When Contemplating A Career in Nursing

  1. Figure out whether you can handle the sights, sounds, and smells associated with sick people
  2. Volunteer, shadow or work part-time in a hospital, nursing home, or assisted-care facility
  3. Complete a certified nursing assistant (CNA) course (some high schools offer this)
  4. Talk with nurses to find out “what it’s really like” and ask how/why they became nurses
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There Are Three Steps to Become A Registered Nurse

  1. Earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree or an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  2. Pass the NCLEX exam (nursing boards)
  3. Apply for a nursing license in the state where you plan to work. If approved, you become a registered nurse (or RN). The RN designation is the license you receive to practice as a nurse; it is not...
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Want to Know More?

  • We have several opportunities to talk with recruiters and our student ambassadors to learn more about the traditional BSN Program. Learn more The Commonwealth of Kentucky Board of Nursing certifies that the University of Kentucky Baccalaureate Degree Program has met the requirements established by law and the Kentucky Board of Nursing. This full-approval confers the right to ope…
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