what is the official name of penn state course nurs 465

by Lucy Senger 4 min read

NURS 465, Health Concepts for Adults with Complex Health Care Needs, focuses on the application of those concepts that relate to the adult high-risk client, family, or significant other in a complex health care setting.

Full Answer

What is NURS 465?

NURS 465, Health Concepts for Adults with Complex Health Care Needs, focuses on the application of those concepts that relate to the adult high-risk client, family, or significant other in a complex health care setting.

What is the College of Nursing?

The faculty and staff of the College of Nursing value and are committed to fostering diversity in the classroom, the University, and the profession. By respecting differences in culture, age, gender, gender expression, race, ethnicity, national origin, differing abilities, sexual orientation, and religious affiliation, we enrich the learning environment; improve the practice and profession of Nursing; and enhance personal creativity and professional growth.

What are the benefits of being a Penn State student?

One of the benefits of being a registered Penn State student is that you are eligible to receive educational discounts on many software titles. If you are interested in learning more about purchasing software through our affiliate vendor, please visit our Student Services page regarding course materials.

What is make up exam nursing?

Make-up exams are only given for exceptional circumstances in nursing courses that have exams. Since exam dates are already specified in the syllabus, it is expected that students will adjust any scheduling issues they have to accommodate taking the exam. Recognizing, however, that one cannot plan to avoid or reschedule sickness, a family death, or a few other limited circumstances, make-up exams will be given at the discretion of the instructor. Make-up exams must be completed within one week of the missed event. The student must contact the instructor directly by phone or in person to make arrangements prior to the regularly scheduled exam period. The make-up exam will be equivalent in content covered and level of difficulty; however, the instructor reserves the right to alter the format of the make-up exam, i.e., to include short answers or essay questions. If a student should miss a schedule make-up exam, the student will receive a zero for the test. [Undergraduate Affairs Committee Approval–Fall 2011]

What is a NURS 251?

NURS 251 is the first required clinical course; is offered each fall semester; and is limited to nursing students. Clinical experience with sections of 14 students is conducted in the Simulation Laboratory where students receive the individualized attention to facilitate learning the techniques of physical assessment.

What is a first year seminar in nursing?

First year seminars in Nursing will introduce the student to the University and the College of Nursing. The primary focus will be engaging students in learning and orienting them to the scholarly community from the outset of their undergraduate studies in a way that will bridge to later experiences in the nursing major and facilitate the high expectations, demanding workload and other aspects of transition to college life . The course content will focus on enhancing opportunities that enable students to provide a holistic focus on the promotion of human health and initiatives that enhance quality of life.

Course List - Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Program Requirements: 120 credits You may transfer credits into this program from another accredited institution. However, to earn this Bachelor of Science in Nursing, you must earn 36 of the last 60 credits from Penn State.

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  • NURS 465, Health Concepts for Adults with Complex Health Care Needs, focuses on the application of those concepts that relate to the adult high-risk client, family, or significant other in a complex health care setting. Topics covered in the course includes: Introduction to Case Management, Disease Management & Case Management Interrelationship, Ex...
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Course Objectives

  • Upon completion of this course you will: 1. Integrate theory and knowledge from nursing and related disciplines as a basis for professional nursing practice with complex adult client(s). 2. Demonstrate interpersonal skills to support and guide clients/families/significant others in the selection of appropriate health patterns. 3. Utilize the nursing process to analyze complex adult …
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Required Course Materials

  • Required: Mullahy, C. M. (2014). The case manager’s handbook (5th ed). Burlington MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. You may refer back to your NURS 390 textbook for additional information. Reading materials will be provided to you with a theoretical background on the case manager in many types of settings. Using the Library: Many of Penn State’s library resources can be utilized …
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Technical Requirements

  • Operating System – – – Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1 or higher; Mac OS X 10.5 or higher recommended Processor – – – 2 GHz or higher Memory – – – 1 GB of RAM Hard Drive Space – – – 60GB free disk space Browser – – – We recommend the latest Angel-supported version of Firefox or Internet Explorer. To determine if your browser fits this criteria and for advice on down…
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Course Requirements and Grading

  • Grading Requirement Students must achieve a letter grade of C or better (based on the College of Nursing grading scale) in both the theory and clinical components of all nursing courses in order to pass the course and progress in the nursing program. COLLEGE OF NURSING GRADING SCALE: A = 94-100 A- = 90-93 B+ = 87-89 B = 83-86 B- = 80-82 C+ = 77-79 C = 75-76 D = 68-74 F= Below …
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Course Schedule

  • Important Dates: 1. Course begins March 18, 2016 2. Course ends April 29, 2016 3. Face-to-Face Class Sessions (7 Weeks): March 18, April 1, 8, 15, 22, and April 29 3.1. There will be no face-to-face class session March 25 (Week 2). All content and instruction for the week will be online. 4. Meeting Time: 4:00 – 8:00pm All assignments are due by 11:59 p.m Eastern Time (ET) on Thurs…
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Academic Integrity

  • Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud and deceptions and is an educational objective of this institution. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: 1. cheating, 2. plagiarizing, 3. fabricating of information or citations, 4. facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, 5. having unauthorized possession of examinations, 6. making copies in a…
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For More Information on Academic Integrity at Penn State

  • Please see the Academic Integrity Chart for specific college contact information or visit one of the following URLs: 1. Penn State Senate Policy on Academic Integrity 2. iStudy for Success!(education module about plagiarism, copyright, and academic integrity) 3. Turnitin(a web-based plagiarism detection and prevention system) return to top of page
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Course Policies

  • Accommodating Disabilities Penn State welcomes students with disabilities into the University’s educational programs. Every Penn State campus has an office for students with disabilities. The Office for Disability Services (ODS) website provides contact information for every Penn State campus: ODS Disability Liaison Contact Information. For further information, please visit the Offi…
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