what is the nitrogen level of grass pad golf course starter fertilizer

by Mrs. Ellen Dietrich II 6 min read

If you didnít get a soil test to determine how much starter fertilizer for the lawn you should use, Landschoot writes, “Starter fertilizers should be applied at 0.5 to 1 lb. nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. Amounts in excess of 1.5 lb. nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. can burn the young turf and result in poor establishment.

Full Answer

What is special about golf course fertilizer?

Golf Course Fertilizer is thought to be special; however, it has the same NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) that most low-cost plant fertilizers contain. In reality, there is nothing special about golf course fertilizer.

How do you use Loveland golf course starter fertilizer?

Fertilizer for new seed, new sod or an established lawn. Best ratio of slow and fast release starter fertilizers for quick green up on existing grass, new seed and sod. Loveland Golf Course Starter will cover between 5,000-8,000 sq/ft per bag. Apply Golf Course Starter over new seed, new sod, or on established lawns.

What is the best nitrogen fertilizer for lawns?

Best Nitrogen Fertilizer For Lawns: Granular If your looking for a slow release granular feed then GreeenView Fall Lawn Food may be right for you. A granular feed has different qualities than a liquid spray feed. You will need to apply the granules in the fall and leave it sitting over winter.

What is a good starter fertilizer ratio for grass?

The numbers list the percentage of each nutrient contained in the starter fertilizer for grass. For example, a fertilizer ratio of 10-10-10 contains 10 percent of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. When it comes to the specific job of each of these primary nutrients in regards to the health of your turf:

What is the nitrogen in starter fertilizer?

It is also an essential nutrient for healthy grass growth. Most starter fertilizers have 10-20% nitrogen.

How much nitrogen should starter fertilizer have?

If you didnít get a soil test to determine how much starter fertilizer for the lawn you should use, Landschoot writes, “Starter fertilizers should be applied at 0.5 to 1 lb. nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft.

What fertilizer do golf courses use?

What is Golf Course Fertilizer?Nitrogen. The N (nitrogen) of these three nutrients promotes healthy leaf and stem growth. ... Phosphorus. The P (phosphorus) of these three mainly helps grow the stem and the grass. ... Potassium.

What is a good starter fertilizer ratio?

Nitrogen and Phosphorus (and Potash) The ratio of N to P is either even (1:1) or more phosphorus than nitrogen (1:2 or 3:4). Common starter fertilizer blends are 1:1:1 (e.g. 10-10-10) and 3:4:2 (e.g. 18-24-12).

Is starter fertilizer high in nitrogen?

Depending on the brand, starter fertilizer usually contains 20% or more potassium than regular fertilizers. The extra potassium helps create a rich soil environment that will sustain the seedlings for about a month. Most starter fertilizers will contain quick-release nitrogen as well.

What are the 3 numbers for starter fertilizer?

The three numbers on a fertilizer label indicate the percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (in that order) in the formulation. For example in the table above, applying 20 pounds of a 5-10-5 fertilizer would contain 1 pound of nitrogen, 2 pounds of phosphorus, and 1 pound of potassium.

What do golf courses use to keep grass green?

Grow Greens Hydroponically Many golf greens use a hydroponic system for growing grass. This system is installed during construction — a bulldozer makes a hole for the green that is between 12 and 16 inches deep. In more advanced systems, the hole is lined with plastic, before gravel, drainage pipes and sand are added.

How much fertilizer do golf courses use?

Golf greens that have been established two or more years generally require 3 to 6 lb. N/1,000 square feet per year. Young greens in full sun with high traffic will require the higher amounts of nitrogen. Tees and fairways require from 2 to 4 and 1 to 3 lb.

How do I get my grass to look like a golf course?

There are four main factors that go into giving your lawn that lush, golf-course look.Mow your lawn properly. Often, people take shortcuts when it comes to mowing their lawn. ... Apply the right fertilizer (at the right times). ... Use the right amount of water (and consider irrigation). ... Stop the weeds dead in their tracks.

How much nitrogen does my lawn need?

In general, lawns should be fertilized about 4 times a year with 1 lb. of nitrogen at each application. Both cool-season and warm-season grasses require 4 - 6 lbs. of actual nitrogen per year.

When should I apply 10 10 10 fertilizer to my lawn?

Apply the first dose in early spring when you see the first new growth. Add new doses at 30-day intervals. You may choose to add one fall dose if the growth is particularly slow. For ornamentals and other plants requiring a balanced NPK fertilizer, add the first dose in early spring after the risk of frost has passed.

What is the difference between starter fertilizer and regular fertilizer?

Starter fertilizers usually contain 20 percent or more of phosphorous, according to David M. Kopec of the University of Arizona Extension. Regular fertilizers have a nitrogen-potassium-phosphorous ratio of 1-2-1. The numbers refer to the percentage of each substance that the fertilizer contains.

Starter Fertilizer Benefits

1. Starter fertilizers are most beneficial when crops are planted into cold, wet soils in early spring or late fall, regardless of soil fertility....

What Is Starter Fertilizer?

Starter fertilizer is a small quantity of fertilizer nutrients applied in close proximity to the seed at planting. Starter fertilizers enhance the...

When to Use Starter Fertilizer

A starter fertilizer is most beneficial when the crop is planted into cold, wet soils, regardless of the total fertility status of the soil. Cold,...

How Starter Fertilizer Affects Plant Growth

The use of starter fertilizer enhances crop growth primarily because it places a readily available supply of plant nutrients (especially phosphorus...


Renovator restores nutrients to summer stressed lawns. Combination of slow and fast release fertilizers help to regenerate and strengthen grass roots. Fortified with iron and sulfur for rapid green up. Renovator is an ideal starter fertilizer for new grass seed. 50# NPK 30-0-3 + S, Fe


Primary fertilizer for lawn renovation. Provides fast recovery for burned out summer lawns. Cost effective s tarter fertilizer for new fall seed. Step #4 of Uncle’s Idiot Proof Lawn Care Program . Large economical coverage, only three bags per acre. Our fastest selling fertilizer for golf courses, parks, large suburban homes and lawn services.

What is golf course fertilizer?

Golf Course Fertilizer is thought to be special; however, it has the same NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) that most low-cost plant fertilizers contain. In reality, there is nothing special about golf course fertilizer. Instead, golf courses are turning towards fertigation. The term fertigation is the process if injecting liquid fertilizer and soil nutrients into irrigation lines to make irrigation water rich with nutrients. This process has been used in agriculture irrigation for over 70 years. Did you know that fertigation can inject any blend of liquid fertilizer on the golf course?

How much fertilizer is lost in golf courses?

Research shows that 80% of any high-cost golf course fertilizer is lost below the root zone (lost to the plant) and never available for the plant. Fertigation delivers 95% of the fertilizer to the plant. Less than 5% loss. This research proves that fertigation is the new technology that is needed for golf courses.

What is automatic fertigation?

Did you know that fertigation is an automatic system? Which means there is no labor needed and can reduce the amount of fertilizer and water used over time by 50%. Most people over water and underfeed golf courses. Fertigation lightly feeds the plant to promote a healthy green plant. It is no secret that automation is the future for all industry. Because of this, golf courses are having an automatic underground irrigation system. It automatically irrigates the golf course saving time and money.

What is the process of injecting fertilizer and soil nutrients into irrigation lines to make irrigation water rich with nutrients?

The term fertigation is the process if injecting liquid fertilizer and soil nutrients into irrigation lines to make irrigation water rich with nutrients. This process has been used in agriculture irrigation for over 70 years.

Why do golf courses have automatic irrigation?

Because of this, golf courses are having an automatic underground irrigation system. It automatically irrigates the golf course saving time and money.

How much does a professional grade fertigation system cost?

A professional grade fertigation system for a golf course, over 200 to 500 acres can cost $5,000 to $10,000. But will save the golf course $10,000 to over $50,000 annually. That is a massive saving that many golf courses are taking advantage of.

How much does fertigation save?

It is no secret that golf fertigation systems can save any golf course $10,000 to over $50,000 annually by reducing labor, fertilizer, chemicals, water, and electricity. Are you noticing that your golf course is not ...

What is the key nutrient in a starter fertilizer?

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the key nutrient components in a starter fertilizer. Phosphorus is nonmobile in the soil, thus, undeveloped seedling roots have difficulty obtaining the necessary amounts for proper growth. Also, phosphorus promotes vigorous root growth.

What is starter fertilizer?

Starter fertilizers are a small amount of fertilizer applied near the seed to meet the demands of the seedling for readily available nutrients until the plant's root system develops. They also enhance the development of the emerging seedling.

What is the best fertilizer for a crop?

Starter fertilizer composed of nitrogen and phosphorus (P or P 2 O 5) provides the most favorable crop response. Unlike other nutrients, such as nitrogen, which are mobile and have a greater chance of contacting roots to be absorbed, phosphorus compounds are bound and do not readily move within the soil.

How does starter fertilizer help seedlings?

Starter fertilizers enhance the development of emerging seedlings by supplying essential nutrients in accessible locations near the roots.

What is the best ratio for phosphate fertilizer?

Generally, it should contain a high phosphate (P 2 O 5) ratio (e. g., 1-2-1, 1-3-1, 1-4-2, or 1-5-0) and the phosphate in starter fertilizers should be highly water soluble. For optimum effectiveness, the phosphate should be combined with ammonium nitrogen.

When is starter fertilizer most beneficial?

A starter fertilizer is most beneficial when the crop is planted into cold, wet soils, regardless of the total fertility status of the soil. Cold, wet soils cause reduced root growth rate, nutrient mobility, and nutrient mineralization (i. e., the breakdown of nutrients into plant usable forms). Cold, wet soils generally are most prevalent in early ...

Can fertilizer be used as a starter?

At lower rates and with appropriate placement, these materials can be used in starter fertilizer. The fertilizer does not have to be labeled as a "starter" to be used for this purpose. The physical form of the fertilizer does not make a difference in starter performance.

Crabgrass Weed Preventer

Step 1 – Loveland Prevent, slow release fertilizer plus crabgrass preventer. A vapor barrier is created at soil level, controlling ugly summer grass weeds before they appear.

Broadleaf Herbicide

Step 2 – Loveland Weed and Feed, professional strength weed killer plus lawn fertilizer. Control broadleaf weeds like dandelions, prickly lettuce, plantain, curled dock and more.

Crabgrass Preventer

Step 3 – Loveland Prevent, a second application of slow-release fertilizer plus crabgrass preventer. This booster shot of Prevent continues crabgrass protection throughout the summer.

Nitrogen Fertilizer

Step 4 – Loveland Renovator , a combination of slow and quick release nitrogen helps grass recover from summer stress. Renovator can also used as a quick starter fertilizer for new grass seed.

Winter Fertilizer

Step 5 – Loveland Snowman, a winter root builder, with higher phosphorus and potash formula encourages root growth, disease resistance, drought and traffic tolerance as well as early spring green up.

What nutrients are needed for turfgrass growth?

The three most important nutrients required for good growth and health of your turfgrass are nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, which a starter fertilizer contains.

What nutrients are needed for turf?

When it comes to the specific job of each of these primary nutrients in regards to the health of your turf: 1 Nitrogen: Is required for satisfactory growth and green coloration. 2 Phosphorous: Plays an important role in various growth processes including good root development. 3 Potassium: Promotes good disease resistance, tolerance of drought and winter hardiness in turfgrass.

What is a Lesco starter?

What is a lawn starter fertilizer? Starter lawn fertilizer helps your grass seedlings and sod roots establish rapidly in the soil, leading to a thick new lawn in a short period.

What is the fertilizer ratio of 10-10-10?

For example, a fertilizer ratio of 10-10-10 contains 10 percent of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. When it comes to the specific job of each of these primary nutrients in regards to the health of your turf: Nitrogen: Is required for satisfactory growth and green coloration.

Why is nitrogen important in lawns?

If your lawn is not rich in natural organic matter, nitrogen plays an important role. Addressing soils that aren’t amended with organic materials Landschoot continues, “In cases where soils are not amended with compost, nitrogen is almost always needed for rapid establishment.

Does starter fertilizer hurt grass?

The starter fertilizer might not contain all the required nutrients for continued growth and good health. It won’t hurt the grass , but might lack the needed nutrients that a well-balanced fertilizer for continued lawn maintenance contains. 9.

Is nitrogen a part of fertilizer?

Nitrogen and phosphorus from indiscriminate use of fertilizers have caused such great environmental concerns that about half the states in the U.S. have imposed some sort of regulations on fertilizer use. If your lawn is not rich in natural organic matter, nitrogen plays an important role.

What is a 1.25 lb lawn fertilizer?

This general-purpose high nitrogen fertilizer is specifically designed for use on the lawn. 1.25lb covers up to 7,00 sq feet of lawn. NPK 30-0-6.

What is the best nitrogen fertilizer for vegetables?

Best Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer For Vegetables. Bloodmeal is a traditional organic high nitrogen fertilizer. It provides a readily available source of nitrogen in powder form for use as a top dressing or base dressing. This is the perfect nitrogen fertilizer for vegetables beds.

What is the formula for NPK 20-1-5?

Typically the macro-nutrients formula will be something like NPK 20-1-5, meaning high Nitrogen (N) for vegetative growth of a luscious green lawn, and moderate Potassium (K) for healthy root development. What set specific Lawn product apart is the use of additional ingredients in the blend. Usually, you will see additional levels of chelated iron, sometimes weed prevention ingredients, or even grass seed for thickening existing lawns.

What is the best fertilizer for lawns?

Best Nitrogen Fertilizer For Lawns: Granular. If your looking for a slow release granular feed then GreeenView Fall Lawn Food may be right for you. A granular feed has different qualities than a liquid spray feed. You will need to apply the granules in the fall and leave it sitting over winter.

How is nitrogen fertilizer made?

There are many inorganic commercially manufactured nitrogen fertilizers on the market, made with specific control of the N-P-K based on their intended use . The nitrogen compound is produced by processing hydrogen and nitrogen to produce ammonia. Which is then refined further to produce the fertilizer.

What is high nitrogen fertilizer?

High nitrogen fertilizer put simply is a nutrient source used by gardeners and growers to feed their plants, vegetable, or lawn. The active ingredient of the fertilizer, in this case, nitrogen, plays a specific role in vegetative growth, and development.

What is foliar spray?

A foliar spray is simply a diluted concentrate sprayed directly on the vegetative growth to correct nutrient deficiencies. The most tender parts of the plant will provide better absorption of the nutrients. Take care to avoid foliage spray in bright strong sunlight (can cause scorching) or just before the rain (to avoid washing off). Foliage spray tends to be reserved for highly diluted natural products, as chemical fertilizers can burn leaves and young plants.