what is the mouth or lower course of a river word

by Jocelyn Mosciski DDS 9 min read

noun, plural es·tu·ar·ies. that part of the mouth or lower course of a river in which the river's current meets the sea's tide.

Full Answer

What is the mouth of a river called?

The mouth of a river is another name for its terminus, where it meets an ocean, sea or lake. Because rivers generally carry abundant sediment and deposit it at the mouth, they often form deltas, or broad, shallow areas.

What is the course of a river called?

This is usually a sinuous (curvy) channel that tends to get wider as the river makes its way to its final destination. I think “course” in this context is a shortened form of the word “watercourse” which, according to wiki, refers to “the channel that a flowing body of water follows.”

What are the characteristics of the lower course of a river?

Lower course features In the lower course, the river has a high volume and a large discharge. The river channel is now deep and wide and the landscape around it is flat. However, as a river reaches the end of its journey, energy levels are low and deposition takes place.

What is the difference between the source and mouth of rivers?

The source of a river is usually at a much higher elevation than the mouth. Because they follow the contours of the ground, rivers rarely follow a straight path -- they always follow gravity to the lowest spot.

What is the mouth of a river called?

The end of a river is its mouth, or delta. At a river's delta, the land flattens out and the water loses speed, spreading into a fan shape. Usually this happens when the river meets an ocean, lake, or wetland.

What is the lowest part of a river called?

In geography and fluvial geomorphology, a thalweg or talweg (/ˈtɑːlvɛɡ/) is the line of lowest elevation within a valley or watercourse. Under international law, a thalweg is the middle of the primary navigable channel of a waterway that defines the boundary line between states.

Is the end of a river called a mouth?

The end of a river is called the mouth of the river. It is the place where the river empties into another body of water such as a lake or ocean. All rivers have a starting point where the water begins its flow.

Why is it called the mouth of the river?

The point where rivers enter the sea is called the mouth of the river.

What are the parts of a river called?

Rivers are split up into three parts: the upper course, the middle course, and the lower course. The upper course is closest to the source of a river. The land is usually high and mountainous, and the river has a steep gradient with fast-flowing water. There is a lot of vertical erosion and weathering.

What are the three parts of a river?

Nearly all rivers have an upper, middle, and lower course. The beginning of a river, when it flows quickly with lots of energy, is called a young river.

What are the 2 ends of a river called?

The headwater can come from rainfall or snowmelt in mountains, but it can also bubble up from groundwater or form at the edge of a lake or large pond. The other end of a river is called its mouth, where water empties into a larger body of water, such as a lake or ocean.

What are the two types of river mouth?

According to the morphological characteristics, all the mouth reaches of the river can be subdivided into mouth reaches without deltas (single-branch) and deltaic mouth reaches.

What is a river called where its mouth meets the sea?

EstuariesEstuaries: Where the River Meets the Sea. Estuaries. Where freshwater rivers meet the salty open sea. There is a lot to love in an estuary.

What is called mouth?

The mouth is an oval-shaped cavity inside the skull. The two main functions of the mouth are eating and speaking. Parts of the mouth include the lips, vestibule, mouth cavity, gums, teeth, hard and soft palate, tongue and salivary glands. The mouth is also known as the oral cavity or the buccal cavity.

What is the opening of a river called?

Lake Itasca. The place where a river begins is called its source. River sources are also called headwaters.

What is the mouth of a river called crossword clue?

The most likely answer for the clue is ESTUARY.

What are the features of a lower course river?

Lower course features. In the lower course, the river has a high volume and a large discharge. The river channel is now deep and wide and the landscape around it is flat. However, as a river reaches the end of its journey, energy levels are low and deposition takes place.

Which river splits on the way to the sea?

The Niger Delta. Cuspate - the land around the mouth of the river juts out arrow-like into the sea. The Ebro Delta. Bird's foot - the river splits on the way to the sea, each part of the river juts out into the sea, rather like a bird's foot. The Mississippi Delta.

Why is a river a floodplain?

A floodplain is the area around a river that is covered in times of flood. A floodplain is a very fertile area due to the rich alluvium deposited by floodwaters. This makes floodplains a good place for agriculture. A build up of alluvium on the banks of a river can create levees, which raise the river bank.
