what is the most taken collage course

by Malika Morissette 7 min read

After freshman composition and U.S. history, introductory literature and Western civilization/culture courses were the next most popular college-level humanities courses taken by the largest shares of bachelor’s degree–completing members of the high school classes of 1972, 1982, and 1992 (although both courses experienced a decline in share between the 1972 and 1992 graduates).

The Most Popular College Majors
RankMajorNumber of Degrees Awarded
Rank 1Major Business and ManagementNumber of Degrees Awarded 289,384
Rank 2Major NursingNumber of Degrees Awarded 141,632
Rank 3Major PsychologyNumber of Degrees Awarded 127,066
Rank 4Major BiologyNumber of Degrees Awarded 120,375
40 more rows
Jun 18, 2019

Full Answer

What are some of the best college courses you can take?

These college courses can give you the holistic knowledge you need to succeed later in life! Some would argue these courses listed below are some of the best college courses you can take: Accounting/Finance; Most people will loathe the mere suggestion (myself included) but if you plan to have a job, that means you have plans to make money.

What are some of the most challenging college courses?

Here’s a list of courses that have a reputation amongst students for being the most challenging college courses: 1. Organic Chemistry – This course weeds out the doctors from the wannabes. It’s certainly difficult – there’s a consensus that it’s a lot of work, memorizing and takes commitment but, with motivation,...

Are there college courses that can make you rich?

There are, in fact, several courses that contain critical information and instruction that, if used correctly, will put you on your path to riches. If you’re in college, about to start college, already taking online college courses or looking to take some classes, here is a list of college courses that could help make you rich.

How many college classes do you need to take?

These 11 college classes and course types will serve you later in life. Your college will require you to take core undergraduate courses, which can either become very useful for your future or a series of generic lectures that you will not find the slightest bit beneficial.

What is the most taken course?

Top ten most popular courses for international studentsBusiness Studies. First-year non-EU international students: 22,045.Management Studies. First-year non-EU international students: 17,760. ... Finance. First-year non-EU international students: 14,255. ... General Business and Management. ... Law. ... Computer Science. ... Economics. ... Marketing. ... More items...

What is the best college course to take?

11 Courses All College Students Should TakeAccounting/Personal Finance.Art/Design.Business/Business Management.Communication/Speech.History.Journalism/Writing.Physical Education.Political Science.More items...•

What majors study the most?

[blockquote]Engineering majors study the most with 19.03 hours per week. Biology, Agriculture, Natural Resources majors study an average of 18.41 hours. Physical Science, Math, and Computer Science majors 18.23 hours. Arts & Humanities majors spend 17.56 hours.

What is the most easiest college course?

9 Easiest College Classes For SuccessFilm History. If you're imagining that you'll be sitting in a theatre and watching films all the time, then you're only somewhat wrong. ... Creative Writing. There are infinite ways to tell a story. ... Physical Education. ... Psychology. ... Public Speaking. ... Anthropology. ... Art History. ... Acting.More items...

What degrees are useless?

20 Most Useless DegreesAdvertising. If you're an advertising major, you may hope to get into digital marketing, e-commerce, or sports marketing. ... Anthropology And Archeology. ... Art history. ... Communications. ... Computer Science. ... Creative Writing. ... Criminal Justice. ... Culinary arts.More items...

What course will make you rich?

1. Engineering. Coming in at the top is engineering - which might surprise you, but the scope of engineering is huge and widening all of the time. 22% of the world's top 100 billionaires studied some kind of engineering.

What is the hardest major?

Introducing the 13 Hardest College Majors#8: Biochemistry or Biophysics. ... #7: Astronomy. ... #6: Physics. ... #5: Cell and Molecular Biology. ... #4: Biomedical Engineering. ... #3: Aero and Astronautical Engineering. ... #2: Chemical Engineering. ... #1: Architecture. Average Hours Spent Preparing for Class Each Week: 22.20.More items...•

What is the least picked major?

The least popular majors in 2018-19 were:Legal professions and studies: 0.2% share of students.Communications technologies: 0.2%Transportation and materials moving: 0.3%

Which degree is best for future?

24 of the most useful degrees for the futureBusiness. A business degree focuses on the different factors of running a business, including business management, marketing, accounting and human resources. ... Marketing. ... Computer science. ... Public relations. ... Psychology. ... Nursing. ... Accounting. ... Biology.More items...

What is the most failed college course?

The 4 Most Commonly Failed College ClassesCollege Algebra. The evil, despicable and terrible villain of early high school has come back to haunt you. ... Organic Chemistry. The presence of this class on this list might not come as a surprise. ... Physics. ... Anatomy and Physiology.

What is the hardest college class?

Organic Chemistry: It shouldn't surprise you that organic chemistry takes the No. 1 spot as the hardest college course. This course is often referred to as the “pre-med killer” because it actually has caused many pre-med majors to switch their major.

What course is the hardest?

Toughest Courses in the World ExplainedEngineering. Considered one of the toughest courses in the world, engineering students are required to have tactical skills, analytical skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. ... Chartered Accountancy. ... Medicine. ... Pharmacy. ... Architecture. ... Law. ... Psychology. ... Aeronautics.More items...•

Train your brain to support your professional journey

These 11 college classes and course types will serve you later in life.

11 College Courses All Students Should Take

If you plan to make money, you'll be expected to pay taxes. Having the skills to manage your finances, know how to tackle debts, and even file your own taxes will make adulting a lot easier for you.

What are the majors in college?

Five fields of study comprise more than half of all conferred bachelor's degrees. Popular college majors include business, psychology, and engineering. Beyond choosing a college to attend, picking a college major is often the most important decision you'll make as a student. Figuring out what to focus on in your studies is a huge step toward ...

How to pick a college major?

When picking a college major, you should first consider your strengths and interests. Determining what you excel at can be difficult, but identifying your talents can help ensure you choose a major that best suits your academic abilities.

How many bachelors degrees were awarded in 2017-18?

According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), U.S. colleges and universities awarded 2 million bachelor's degrees in 2017-18. More than half of these degrees were concentrated in just five fields of study.

What can I do with an education degree?

With an education degree, students can pursue careers as teachers, administrators, and counselors.

How much does an engineering degree make?

Currently, architecture and engineering occupations earn a median salary of $81,440, or about twice the median income of all occupations .

What are the factors to consider when choosing a major?

Program cost is another factor you must take into consideration before committing to a major. Certain degrees, like law and medicine, demand significant financial commitments since they require additional education beyond the first four years.

Do all majors offer the same job prospects?

Not all majors offer the same job prospects. Be sure to research employment trends for your biggest areas of interest. Some majors lead to jobs that are in decline, making positions highly competitive and more difficult to obtain, while others are growing and offer abundant career opportunities.

Do colleges mess around with economics?

Colleges don’t mess around. Economics - It seems like a lot of students simply find economics a combination of extremely challenging and extremely boring. Boring makes a lot of people zone out, and you have to focus to understand challenging concepts, which is a lethal combination for a GPA. Sponsored.

Is calculus a nightmare?

Calculus – If you’re not into math or not math-minded, calculus can be a nightmare given the abstract and difficult concepts in mathematical theory, like limits, functions, derivatives, and integrals. Enough said.


Although this list is in no particular order, I think accounting is, by far, the most important course to take if you want to succeed financially.


If you intend on making money from selling something (which, incidentally, is how any business makes money), then you need to learn how to find the right product.


I regret never taking Economics in college. Understanding the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services is essential if you want to get into business and investing.


It’s tax season and several people you know are probably receiving refund checks in the mail from the Internal Revenue Service. If you’re excited about receiving a refund check, you probably never took a finance course.

Any American History Course

History can be boring. However, if you look at history from a different viewpoint, it can open doors for you.

Writing and Composition

Succeeding as an entrepreneur requires that you be able to express yourself and your ideas. Whether it involves pitching an idea to an investor, writing a press release or composing a business plan, entrepreneurs need to communicate.

Any Literature Course

Literature, like history, contains valuable lessons that emanate from years of experience and wisdom. Why not draw on these sources of information?

How many students went to college in 2018?

May 1, 2018. Approximately 20.4 million students headed off to college campuses in the United States last year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. And of those 20.4 million , it's a good bet that, come course selection morning, about 20.3 million weighed just how fun a class in calculus or Renaissance poetry would actually be.

What is Lady Gaga's sociology course?

Little Monsters will fall hard for the University of South Carolina 's strange ode to Mother Monster herself, a course dubbed "Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame." After becoming enthralled with the singer and artist after seeing her on television, sociology professor Mathieu Deflem devised the course, explaining to The New York Times, "The central objective is to unravel some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame of Lady Gaga." And for more surprising info on your favorite stars, check out these 50 Crazy Celebrity Facts You Won't Believe Are True.

Can college courses be rote?

Yes, it's no secret that some college courses can be rote and—dare we say—total snoozers. But the flip side is also true! Digging through the curriculum guides of American universities will reveal a treasure trove of fun, exciting, downright ridiculous-sounding courses.

Is the O.C. worthy of study?

While many of us were obsessed with Mischa Barton's beachy waves and the relationship drama between Summer and Seth, The O.C. hardly seemed worthy of academic study —until Duke University made the case otherwise, that is. For a period of time, the prestigious school allowed students to study the culture surrounding the hit show and the "California exceptionalism" it exemplified.

How to boost your GPA?

Boost your GPA and get a workout? Sign up by enrolling in a physical education class. College P.E. classes aren’t like the ones you’re used to from high school. There are different activities that fall into this category, so you can even check for classes like yoga, kickboxing, or rock climbing.

Why do we need creative writing classes?

There are infinite ways to tell a story. Creative writing classes will help you to unleash the power of storytelling and the art of writing. From journal entries to long-form fiction and poetry, creative writing classes are a fun place to express your creativity.

Does GPA matter in college?

Your GPA will matter greatly if you intend to apply to a graduate program, so it’s always the best idea to do as well as you can in school. Here are some more ideas on how you can achieve success in college: Don’t Skip Class: Whether you attend an online college or a traditional college, lectures exist for a reason.

Do you have to take classes outside of your major?

Indeed, colleges do require students to take classes outside of their major to offer a well-rounded educational experience.
