The letters preceding a course number indicate the University of California campus at which there is an equivalent course, e.g., XI-Irvine, XL-Los Angeles.
Course Acceptance Letter is written or drafted by someone who has been offered a course or program by any educational or professional training institute. Normally the writer of this letter happens to be a student who is looking for certain courses and certifications in order to add more to his/her qualifications.
Feedback Letter after training – negative feedback. Dear [Recipient Name] , I have attended your [training name] on [some date] and would like to express my disappointment from the way the training was conducted. I found your training to be too theoretical with little practical knowledge. I was honestly expecting hands on training ...
Hence, a course inquiry letter is written by a student who wants to know the details about a particular course they wish to pursue at their preferred academic institution. Apart from the regular set of details regarding the course, these letters also involve various other questions that the students would like to be answered.
My gratitude to you for all you have done, which I will never forget. I truly appreciate you and your time you spent helping me in many occasions. Thank you very much for the course. I enjoyed every minute of your lecture as well as your marvelous sense of humor.
Thank you! I think the vast majority of professors (and all teachers of all kinds) would appreciate a short, thoughtful note like this. No need to overdo it though. Even better, stop by their office hours and thank them in person!
Example Thank You Following a Training (Text Only) I'll have to see how well what I learned will transfer back to the job, but I'm confident the training provided me with a lot of insight and necessary tools. Without your support, I would not have been able to attend.
Work-related thank youI wanted to thank you for helping me today.Thank you so much for your assistance.I sincerely appreciate your help with the project today.Thank you for being a valuable member of our team.Thanks for helping me accomplish my goal.I wanted to express my gratitude for your training today.More items...
Next ArticleBe strategic. Always be honest and fair when you approach teachers with questions and commentary about your grades. ... Go the extra mile. Let your teacher know that you're serious about their class and its associated coursework. ... Ask for help. ... Be present. ... Play up your strengths.
Dear [ teacher's name ], they say all good things must come to an end. I truly hope next year will be as exciting and enjoyable as you have made this year for me. You have earned a special place in my heart and I will never forget you. You've truly made a difference in my life.
Thanks so much for your very valuable training. I really enjoyed it, and appreciated that you made it fun! I feel much better prepared to deal with uncomfortable issues. Thank you for your wisdom, experience and personable presentation.
Dear Sir/ Madam, My name is _______ (Name) and I have attend the training _______ (training topic) from __/__/_____ (date) till __/__/____ (date). I am highly thankful for the training that I have received from your side.
How To Write an Appreciation Letter (With Examples)Start with a greeting.Share your gratitude with specific examples.Include any details from your conversations.Close with any additional thoughts or information.End with a polite closing.
Simple Thanks“Thanks for doing what you do!”“You are appreciated for all you do. ... “The work you do is important and so appreciated.”“Sending a little heartfelt appreciation your way today!”“Just wanted to express our deep gratitude for the dedicated work you do day after day.”More items...•
Phrases to say 'thank you' professionally in different situationsThank you for your valuable advice.Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.I am grateful for your valuable insight.I truly appreciate the advice you gave me.Your advice has been most helpful — thank you!More items...•
“I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.” – William Shakespeare. “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” – Cynthia Ozick. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” –
Many professors really appreciate a heartfelt thank you letter. This kind of letter is generally longer and more formal than a quick email.
Thanks or thank you is usually appropriate because you are usually asking for something. Sincerely sounds a little too formal for an email to a professor for my taste. Cheers and Greetings are also common. Please do not send me thank you emails for routine things like answering questions about the class.
Give a Card Virtually every professor cherishes and shows off heartfelt cards from valued students. While it may not seem like much, a card expressing sincere gratitude in writing makes most professors feel like their work matters.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration, and for any comments you could give me. I may request you to provide me an opportunity to pursue my higher studies under your kind supervision and having an acceptance letter from you will have a positive effect on my application package.
Joint Course Codes. Joint codes denote courses where two or more graduate units participate to offer the course. If you are proposing a new joint course code, please consult your Faculty Graduate Affairs Office or the Director, Student Academic Services at [email protected].
This list provides common course codes for 4U/M courses in the Ontario high school curriculum. OUInfo uses these course codes for the program prerequisites listed on the website.
INF 1234 H S. The code always starts with 3 alphabetic letters.This is typically an abbreviation of the Faculty/Graduate unit that is offering the course. For example, all Information courses start with “INF”; all Museum Studies courses start with “MSL”; computer science courses start with CSC; all math courses start with MAT.
C=Canadian and World Studies . E=English . F=French . G=Guidance and Career . Education . H=Humanities and Social . Sciences . L=International Languages
Course. 3 letters denoting the department or college sponsoring the course; 3 numbers denoting the level; 1 letter indicating the credit or full-course equivalent (FCE) value (H = 0.5 credit, Y = 1.0 credit)
Course Code Descriptions. Each Thomas Edison State University course/transfer course equivalency is given a unique identifier number which begins with a three letter departmental code (to represent the department in which the course, based on academic content) belongs.
Course Weight: indicates the number of credits attributed to the course. The baseline weight is 1.0 (referred to as a full course equivalent or FCE). This is indicated with the letter Y. Generally, Y courses span two terms. The alternative weighting is 0.5, indicated by the letter H and H-courses generally span one term (either September-December or January-April).
Campus: indicates whether the course is held on the St. George or satellite campuses (UTM and UTSC). All FAS courses are held on the St. George campus, indicated by the number 1. e.g., HIS107Y1: Approaches to East Asian History is sponsored by the Department of History, it is 100-level, its weight is 1.0 credit, and it is taught on the St. George Campus.
Course Designator: a combination of 3 letters that makes reference to the sponsoring college or department
Maybe you have heard of (or taken) CS106A or English 9CE. But what do those letters mean? The short answer is that it varies. Different departments use these letter to signify different things.
Lecture courses are often larger courses focused on (not surprisingly) the instructor giving a lecture. Discussion sections are often smaller groups where students can talk about and practice the concepts taught in lecture. Seminar courses are usually smaller classes with an emphasis on classroom discussion. Practicum courses usually focus on practice and the application of your skills: music lesson courses for voice, piano, guitar, etc. are all practicums, for example. Colloquium courses often have rotating guest speakers each week to talk about different topics.
An "A" in a PWR course might even stand in for the instructor's initials.
No matter how many you've taken and completed in the past, activity units will always count toward the 12 units required to be a full-time student. Even if you've taken more than 8 activity units total, you might still take more activity units in future quarters to qualify as a full-time student, even with the awareness that any activity units beyond the first 8 will not count toward your graduation total.
Only 8 completed activity units may count toward the 180 total units needed for graduation. The detailed version of your Unofficial Transcript has an addendum at the bottom showing how many activity units you’ve attempted and earned, so you can check your total there.
Note that if a course has multiple components (e.g. a lecture and a discussion section, or a lecture and a lab), you must usually sign up for each component.
Stanford does not have a standardized course numbering system. This means that each department is free to number its courses in its own way. One common (though not universal) numbering guideline you will see across many departments is as follows:
Once the writer has finished writing main content of the letter, an appropriate valediction is given such as Your Sincerely, Yours Truly, Yours Faithfully and Regards. This is the very last step of the letter. The writer simple signs the letter after valediction and mentions his/her name is the last line.
Getting Started: Sender’s Information. The sender of the letter mentions his/her information at the top left corner of the page. The information includes his/her name, occupation, name of institute, complete address and other necessary contact details. Sender’s Name.
The main content of course acceptance letter is usually composed of one single paragraph. The writer simply notifies the institute about his/her interest in taking the course and as a sign of courtesy thanks the institute for consideration. The course acceptance letter is also concluded with a courteous statement.
Course Acceptance Letter is written or drafted by someone who has been offered a course or program by any educational or professional training institute. Normally the writer of this letter happens to be a student who is looking for certain courses and certifications in order to add more to his/her qualifications.
Use our free Course Inquiry Letter to help you get started. If you need additional help or more examples check out some of the sample letters below.
This request letter sample requests details about the admission procedures, faculty credentials as well as the availability of grants and scholarships. The following is the Email format.
While there isn’t a universal rule for what each number means in relation to each other, the main idea is just to distinguish different courses that are from the same department at the same level.
Course prefixes will help you understand if the two courses you're trying to compare are part of the same academic department.
The one thing to remember about course numbers is that the first digit indicates what level of study your course is . That is likely the only uniform (and truly helpful) piece of information these numbers will provide for you. 3. Course Name. The third element of a course code is obvious: the name of the course.
How College Course Codes Work. Colleges use course codes to describe and organize their courses in a way that can be easily understood by both colleges and students (if said students have translation guides, that is). They consist of four important blocks of information. 1.
Colleges use course codes to describe and organize their courses in a way that can be easily understood by both colleges and students (if said students have translation guides, that is).
The second part of a college course code is a series of numbers. These are often three digits long, but many colleges use four digits (or even five).
The key is to start with the end in mind and develop a foolproof plan before enrolling in any courses.
I would like to thank you for last week's thorough and well organized training. The material was very interesting and the discussions were truly inspiring. I particularly enjoyed the visual illustrations, which made the content easily understandable.
My name is [your name] and I am one of the lucky ones that got the chance to attend the [training name] that was held last week at [some place] .
I just wanted to share my feedback on last week's professional and well-presented training. I usually go to these events with an agitated feeling, but your training was completely different. The fact that almost everyone had the same feedback as mine proves just how powerful and influencing the training was.
I have attended your [training name] on [some date] and would like to express my disappointment from the way the training was conducted.
Course Weight: indicates the number of credits attributed to the course. The baseline weight is 1.0 (referred to as a full course equivalent or FCE). This is indicated with the letter Y. Generally, Y courses span two terms. The alternative weighting is 0.5, indicated by the letter H and H-courses generally span one term (either September-December or January-April).
Campus: indicates whether the course is held on the St. George or satellite campuses (UTM and UTSC). All FAS courses are held on the St. George campus, indicated by the number 1. e.g., HIS107Y1: Approaches to East Asian History is sponsored by the Department of History, it is 100-level, its weight is 1.0 credit, and it is taught on the St. George Campus.
Course Designator: a combination of 3 letters that makes reference to the sponsoring college or department