what is the horse obstacle course

by Verda Cremin 9 min read

Equine agility or horse agility is a sport similar to dog agility but using horses. Horses are asked to navigate an obstacle course with guidance from a human handler on the ground.

Full Answer

What Is A Jumping Obstacle?

What is an equitation horse?

What are the phases of eventing?

What is an oxer jump?

What is bank on a track?

Why do horses jump in smaller spaces?

Why do hunters use log jumps?

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What is obstacle course for horses called?

(redirected from Steeplechase (horse racing))

What is the horse jumping competition called?

show jumping, competitive equestrian event in which horse and rider are required to jump, usually within a time limit, a series of obstacles that have been designed for a particular show.

What are the three types of competition horses?

Competitive English Horse EventsDressage.Eventing.Hunter Jumping.Show Jumping.

What is it called when horses dance?

For some, Olympic dressage is that sport where an athlete sits on a horse and makes it dance. For others, it's a lifetime of training and dedication.

What is the biggest show jumping competition?

1. The American Gold Cup – One of America's most celebrated show jumping events, The American Gold Cup takes place annually in September and features a whopping $250,000 Gold Cup Grand Prix. The show was founded in Cleveland and has since moved to Tampa, Philadelphia, Devon, PA and North Salem, NY.

What is the difference between show jumping and hunter?

Hunters are where the horse is judged, Equitation is where the rider is judge, and Show jumping is judged based on speed and faults. Most Hunter/Jumper competitions offer classes in all three divisions and it is not uncommon for trainers to have a presence in all three rings.

What height is Olympic eventing?

The show jumping height is now 1.6 meters with the width of the fences being a maximum of 2 meters or 2.2 meters for a triple bar. The water jump distance is now a maximum of 4.5 meters. The current Olympic format is held over 5 rounds to determine the team and individual medals.

What Is A Jumping Obstacle?

Obstacles in jumping are called fences or jumps . The fences are built and designed differently for each discipline and can be combined, related distance, or used as a single obstacle.

What is an equitation horse?

The Equitation horse is an all-rounder, well-schooled jumping horse that is classy, disciplined, and well-mannered.

What are the phases of eventing?

The rider with the least amount of penalties incurred over all three phases of eventing: Dressage, Cross country, and show jumping wins. Fitness, athleticism, bravery, all roundedness, accuracy, and Equitation of both horse and rider are tested in eventing.

What is an oxer jump?

An oxer is more of a three-dimensional jump that requires the horse to jump high and wide and is also used multiple times in a course

What is bank on a track?

Banks or steps are elevated or sunken down parts of the track that require the horse to jump upwards or downwards onto the next level of the track

Why do horses jump in smaller spaces?

The length of the poles are shorter; thus, the horse needs to jump accurately through a smaller space

Why do hunters use log jumps?

Log jumps are also popular in Hunting classes as it adds to the rustic look.

What is an obstacle course?

The obstacle course is designed to provide the campers with a fun, challenging activity to try with their horses. Some riders have even been inspired to compete in obstacle courses and trial trials as a result of being introduced to the activity at the CMA campout. An added bonus is that it does generate a little more income for the CMA group.

What obstacles did Clydesdale face?

Sheila explains. “One of the more difficult obstacles seemed to be the task of getting a horse to put a single foot inside a tire. (I get a lot of complaints about that one.) A very green Clydesdale probably gets kudos for that obstacle. He put a foot in very quickly and calmly without any dancing around.”

Who designed Hoof in a Tire?

Hoof in a Tire. Seventeen of the riders enjoying the campout took part in the horse trail obstacle course. Sheila Ward designed a course that was fun, entertaining and educational for humans and horses. She enjoyed watching the riders navigate the various obstacles but one seemed to provide the most entertainment.

Do horses balk at the pool noodles?

As Sheila watched horses negotiate this obstacle she made these observations, “Horses often balk at going through the cowboy curtain car wash and many rush through it. Many horses will try every which way to avoid poking their heads between the pool noodles.” Lynda enjoyed catching many of the horse trail obstacle course the antics on camera.

How to make a horse jump a gate?

If you fail to go over any hurdle and the horse stops, just hold ZL and back up , then press A repeatedly until the horse speeds up twice (but don't use a spur to hit a full gallop) and the horse will jump that gate. You can actually do this twice and still make sub-1:15.

Can a horse jump a hurdle?

The hurdle on the elevated platform is impossible to jump. No matter how perfectly centered the horse is or how fast I'm going the horse refuses to jump that hurdle. This is ridiculous.

Where is the Mounted Obstacle Course in Breath of the Wild?

Mounted Obstacle Course. The Mounted Obstacle Course is one of the Minigames in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and is played outside of Highland Stable in the Lake region. Begin by speaking with Blynne near the cooking pot who challenges Link to jump over 10 obstacles on horseback at 20 rupees per attempt.

How to do the Royal White Stallion side quest?

The trick is to wait until you complete The Royal White Stallion Side Quest. Using the Royal White Stallion for better control, proceed slowly (do not gallop) and use minimal directional controls. If you miss an obstacle, jump off your horse (press B) and start again. Only gallop (press A) after you have cleared the last hurdle.

How many obstacles are required for a golf course?

At least 10 obstacles or maneuvers are required for each course.

What are horsemanship elements?

The Rider should Ride with Purpose. HORSEMANSHIP ELEMENTS: These items can be an obstacle of their own or incorporated into other obstacles. Pivots on hindquarters, forehand, or in combination. Circles, straight lines, serpentines or other patterns in the line of travel.

Trail Challenge

Customize your Experience! You get to select the challenge level for each obstacle which best fits the goals for you and your horse on a relaxing trail ride!

Obstacle Course

Challenge and Improve! Across any combination of pasture, arena, and trail, this format provides a fun and challenging contest for riders of all levels.

Recreation Ride

Organized Fun! Enjoy an organized recreational ride with friends and family while earning miles for your Mileage Program.


Member Benefits. Recognition of equine and rider achievements through the Equine Medal Award and Star Rider Award programs. Join now for only $35 for a single annual membership to get all the benefits!

What Is A Jumping Obstacle?

Obstacles in jumping are called fences or jumps . The fences are built and designed differently for each discipline and can be combined, related distance, or used as a single obstacle.

What is an equitation horse?

The Equitation horse is an all-rounder, well-schooled jumping horse that is classy, disciplined, and well-mannered.

What are the phases of eventing?

The rider with the least amount of penalties incurred over all three phases of eventing: Dressage, Cross country, and show jumping wins. Fitness, athleticism, bravery, all roundedness, accuracy, and Equitation of both horse and rider are tested in eventing.

What is an oxer jump?

An oxer is more of a three-dimensional jump that requires the horse to jump high and wide and is also used multiple times in a course

What is bank on a track?

Banks or steps are elevated or sunken down parts of the track that require the horse to jump upwards or downwards onto the next level of the track

Why do horses jump in smaller spaces?

The length of the poles are shorter; thus, the horse needs to jump accurately through a smaller space

Why do hunters use log jumps?

Log jumps are also popular in Hunting classes as it adds to the rustic look.


What Is A Jumping Obstacle?

An obstacle is placed on a prepared course or track over which the horse must jump to negotiate the rest of the course and continue on their track. Obstacles in jumping are called fences or jumps. The fences are built and designed differently for each discipline and can be combined, related distance, or used as a single obs…
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Showjumping Obstacles

  • These fences can be found in all the showjumping classes, Equitation, and hunter classes. The design will differ for each. The poles can be plain brown, white, or brightly colored and patterned. The poles are help up by cups attached to uprights or standards. Each upright has holes for the cups to be placed on different heights. On each upright, there will be either a red or a white flag. …
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Eventing Obstacles

  • Eventing obstacles are the more solid type of obstacles. These obstacles are designed to test the bravery, fitness, and hunting skills of a horse. In the cross-country phase of eventing, the horse and rider navigate a long course over a big track or field at a much faster pace than showjumping. The rider with the least amount of penalties incurred over all three phases of eventing: Dressage…
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Other Jumping Classes

  • Hunting and Equitation classes use the same jumps that were already mentioned. However, these two classes are very different from one another. Equitation is used to test the horse no rider combination on their riding, discipline, manners, and jumping ability. The Equitation horse is an all-rounder, well-schooled jumping horse that is classy, disciplined, and well-mannered. There are t…
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