what is an appropriate comment to make to a friend who has lost weight? course hero

by Dr. Neoma Marks II 9 min read

What is the best question to ask someone about their weight?

1. "Do you often feel fat?" 2. "Who plans the family meals?" 3. "What do you eat in a typical day?" 4. "What do you think about your present weight?"

How did the client reduce her calorie intake to 800 calories?

The client has verbalized that she would like to buy some new clothes, but her finances are limited. Group members have brought some used clothes for the client to replace her old clothes. The client believes that the new clothes were much too tight, so she has reduced her calorie intake to 800 calories daily.

Which nursing intervention most directly relates to the goal of weight gain?

Rationale: The nursing intervention of observing for adverse side effects of refeeding most directly relates to the goal of weight gain. Options 1 and 3 would relate to goals dealing with coping. Option 4 is an inappropriate intervention. S, a client with anorexia nervosa, is particularly resistant to the idea of weight gain.

What is Mary's intervention?

Intervention to Help Someone with Bulimia Nervosa. Mary is a fictional character used to demonstrate how an intervention for bulimia nervosa works. When we left Mary, she was in tears.

How many calories do you eat a week with bulimia?

People with bulimia binge an average of 11.7 times each week. During binges, people with bulimia consume an average of 3,415 calories, the total number ranging from 1200 to 5000.

Did Mary and Lisa go out for lunch?

She and Mary had always enjoyed going out to lunch together on Saturdays, but for the past few weeks, Mary had declined. She also noticed that Mary spent a great deal of time talking about food and what she ate. With these vague concerns in mind, Lisa began reading up on eating disorders.
