what is the hardest cs undergrad course

by Toby Labadie I 5 min read

These are the hardest Computer Science classes that you’ll face during your undergrad. 1. Data Structures and Algorithms 2. Discrete Mathematics 3. Operating Systems

Full Answer

What are the hardest classes in Computer Science?

That’s what we’re talking about today. These are the hardest Computer Science classes that you’ll face during your undergrad. 1. Data Structures and Algorithms 2. Discrete Mathematics 3. Operating Systems 4. Automata Theory 5. Calculus

What is the hardest major in college?

Computer Science is known for being one of the hardest majors. There’s usually a lot of math and some of the programming concepts can be incredibly difficult. However, there are some classes that stand out as being the most difficult.

What are the hardest math classes to take in college?

1 Data Structures and Algorithms. I just took Data Structures and Algorithms last semester (Spring 2020) and it was definitely hard. ... 2 Discrete Mathematics. I haven’t taken this class yet, but it is required for my degree so I will eventually. ... 3 Operating Systems. ... 4 Automata Theory. ... 5 Calculus. ...

Why is an operating system course so difficult?

Operating Systems courses are difficult because typically you end up writing most of the operating system yourself. An operating system has a lot of modules involved like shell, fork, file system, and virtual memory and that’s a LOT of code to be written (I know one of my assignments had 92 pages of code).

What are the hardest computer science classes?

4. Automata Theory. 5. Calculus . These are the 5 hardest computer science classes that you’ll take during your undergraduate (in no particular order). Technically, Calculus isn’t a Comp Sci class. However, it is required for most C.S. programs. Depending on your University, you might not need to take all of these classes.

Why is it so hard to learn operating systems?

Operating Systems courses are difficult because typically you end up writing most of the operating system yourself. An operating system has a lot of modules involved like shell, fork, file system, and virtual memory and that’s a LOT of code to be written (I know one of my assignments had 92 pages of code).

How to pass calculus?

I really have three main three tips to help you succeed at Calculus. If you want more tips, check out my articles on the 5 steps to pass Calculus and the best resources to learn Calculus. The three tips are: 1 Make sure you know algebra and trigonometry inside and out. 2 Practice Calculus problems until it becomes second nature. 3 Learn to love it. Passion will drive you forward.

Is data structure hard?

Data Structures and Algorithms is a hard class, but it’s far from impossible to find success. Having a firm grasp on programming fundamentals will help a lot. This isn’t an introductory topic so if you’re slacking on the basics, there’s a good chance you’ll fail. Also, having an interest in the subject matter will further help. These assignments take time so if you don’t find the course interesting, it will be hard to put in those hours.

A single podcast episode changed my whole perspective when it comes to learning how to code

A month ago I listened to a podcast by one of the best neuroscientists, Andrew Huberman. In the podcast he mentioned that making errors, (even if they were on purpose) is very essential for the learning process… In that moment of frustration, your brain is actually building new pathways in the brain.

I know this might sound ignorant, but how do you actually use GitHub?

Like the title says, I don’t know how to use GitHub, when to use GitHub, or why to use GitHub for that matter. I’ve built my first few original projects but I’ve always just done it off my hard drive, and no tutorial that I’ve done has told me to do otherwise.

Negative Posts

I can't be the only one sick and tired by these posts that provide nothing but negative energy and self-doubt.

Harvard's New Course

For anyone wanting to learn Python Harvard just released Introduction to Programming with Python on edX. It starts on April 1st and is a self-paced 9 Week long course.

Is working as a programmer hard?

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Does anybody actually still program websites from scratch?

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Do you take notes as a programmer ? And do you prefer paper notebook or notes app , and why ?

Hi , I take notes in digital ( using notion ) but I fell overwhelmed from this , maybe with paper is better ( writing only the real core ) ? And do you read some times your notes , to remember what has been studied ?

What are the three components of a college degree?

Because universities require a certain number of total university credits for graduation, a students’ coursework is generally divided into three components: general education or distribution requirements, major requirements, and minor or elective courses .

How many hours does an architecture major take?

The average architecture major spends 22 hours preparing for class. Students who want to pursue this field need to be ready to spend hours drafting and studying. Upon graduating, your job prospects are fairly narrow because your skills are specialized.

Is academic coursework a priority?

Realistically, academic coursework is not every student’s top priority. One of the best parts of college is making lifelong friendships. Another is exploring your interests through clubs and internships. Only commit to a time-intensive major if it really is your top priority in college.

Is chemistry a hard major?

See the best schools for Chemistry majors. We have chosen chemistry as our #1 hardest major because of its low average GPA combined with the long hours of studying required. If you are fascinated by how minuscule, invisible changes can completely alter a substance, chemistry is a great major to consider.
