what is the guarantee with paul masceta influencing people course

by Dexter Stark 7 min read

When a master influencer comes across a truly reluctant subject, he must not feel even an io

When a master influencer comes across a truly reluctant subject, he must not feel even an iota of despair because even the most reticent subject can be gradually drawn out from their defensive stance and fully influenced.

What happens when an influencer is on full power?

When an influencer is operating on full power, he usually views the subject as a direct target. The influencer will do everything in his power to disprove the other person’s beliefs about what is being offered at the moment . The result of such all-out attacks is usually utter failure.

What is a yes set?

Did you get the formula just by reading the sample sentence? If not, that’s alright, here’s the explanation: a yes set is a statement that is usually comprised by three elements. Two elements in the statement are true and can be easily verified by the senses (taste, smell, sight, touch, hearing) while the third element can either be true or false.

What are the things that you would always want to avoid when pitching an idea?

There are three things that you would always want to avoid when you are pitching an idea, product or service: buyer remorse, anticipated regret and the worst of the three, option attachment.

How does buyer remorse ruin repeat business?

Buyer’s remorse can ruin repeat business because it can dissuade people from having dealings with you again. Before that even happens, you have to make sure that the subject has been ‘inoculated’ against buyer remorse even before he leaves your sight.

What does it mean to be empathetic?

To be empathetic means you are consciously putting yourself in the other person’s shoes in an effort to understand him and to communicate with him more effectively.

Why do followers make decisions?

They typically will do something because it has been proven to work in the past by someone else. They don't like venturing into uncharted territory or do things that have never been done before. They don't like to explore options that have not been proven to work, and they are certainly not innovative or creative people. Followers are great listeners and are very diplomatic when they interact with other people.