what is the florida petit theft course

by Kareem Hirthe 4 min read

Florida’s petit theft statute requires a finding of specific criminal intent by a defendant to deprive a victim of his rights to property, or to ‘appropriate’ the property of the victim to the defendant’s own use.

Course For Theft provides access to the Theft Awareness Class, an educational program that may be required in the state of Florida by the court, a legal order, a legal representative, a parole or probation officer, an employer, or other entity.

Full Answer

What is petit theft of the first degree in Florida?

Florida Theft Awareness Class. Course For Theft provides access to the Theft Awareness Class, an educational program that may be required in the state of Florida by the court, a legal order, a legal representative, a parole or probation officer, an employer, or other entity. Our Theft Awareness Class has been written to meet national standards and is recognized by courts and …

What is the theft awareness class in Florida?

PETIT THEFT IN FLORIDA DEFINITION, PENALTIES, AND DEFENSES. In Florida, Petit Theft is the taking of property valued at under $750 with the intent to deprive the owner of a right or benefit in the property. Petit theft is generally a misdemeanor offense, with penalties that may include jail, probation, community service, and restitution.

What is the lowest level of theft in Florida?

Florida is one of our most regular referral sources! Less Expensive: One fee, no added fees. Our online theft / shoplifting class sets an industry standard as one of the nation's premier provider of online theft classes. "Theft Talk"™. 4 hr juvenile theft class - $45. 8 hr juvenile theft class - $70. 8 hr adult theft class -$70.

What is the course for theft program?

Online Florida Theft / Shoplifting Class: Don't want to sit in a group of other people and be forced to "make confessions"?Take your class online - on your timelines. The Offender Solutions® series of 100% online classes is a nationwide service that …

How long does a petit theft charge last in Florida?

Under Section 812.014 (5) (b), Florida Statutes, a judgment of guilty for a petit theft offense “shall provide for the suspension of the convicted person’s driver license.” This includes a 6 month driver license suspension for a first adjudication, and up to a 1 year for a second adjudication.

How much is a fine for a petit theft?

Where the property at issue is valued at less than $100, Petit Theft is classified as a Second Degree Misdemeanor, with penalties of up 60 days in jail, or 6 months probation, and a $500 fine.

How to prove a theft?

To prove the crime of Petit Theft at trial, the prosecution must establish the following two elements beyond a reasonable doubt: 1 The defendant knowingly and unlawfully obtained or used (or endeavored to obtain or use) the property of the alleged victim; 2 The defendant did so with the intent, either permanently or temporarily, to: (a) deprive the victim of [his] [her] right to the property or any benefit from it, or (b) appropriate the victim’s property to the defendant’s own use or to the use of any person not entitled to it.

What are the elements of theft?

Elements of Theft. To prove the crime of Petit Theft at trial, the prosecution must establish the following two elements beyond a reasonable doubt: The defendant did so with the intent, either permanently or temporarily, to: ( a) deprive the victim of [his] [her] right to the property or any benefit from it, or ...

What is 812.014 in Florida?

Under Section 812.014 (1), Florida Statutes, a person commits theft if he or she knowingly obtains or uses, or endeavors to obtain or use, the property of another with the appropriate criminal intent.

Is theft a serious crime in Florida?

A theft charge is a serious matter and not every case will have a viable defense. Fortunately, most counties in Florida offer “diversion” programs for a first arrest, including Pretrial Intervention (PTI).

Less Expensive

One low fee, no added fees. Our online classes set an industry standard as the nation's premier provider of online offender and prevention education classes. We offer real value, great prices, high quality and meaningful information.

Payment Information

Payments are made securely online through PayPal or credit card or by mail. For online classes you first register and then make a payment.

What is law enforcement equipment?

Law enforcement equipment means any property, device, or apparatus used by any law enforcement officer as defined in s. 943.10 in the officer’s official business. However, if the property is stolen within a county that is subject to a state of emergency declared by the Governor under chapter 252, the theft is committed after the declaration ...

What are the conditions arising from an emergency?

As used in this paragraph, the term “conditions arising from the emergency” means civil unrest, power outages, curfews, voluntary or mandatory evacuations, or a reduction in the presence of or response time for first responders or homeland security personnel.

What is a motor vehicle?

7. Any commercially farmed animal, including any animal of the equine, avian, bovine, or swine class or other grazing animal; a bee colony of a registered beekeeper; and aquaculture species raised at a certified aquaculture facility.

How much jail time is Petit theft?

The maximum jailtime one can be sentenced to is 364 days in the county jail.

How long can you go to jail for theft?

Where a theft is for less than $100, and there are no prior convictions for any crime involving theft, the crime is charged as a second degree misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of not more than 60 days in the county jail.

How long is a felony in Florida?

This crime is a third degree felony and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

Who is Neil Weinreb?

Neil Weinreb is a licensed Florida attorney who has been practicing in the area of criminal law for over 17 years in North Florida. Mr. Weinreb works for the Law Office of David M. Goldman in Jacksonville, Florida. Mr. Weinreb has worked as an adjunct professor teaching law to paralegal students at Jones College in Jacksonville, Florida. You can contact Mr. Weinreb at the Law Office of David M. Goldman for a free initial consultation.

What is the lowest theft offense in Florida?

In Florida, the lowest level theft offense is called "petit theft, " rather than the more commonly known "petty theft." If the property stolen is valued at less than $100, the offender commits petit theft of the second degree, which is a misdemeanor of the second degree.

Who is liable for theft in Florida?

A person who commits theft (or the parent or legal guardian of a minor who commits theft or shoplifting) in Florida may be held civilly liable to the theft victim for the following amounts:

What happens if you get convicted of theft in Florida?

A conviction for theft can carry serious consequences, including jail or prison time, fines, restitution orders, civil liability, and a criminal record. Learn more about the grand and petit theft in Florida.

What is the most serious theft in Florida?

The most serious level of theft in Florida is grand theft of the first degree and includes theft of: property valued at $100,000 or more. a semitrailer deployed by a law enforcement officer. cargo valued at more than $50,000 which has entered interstate or intrastate commerce.

What is a shoplifter?

a person who walks by a restaurant table and grabs someone's wallet. the shoplifter who grabs a video game off the store shelf. a daughter who has control over an elderly parent's bank account and misuses the money to buy herself a yacht, and. the neighbor who splices cable lines to get free video channels.

Can a third degree felony be extended?

Habitual Felony Offender. For a third felony offense, a court can impose an extended prison term. The maximum prison sentence doubles for a second- or third-degree felony. And a felony in the first degree can be punished by up to life in prison.

What is considered a motor vehicle?

a motor vehicle (unless used in the commission of a crime, see first-degree grand theft) any commercially farmed animal. an installed fire extinguisher (not inventory) more than 2,000 individual pieces of citrus fruit. any property taken from a construction site.
