what is the first year signature course ut austin

by Dr. Devan Willms PhD 3 min read

The Signature Course (UGS 302 and 303) introduces first-year students to the university's academic community through the exploration of new interests. The Signature Course is your opportunity to engage in college-level thinking and learning.

What is rhe 306 UT Austin?

What is RHE 306? RHE 306 is an introductory course in writing and argumentation. Credit for this course is required by all UT students. You can receive credit in RHE 306 in one of the following ways: taking the course, placing out of the course by exam, or transferring credit from another university or college.

What are flag courses at UT Austin?

Throughout your UT coursework, you will earn Flags in the following six areas:Cultural Diversity in the United States (1 course)Ethics (1 course)Global Cultures (1 course)Independent Inquiry (1 course)Quantitative Reasoning (1 course)Writing (2 or 3 courses, depending on your degree plan)

What are UT electives?

An elective is ANY course that The University offers for course credit as long as 1) the course would not count toward a core, foreign language, or major requirement, 2) the course is open, 3) you meet the course prerequisites, and 4) you have not previously completed the course.

What is fig UT Austin?

A First-Year Interest Group (FIG) is a group of 18-25 first-year students who take two to four classes together during their first fall semester at The University of Texas. Each group attends a weekly seminar led by a peer mentor and a staff facilitator.

What is the acceptance rate at UT Austin?

32% (2020)The University of Texas at Austin / Acceptance rate

What is a writing flag UT Austin?

The Writing Flag is part of the University of Texas at Austin's Core Curriculum Requirements. In a class with a Writing Flag, you will: write regularly—several times during the semester—and complete writing projects that are substantial.

What does open Reserved mean UT Austin?

Open; Reserved Seats are available and students can enroll; however, specific reservations apply to the class.

What counts as a free elective UTSA?

Free electives refer to any semester credit hours accepted by UTSA in transfer or awarded by UTSA that, for degree purposes, are not applied to Core Curriculum, major, minor, or support work requirements.

What is considered an upper division course at UTSA?

Courses beginning with “3” or “4” are upper-division (junior and senior level). Courses beginning with a “5” or higher are graduate-level courses.

Are figs required UT?

But not all small learning communities are created equal. FIGS are not mandatory for all students on campus, but they should be. UT should place all students, regardless of other programs they're a part of, into FIGs, because their small size and focus on nonacademic topics aid freshmen in their adjustment to college.

How do I join FIG UT Austin?

Each individual college/school and program helps to coordinate FIG enrollment. FIG enrollment and registration for first-year students is done at Summer Orientation . When arriving on campus for summer orientation, your college or program will discuss the FIG enrollment process.

What is a fig in college?

First-year interest groups are programs designed to help new undergraduate students adjust to their studies. According to the Association of American Universities (AAU), “A FIG is a "learning community" of about 20 students with similar interests who are enrolled in a cluster of classes together.

What is the Texas flag?

Flag of TexasNameThe Lone Star FlagUseCivil and state flagProportion2:3AdoptedJanuary 25, 1839 (by the Republic of Texas) Readopted: August 31, 1933 (De facto use 1879–1933)DesignOne-third of the hoist is blue containing a single centered white star. The remaining field is divided horizontally into a white and red bar.4 more rows

How do you change flags?

How to Change out a FlagBuy a new flag.Untie your rope.Lower your flag.Unhook your flag from the snaphooks.Inspect the snaphooks & other flagpole parts, are they getting worn down? ... Attach the new flag to the snaphooks.Raise the flag to the top of the flagpole.Tie the rope to the pole.More items...•

Does UT Austin have a core curriculum?

All students pursuing an undergraduate degree at the University must complete the forty-two-hour statewide Core Curriculum. The list of courses students should choose from to fulfill their Core Curriculum requirements is updated annually and published here.

Does UT Austin require foreign language?

Students at the University of Texas at Austin are required to have completed two years of a foreign language in high school. Student admitted to the University may address any foreign language deficiency by taking college level foreign language courses to meet the beginning level of proficiency.

What is the ALD Signature Course?

The ALD Signature Course: Distinguished Speaker Series Lecture is restricted to first-year students. The objective of this Speaker Series is to provide a discussion forum on various contemporary issues with and emphasis on multidiciplinary perspectives and critical discourse.

What is the expectation of students?

No matter what they think of the President’s policies, the expectation is that students will be able to engage in critical dialogue, write clearly and effectively about such topics, and be able to apply such learned skills to all aspects of their lives.

What is UGS 303?

The courses is a large-group lecture and discussion class focusing on a contemporary issue. It is designed to introduce undergraduates to scholarly analysis from an interdisciplinary perspective and includes an introduction to University resources, such as research facilities, museums, and attendance at University lectures or performances as assigned.

First-year Students

All first-year students are required to take a Signature Course. As a first-year student, you should be able to register for an open Signature Course on your own during registration. If you are unable to register on your own, please do the following before emailing our office.

Transfer Students

Transfer students should plan to take their Signature Course in their first spring semester at UT. There are seats for transfer students available in the fall, however, they are very limited.

Continuing Students

If you are a continuing student at UT Austin, you should speak with your advisor as to whether or not you need to take the Signature Course. If it is determined that you are required to register for a Signature Course please email us during your first registration access period or any time after during October/November registration.

What courses can I take instead of rhetoric and writing 306?

Nonnative speakers of English may take Rhetoric and Writing 306Q instead of Rhetoric and Writing 306. Students in the Plan II Honors Program may take English 303C or Tutorial Course 303C instead of Rhetoric and Writing 306 .

How many hours of core curriculum is required for Texas?

Core Curriculum. All students pursuing an undergraduate degree at the University must complete the forty-two-hour statewide Core Curriculum. Entering students are only considered Core Complete if they have submitted a transcript from a Texas public institution of higher education that marks the student Core Complete based on coursework completed ...

What math class is required for Plan II Honors?

Students in the Plan II Honors Program may complete this requirement by taking Mathematics 310P.

What is the 106C requirement for transfer students?

government may complete this requirement of the Core Curriculum by taking Government 106C, which includes Te xas Constitutional content that is consistent with the legislative requirement.

What is a restricted first year student?

Restricted to first-year students. Large-group lecture and discussion class focusing on a contemporary issue. Designed to introduce undergraduates to scholarly analysis from an interdisciplinary perspective. Includes an introduction to University resources, such as research facilities, museums, and attendance at University lectures or performances as assigned. Multiple sections may be offered in the fall and spring with various topics and instructors. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Some sections may require additional meeting times; these are identified in the Course Schedule. Only one of the following may be counted: Tutorial Course 302, Undergraduate Studies 302, 303 .

What is a seminar class?

Seminar class focusing on a contemporary issue. Designed to introduce undergraduates to scholarly analysis from an interdisciplinary perspective. Includes an introduction to University resources, such as research facilities, museums, and attendance at University lectures or performances as assigned. Multiple sections may be offered in the fall and spring with various topics and instructors. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Some sections may require additional meeting times; these are identified in the Course Schedule. Only one of the following may be counted: Tutorial Course 302, Undergraduate Studies 302, 303 .

How many hours of lecture for Maymester?

Discussion of various issues related to the academic, cultural, and personal aspects of studying abroad in particular locations. Two lecture hours a week for eight weeks, or as required by the topic. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Offered on the letter-grade basis only.

How many hours of lecture per week for first year interest group?

Issues and research in various areas of leadership, communication, student development, and the transition from high school to college. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Consent of the program coordinator of the First-Year Interest Group program office.

How long is Discovery Scholars?

Restricted to students in the Discovery Scholars Program. Basic issues in various interdisciplinary fields of study. One hour a week for one semester. Offered on the pass/fail basis only.

Can you count a lecture hour for a semester at the University of Texas at Austin?

Basic issues in various interdisciplinary fields of study. One lecture hour a week for one semester. May not be counted toward any University of Texas at Austin degree. May be repeated for credit.
