what is the difference between saxon course 3 or saxon 8/7?

by Ms. Liliane Cummings 9 min read

Saxon Math 8/7 and Course 2 are 90% the same textbook Course 3 and Algebra 1/2 are completely different textbooks The School line (Intermediate 3,4,5/Course 1,2,and 3) have more word problems and logic-based questions to meet Common Core Standards.

Full Answer

What is Saxon math course 1 Course 2 Course 3?

Designed as a classroom curriculum and now available to the homeschool market, Saxon Math Course 1, Course 2 and Course 3 are a 2012 version of Saxons middle school math and are roughly comparable to Math 7 6, Math 8 7 and Algebra 1/2.

What are the different grades in Saxon math?

Saxon Courses 1-3 (Gr. 6-8) Saxon Math Courses 1-3 for Grade 6, 7 and 8 Designed as a classroom curriculum and now available to the homeschool market, Saxon Math Course 1, Course 2 and Course 3 are a 2012 version of Saxons middle school math and are roughly comparable to Math 7 6, Math 8 7 and Algebra 1/2.

What is the difference between Saxon 8/7 and Saxon?

It moves at a faster pace than 8/7, but the material is the same. Saxon 8/7 was written by Stephen Hake for younger students who were ready for pre-algebra. If your student finishes 8/7 successfully, it isn’t necessary for him to complete both. ***Saxon also offers Geometry.

Is Saxon math 8/7 the next step?

But you have one friend who swears Saxon Math 8/7 is the next step, and another who says their kid didn’t need it and moved straight to Saxon Algebra ½. Or your child sailed through Saxon 8/7 and you don’t know whether Saxon Algebra ½ is the right step or Saxon Algebra 1. “Where do I go from here, Nicole?”

What grade level is Saxon 8 7?

7th gradeSaxon Math 8/7 is on-grade level for 7th grade and for an 8th grader who may need to take it at a slower pace.

What grade is Saxon 3 for?

Category Description for Saxon K-3 Program: Consumable Student Workbooks are used in grades 1-3 only and contain student materials, flash cards and practice pages. The Math K Home Study Kit contains teacher edition and meeting book.

What is after Saxon Math Course 3?

How do Saxon Math levels work? Saxon Math is graded K, 1, 2, and 3 for kindergarten through third-grade students. After third grade, the textbooks switch to skill level instead of grade level. Thus, Math 3 is followed by Math 5/4 , which is for advanced fourth graders or for average fifth graders.

What is the difference between Saxon 8 7 and Algebra 1 2?

The main difference between Algebra 1/2 and 8/7 is that the 8/7 has more foundational math like fractions, decimals, and percents. Algebra 1/2 has more pre-algebra concepts. Typically, students do not struggle with the algebra. It is usually fractions, decimals, and percents that trip them up.

What math comes after Saxon 8 7?

Upon successful completion of Saxon 8/7, students should start Shormann Algebra 1. For most students, Saxon Math 8/7 is all they need to prepare them for Algebra 1. It has more arithmetic review than Algebra 1/2.

What is the difference between Saxon Math 3 and Intermediate 3?

0:002:48What's the Difference between Saxon 3 and Saxon Intermediate 3 ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe student workbooks only include problems and all instruction must be done in person through theMoreThe student workbooks only include problems and all instruction must be done in person through the use of the comprehensive teacher's guide each lesson includes four components the meeting the lesson.

Is Saxon Math course 3 algebra?

6-8) Designed as a classroom curriculum and now available to the homeschool market, Saxon Math Course 1, Course 2 and Course 3 are a 2012 version of Saxons middle school math and are roughly comparable to Math 7 6, Math 8 7 and Algebra 1/2.

Is Saxon Math discontinued?

Our understanding is that HMH has only discontinued the school versions. The homeschool sets will continue to be sold. After Saxon was sold to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, it became clear they did not understand nor support John Saxon's unique teaching methods.

How many lessons are in Saxon Math 3?

120 daily LessonsThere are 120 daily Lessons plus 12 Investigations (practical application) in each course. Groups of ten Lessons and one Investigation are wrapped into a Section, each of which has a particular focus and includes particular mathematical strands. Daily Lessons follow a pattern that will be familiar to Saxon users.

Is math 8 the same as pre-algebra?

Eighth-grade math is typically a course in pre-algebra to help prepare students for high school algebra. Our 8th-grade math curriculum can be used either as a main homeschool program or as a supplement to another homeschool curriculum or a traditional school.

Is Saxon Math spiral or mastery?

A spiral method, Saxon Math is based on a method of teaching that combines incremental skill development with ample practice to achieve better practical math results than standard curricula.

Does Saxon Math follow Common Core?

Saxon Math is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.

What is 8/7 math?

While Math 8/7 teaches all the prealgebra concepts required to succeed in Algebra 1, it also teaches students to memorize essential arithmetic skills like ratios, reducing fractions, converting a fraction to a decimal or percent that most often cause students to struggle in Algebra 1.

Is Shormann Pre-Algebra a pre-algebra?

UPDATE: Shormann Pre-algebra, is now the recommended pre-algebra course. Both Algebra ½ and Saxon 8/7 are pre-algebra courses. However, Dr. Shormann recommends his new Shormann Pre-Algebra Self-Paced eCourse. Based on John Saxon's original teaching methods, this course is hosted in a state-of-the art eLearning platform that makes learning more ...

How many lessons are there in Saxon?

An accent color helps illustrate concepts and provides some organizational structure. There are 120 daily Lessons plus 12 Investigations (practical application) in each course. Groups of ten Lessons and one Investigation are wrapped into a Section, each of which has a particular focus and includes particular mathematical strands. Daily Lessons follow a pattern that will be familiar to Saxon users. A Power Up (Building Power) section reviews math facts and provides mental math problems as well as a problem solving dilemma (i.e. problem). The New Concept (Increasing Knowledge) segment provides instruction (written directly to the student), worked examples and a short Practice Set for reinforcing what has just been learned. Written Practice (Strengthening Concepts) is a longer set of problems that reviews and continues practice on concepts cumulative from the start of the book. Early Finishers (not included with every lesson) are a few real-world application problems available to students who complete the assignment early.

What are the Saxon math courses?

Saxon Math Courses 1, 2, and 3 integrate and distribute traditional units, giving students time to learn and practice skills throughout the year, master content, and develop algebraic thinking for mastery of the Common Core State Standards.

What is Saxon math?

Designed as a classroom curriculum and now available to the homeschool market, Saxon Math Course 1, Course 2 and Course 3 are a 2012 version of Saxons middle school math and are roughly comparable to Math 7 6, Math 8 7 and Algebra 1/2. They are designed to be the sequel for the Math Intermediate Series and to prepare the student for Saxon Algebra 1 & 2 (4th ed.).

What are the components of a course?

Course components include a Student Text, a Solutions Manual, a Power-Up Workbook and a Course Assessment Book.

How many semesters does Shormann algebra 1 take?

Because it earns 1 credit of Algebra 1 and 1/2 credit of geometry, Shormann Algebra 1 can be taken over 3 semesters. This gives extra time as needed to grasp a concept or go back and relearn forgotten concepts, without overwhelming or frustrating the student. Watch: How to Monitor Student Progress.

Can you take Shormann algebra 1?

Yes: Take Shormann Algebra 1 with Integrated Geometry. Unlike Saxon, Shormann Algebra 1 & 2 teach all the concepts required to excel on the redesigned PSAT and SAT, and the ACT, while retaining the original John Saxon teaching methods of incremental development, continual review, and integrated geometry.

Who was John Saxon?

One cool math teacher. John Saxon was a test pilot for the U.S. Air Force in the 1950s. Photo courtesy of Niki Hayes, author of John Saxon’s Story, A Genius of Common Sense in Math Education.

What does John Saxon mean by "Results matter"?

A methodology, or way of doing something, does make a difference, but what John Saxon meant is that when it comes to educating a child, the methodology should never trump the results.

How much did John Saxon sell when he died?

His methodology produced good results, so he stuck with it, and when he died in 1996, Saxon Publishers annual sales were at $27 million. You can read more about John Saxon in Niki Hayes’ book, John Saxon’s Story, A Genius of Common Sense in Math Education.

Why did John Saxon put his name on the front of every book?

Putting his name on the front of every book and naming the company after his family were ways of claiming ownership and responsibility for what he had done.

How many pages are in the 4th edition of the ed?

The 4th edition has 374 more pages than the 3rd edition. Some of that increase is because the 4th edition often has more practice problems for each lesson, which may be helpful to some students, but most of the increase is from new content.

Is there a new Saxon algebra 1 4th edition?

This new textbook was not published by John Saxon , but by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH). If you would like to know more about our reasons, please read on.