what is the course id number for vsb cle indigent defense course in may 2015

by Catherine Spinka 8 min read

Where can I find authority for the VSB’s mandatory Continuing Legal Education?

Aug 16, 2021 · The 82nd Annual Meeting will be hosted in a hybrid format: Annual Meeting CLEs: June 14 & 15, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm each day (hosted virtually) Awards Recognition, Executive Committee and Council Meetings, and VSB 2021-22 President Installation: June 17 & 18, Virginia Beach, VA (in person by invitation only) 12.5 hours of CLE (9.5 Live Hours, 3.0 on-demand …

Are there any CLE courses that are already approved in Virginia?

Course ID#: Decision: CLE hours: Reason: Virginia MCLE Board Virginia State Bar 1111 East Main Street, Suite 700 Richmond, VA 23219-0026 (804) 775-0577 Website: www.vsb.org ... Total CLE hours are the number of 60-minute hours of course presentation excluding introductory remarks, breaks, meals, closing remarks. ...

How do I get re-certified for the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission?

Virginia CLE® offers attorneys high-quality, Virginia-centric MCLE courses in a variety of live and online formats, as well a range of law practice publications. Icon ... Lawyers in firms of 1-10 attorneys may take 25% off 12 or 16-Credit Online+ Bundles! PLUS, for a limited time only, anyone may get 12 credits for $399! ...

Where can I find the MCLE board reciprocity course in Virginia?

Effective July 1, 2021: The number of Misdemeanor/Felony MCLE-approved continuing legal education hours required for initial and renewed Court-Appointed Counsel Certification will increase from six (6) hours to eight (8) hours, two (2) of which shall cover the representation of individuals with behavioral or mental health disorders and individuals with intellectual or …

What is the ABA profile of the profession?

ABA Profile of the Profession focuses on pandemic and lawyers. On July 29, the American Bar Association will release its 2021 ABA Profile of the Legal Profession, an annual compilation of statistics and trends gathered from within the ABA and from courts, the fe…. New York, Iowa bars receive access to justice awards.

What is the ABA task force?

The ABA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force webpage is intended as a national source of information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the delivery of legal services.

Is there a better way to maintain professional development?

There is simply no better way to maintain my professional development while at the same time making great friends, developing referral and support relationships, and providing service to our profession.