what is the best review course for step 1 reddit

by Antonette Gaylord 7 min read


Guys hi it's me the DO student that just wanted to pass!!! I cannot even believe that I got a 217 I am shaking and crying. I know a lot of you have been following my posts and I just wanna thank the reddit community for all the advice and support I've gotten, I'm genuinely blown away right now.

Must watch videos on YouTube - playlists

I posted my step 1 experience recently where I talked about a must watch playlist - here you go.

What is this test even about?

The more I study, the more elusive this test is. It's mind boggling to me that I can feel like I have reviewed everything and done 4000+ questions only to score 220 on nmbes , and others would get that score as their baseline.

How much does a USMLE prep course cost?

The USMLE prep courses we recommend for students cost between $100 (for 3 months) to $6,000 (for an in-person immersive course). If cost is a huge factor in your final USMLE prep decision, you can also consider a book course – here’s our recs on the 13 Best USMLE Step 1 Books for 2021.

How long does it take to respond to a USMLE tutor?

The average response time is 15 minutes.

How many tests are there in Kaplan USMLE?

A full suite of diagnostic tests, full-length exams, and assessment tests: All Kaplan USMLE review courses and Qbanks come with 2 full-length practice tests , but if you opt for a course rather than just a Qbank, you’ll access a diagnostic test, 2 full-length simulated USMLE tests, and 11 assessment tests. Suffice it to say, you’ll have plenty of test-day practice and simulation to pass the USMLE.

Is USMLE Step 1 prep one size fits all?

USMLE Step 1 prep is not one-size-fits-all, so by considering your needs as a student, you should be able to find a study program that fits your study style. Starting with this list of the best 6 USMLE Step 1 Prep Courses is the first step in finding the best match for your prep.

Is the USMLE course affordable?

Great value: Achievable’s USMLE review course is extremely affordable, relatively speaking. The course comes at a fraction of the cost of other USMLE content review courses, but is still high quality.

Is UWorld enough for Step 1?

Most students who plan on using the UWorld Qbank for their Step 1 study will use First Aid to fill in the gaps in concepts that you may not get through practice with UWorld.
