what is the best on line driver safety course in california

by Miss Augustine Altenwerth 4 min read

  • Aceable is perhaps the best online drivers ed in California for 2019. ...
  • iDriveSafely is another excellent provider of California online driver's ed programs. ...
  • DriversEd.com is another easy way to take drivers ed online in California.
Feb 22, 2022

What are the Best Online drivers ed courses in California?

The Top 4 Best Online Drivers Ed Courses In California For 2021 1 Aceable 2 DriversEd.com 3 Driver Ed To Go 4 Improv Drivers Ed 5 iDriveSafely

Why choose DriveSafe online's California defensive driving courses?

All DriveSafe Online driver improvement programs have built-in content breaks to help you stay focused. DriveSafe Online’s California Defensive Driving Courses can save you hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance. The savings last for three years once you complete the course. Can you afford to wait?

How much will a California defensive driving course Save Me?

DriveSafe Online’s California Defensive Driving Courses can save you hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance. The savings last for three years once you complete the course.

Is idrivesafely a good program for California drivers?

The program offered by iDriveSafely has been around for a very long time and they have managed to perfect it, making it an excellent choice for every California resident who has committed an infraction while driving. The school offers excellent education techniques that will help you get the result you want in no time.

What is the best online defensive driving course to take?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... IDriveSafely.com has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a DriversEd.com Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•

Which California drivers ed is the best?

Aceable. Aceable is the cream of the crop and the number one choice for the best California online drivers ed school in 2022.

What is the easiest defensive driving course online?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

Is iDriveSafely approved in California?

I Drive Safely traffic school is approved and licensed by the California DMV. Our course content has been created by professional driving instructors and adult education experts.

Is California Drivers Ed online legit?

California Drivers Ed Course dot com - is all-online and completely approved by the California DMV. They offer the ability to contact an actual person for training needs and have 24/7 support for students.

Is aceable DMV approved in California?

Aceable is state-approved. Our certificates are accepted at any DMV in California.

Which online traffic school is the easiest in California?

iDriveSafely is arguably the fastest online traffic school in California as they do not have a course timer. That means you can just skip through each page over and over again until you get to one of the quizzes. Since the quizzes are so simple, you should breeze right through it without having to read anything.

Which online traffic school is the fastest?

Fastest Online Traffic School #1 – iDriveSafely Online Traffic School. The iDriveSafely online traffic school program has been around for literally decades and they have it down to a science. This is the fastest online traffic school you can take and it has made this list every year including now in 2019.

How much is a defensive driving course in California?

List of best cheap online defensive driving schools in CaliforniaProviderPriceContact informationTrafficSchool.com$7.95800-691-5014Cheap Easy Fast Traffic School$12.95800-554-4912Traffic101$14.95800-373-7313Safe2Drive$15.95800-763-12976 more rows•Apr 27, 2022

How long does it take to complete online traffic school in California?

How long does traffic school take online? If you're sitting down to start traffic school from scratch you can expect to finish in 1-3 hours. That means you can finish in a single session from the comfort of your home.

Can you do traffic school online in California?

There are many traffic schools online in California, but only courses licensed by the California Department of Motor Vehicles can help you conceal your ticket from your driving record.

How long is iDriveSafely traffic school course?

8 hourThe California traffic school course is approved as an 8 hour course. Your course material is broken down into single-subject units, which you can complete at your own pace.

What is DriveSafe online?

DriveSafe Online courses merge unique graphics and animations, interactive scenarios with narrated stories and video demonstrations—including in-car and drone footage—to deliver safe driving information like no other online defensive driving course available today.

Can you take a driver improvement course if you have already completed traffic school?

Additionally, you may not be eligible to take a driver improvement course if you have already completed traffic school for another ticket within the last 18 months. For more information, you can review the California Rules of Court.

Does California have a point off your driving record?

Yes. According to California guidelines, when you complete traffic school for a qualifying violation before the due date, the point should not appear on your driving record. Keep in mind that completing traffic school only keeps a point off your record.

What is the best online driving school in California for 2021?

These recommendations have been updated for 2021. 1. Aceable . Aceable is one of the newest online drivers ed courses in California to be approved by the DMV. Normally, I recommend students to go with a more experienced online driving school, but the fact Aceable is new is actually what makes them the best choice.

Is iDriveSafely the same as last year?

2021 Update: iDriveSafely is essentially the exact same as it was last year, but they did make a few changes to the course to make it function better on mobile devices. They also upgraded their “identity verification system” which is required for all online drivers ed courses in California.

Can I take drivers ed online in California?

Students can take online drivers ed courses in California from the comforts of home without ever having to step foot in a stuffy, boring classroom. When a drivers ed student is first learning to drive, the process can be quite intimidating. It may sound unusual to think about taking drivers ed on a computer, but it’s actually ...

Is iDriveSafely online in California?

Their new system is no longer causing those problems. iDriveSafely remains one of the best online drivers ed courses in California for 2021.

What is the best online driver's school in California for 2021?

Any of these are great choices in 2021. 1. Aceable. Aceable is one of the newer driver’s ed options as it was just built from the ground up a few years ago, but that is actually one reason Aceable is the best online driver’s ed school in California for 2021. The vast majority of driver’s ed schools in California are extremely outdated, ...

What is required for a teen driver's license in California?

In the state of California, it is required that all prospective drivers undergo the completion of a state-approved driver’s ed course. You also need to pass a written exam to receive a provisional permit.

What is improv driver's ed?

Improv Drivers Ed is one of the most unique California online driver’s ed courses I’ve ever seen. Hollywood screenwriters and comedians from the Improv Comedy Club are behind the lessons here.

How long does it take to get a driver's permit?

While most online driver’s ed courses will be as close to that 30-hours as possible, it may take you slightly longer based on several factors such as whether you need to retake quizzes or how fast you read. Once you receive your certificate of completion from an online course, you can get your driving permit.

Is California online driver's ed safe?

Although it can be exciting, driving brings new hazards and dangers that every driver must be prepared and trained for. Luckily, California online driver’s ed is available to help prepare teens to be safe, responsible drivers.

Is driving dangerous?

However, driving is also FUN! Enjoy the process and realize that once you get that little piece of plastic, your life will never be the same ( in a good way!). The freedom you’re about to experience is an amazing thing!

Is iDriveSafely a California online school?

iDriveSafely is yet another California online driver’s ed school that has existed for decades. In fact, they first got started with homeschool driver’s ed programs before you could even take driver’s ed online. In the 1990s, this driver’s ed school would send home study packets and VHS tapes or DVDs to study from. Fortunately, the internet has made that a much easier and more convenient process. We can now do the same thing from our phones!

What is Happy Traffic School?

Happy Traffic School is considered to be a place where you make your traffic accidents a thing of the past without any unnecessary problems. Its website is informative and provides you with all the things you need to know to get started and get the absolute most out of the course.

What is online traffic education?

Online Traffic Education is an establishment that promises to cover all your needs when it comes to erasing the traffic ticket from your record. It’s said to be very easy to pass, your completion is processed the same day and the reporting to DMV is done electronically.

What is text course?

Text courses are going to be really great for people who absorb information best while reading it. They contain an array of important guidelines and they’re divided into brief chapters that are easy to understand. You can go through such courses at your own pace and they won’t cost you a lot.

What is the goal of online school?

The goals of online schools are pretty basic – you want to mask your traffic ticket and (or) avoid your insurance rates increasing. The best part is, there’re a lot of courses available for your convenience.

What is Safe2Drive?

Safe2drive promises to make driver safety easy. While it may seem like a bold claim at first, this is actually what this school does. It offers a variety of courses, including auto insurance discount, driver education and mature driver improvement, and does so at pretty low rates.

How to get credit for traffic school?

For you to receive credit for your course, you need to go through the following steps: Pay the traffic ticket bail amount; Pay the administrative fee; Complete an 8-hour traffic school course. Be advised that the court must receive your payment before you can enroll in your course.

How many online schools are there in California?

Nearly 80 certified online schools are available to you in California and each of those comes with their own benefits. And while it may seem at first that all the schools are identical and there’re no differences between the services offered, you need to be advised that nothing could be further from the truth.

What Our Students Say

It was great. The videos made sure I didn’t get bored with the material and kept me focused on learning.

California Defensive Driving Done Right

There's no need to stress if you've received a California traffic ticket - I Drive Safely is here to help! We know that getting a citation can be a hassle, and we want to make things easier on you.

What is an improv driving school?

Improv Driving School is one of my favorite driver ed online courses because they are really unique. If you’ve ever heard of the nationwide Improv Comedy Club chain, then you know who is behind Improv Driving School. That’s right, Improv Driving School was created by comedians, which means this is a COMEDY-based driving school!

Who owns First Time Driver?

First Time Driver is owned and operated by the American Safety Council. They launched their online driver’s ed course way back in 1999, so they now have more than 2 decades of experience. During that time, the course has seen many updates and complete overhauls in order to keep the course fresh and modern.

Is driving online better than classroom?

Why Taking Driver’s Ed Online Is Better Than A Classroom. Most of the reasons are obvious. It’s more convenient, it’s usually cheaper, they are self-paced, and parents can take a more active role in their teen’s driver education (if they want to).

Can online driver's education replicate?

Plus, students have access to a physical teacher they can ask questions to, converse with students to help better understand the study material, and many additional benefits that online driver’s ed schools can never replicate. The answer really lies with each individual student.

Can you take Improv Traffic School online in 2021?

Just like any other high-quality drivers ed course you can take online in 2021, Improv Traffic School offers the ability to take the course from any device, they have good response times for customer support, they have existed for a very long time (at least 15 years), and they receive excellent feedback from students.

What is defensive driving in California?

A: Defensive driving courses in California are typically skill-enhancing programs with a certain focus, like teen or senior drivers. In this state, "traffic school" has a very specific purpose for drivers who have earned a minor infraction and want to keep it off their future driving record.

Can you be a repeat offender in California?

Here are a few of the rules around it: Unsurprisingly, you'll need a valid driver's license. You can't be a repeat offender, at least not within the past 18 months.

Is a traffic school required to be listed in the database?

It's essential to confirm that whatever traffic school you're considering is within the California DMV's "Occupational License Status Information System.". Yes, that's a mouthful of bureaucratic officiality, and it means is your school must be listed in the database of certified providers.

Can you have more than one point in a speeding ticket?

By the way, your infraction can't be more than one point - for instance, if you were cited for reckless driving along with speeding. Anything more than one point isn't eligible, which is yet another reason to continually practice moderation behind the wheel. If you don't, your problems can multiply.

Do you have to pay traffic school in California?

A: In California, the fines and fees are unaffected by traffic school; you still have to pay them. The main benefit of traffic school is to keep the resulting point off your driving record.
