what is the best course of action for a rodent problem in a kitchen

by Prof. Horacio Predovic DVM 5 min read

Clean away all rodent droppings, dead cockroaches and cockroach egg cases from the premises. Keep all food off the floor in sealed containers that are not accessible by pests. Block off all holes in the premises that may afford access to rodents with a hard, gnaw resistant material.

Full Answer

What should you know about rodents in commercial settings?

Rodents in commercial settings can cause devastating effects to your business’s safety and reputation. Here are five things that you should know about rodents in commercial settings. Proper building maintenance can help keep rodents out — Properly maintaining your building can help keep rodents from infiltrating your space via cracks and openings.

How do you get rid of rodents in your building?

Proper building maintenance can help keep rodents out — Properly maintaining your building can help keep rodents from infiltrating your space via cracks and openings. Be sure to put tight weather seals around windows and doors, caulk openings around doors and windows (or any other cracks), and never leave doors or unscreened windows open.

What are the dangers of rodents to your business?

Rodents can damage your establishment’s infrastructure — Aside from posing a threat to your business’s reputation, rodents can also do serious physical damage to the infrastructure of your business. Rodents gnaw on electrical wires, damage a building’s structural support, and destroy furniture.

Are rats and mice a problem in restaurants?

In restaurants, rats and mice are one of the most common type of pest you might find. It is therefore important that you know how to put appropriate controls in your restaurant that will prevent rats and mice from entering. What are the Risks of Rats in Food Premises?

How do you control rodents in the kitchen?

Clean up food and water sources in and near your house.Keep kitchen garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids.Turn compost piles to cover newly added food scraps.Stop feeding outdoor birds while you are controlling an infestation or feed only huskless items that leave less residue that can be food for rodents.

What are 3 ways to effectively control rodents?

The best way to prevent a rodent infestation and contact with rodents is to remove the food sources, water, and items that provide shelter for rodents.Seal Up! Seal up holes inside and outside the home to prevent entry by rodents. ... Trap Up! Trap rodents around the home to help reduce the rodent population. ... Clean Up!

What is the fastest way to get rid of mice in the kitchen?

Trapping Trapping is the fastest way to get rid of mice. While live traps catch mice and allow you to release them, other traps kill the mice on contact, making quick work of mouse populations.

How do you deal with a rodent problem?

10 Easy Tips For Preventing Mouse & Rat InfestationBe Proactive About Rodent Control.Remove current rodent occupants. ... Seal up your home. ... Eliminate outdoor access. ... Clean up that yard. ... Remove outdoor food sources. ... Build a wall. ... Practice cleanliness in and around your home.More items...•

What is the most effective rodent control?

The smell of peppermint is one of the greatest rodent repellents. You can grow peppermint outside your house, or put peppermint oil on cotton balls and put them around the house. You can also plant daffodils, wood hyacinth, and camphor in your garden if you want to naturally repel rodents.

What is the most effective rodent deterrent?

Essential oils are some of the best natural rat repellents. Rats have a highly developed sense of smell, which makes strong odors such as pine oil, cinnamon oil, and even peppermint oil offensive to them. Cayenne pepper, cloves, and ammonia will keep rats away as well.

How does vinegar get rid of mice?

Mix some water and vinegar in a spray bottle to mist any areas where you have seen mice as well as locations you expect them to go. Using this method around doors, floorboards, countertops, and closets is recommended.

What kills mice and rats instantly?

Traps are one of the most effective ways to get rid of rats fast. For best results, consider using snap traps, which are a fast method to kill rats instantly. To prevent other animals from getting into the traps, place them inside a box or under a milk crate.

What do mice hate the most?

Mice can be easily avoided around your household by simply adding the scent of peppermint in corners where they congregate. Yes, that's right, peppermint.

What is the best way to keep rodents out of food rooms?

Check your suppliers' pest control records • Keep doors and windows closed • Ensure the drainage systems are in a good state of repair • Adopt a clean as you go policy • Do not leave food lying around • Put food waste and other refuse in bins with lids • Train and instruct staff to recognise signs and action to take on ...

What are the ways to prevent and control pests and rodents?

Top 10 Pest Control StrategiesMake sure your master sanitation schedule is adequate and up to date. ... Make the business case for sanitation and pest management. ... Avoid product spillage and storing dead equipment and hardware supplies. ... Manage waste. ... Close the door and fix the gaps. ... Seal cracks.

How do I get rid of rodents in my walls?

Rodents living within walls do emerge in search of food. At this time, homeowners may capture or kill mice through the use of traps. Homeowners may also lure mice out of walls with food bait. Spring-loaded traps, glue traps and live-catch traps are commercially available.


By buying family safe chemicals to spray at the corners of every room, buy traps and or, have a professional take care of it.

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How to tell if a restaurant has mice?

Both rats and mice will leave telltale signs of their presence in your restaurant. You might spot droppings, see scratch or gnaw marks on walls or on food packaging. You may also smell rodent urine, which has a strong, musky odour similar to ammonia.

What happens if rats enter your food?

If rats enter your food premises they are likely to cause many significant problems, and they pose a significant risk to public health. Some rats carry Weil’s disease which, if transmitted to humans, can cause illness such as kidney failure and in severe cases, death. Rats often carry fleas, mites and ticks as well as spreading viruses ...

Why is pest control important?

Pest control methods are essential to ensure high standards of food hygiene and good manufacturing practice. In restaurants, rats and mice are one of the most common type of pest you might find. It is therefore important that you know how to put appropriate controls in your restaurant that will prevent rats and mice from entering.

What is pest control course?

Our Pest Control Course explains how to identify common pest species, including insects, rodents, animals and birds, and outlines how staff can take action to prevent pests from becoming a problem.

What are the pests that threaten restaurants?

Rats are just one of the many types of pests that could threaten your restaurant business. To learn more about different pests, your legal responsibilities and how to follow appropriate pest control measures, take a look at our Pest Control Course.

What are the food safety regulations in the UK?

The Food Safety Act 1990, the Food Hygiene Regulations 2006, and the European Union Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs are the main food safety regulations in place in the UK. To conform with this legislation, you must have a HACCP food safety management system in place. Pest control methods form a major part ...

What is a good pest control provider?

A good pest-control provider will give you advice about potential problems, carry out work, and monitor and report results. As the owner or manager of the business, pest control is your responsibility to manage. Try to get into a routine of checking your restaurant for any signs of rodents, as has been outlined here.


I own a condominium in Sarasota, Florida, that has had a rodent problem since January 2019. The association’s attempts to abate and exterminate have been intermittent and ineffective. On October 5th, a dead rat was removed from the space above my unit, bringing the total to 43.


Problems with insect and rodent infestations in condominiums can be extremely troubling for a number of reasons, including that it is not always possible for a unit owner to solve the problem on his or her own.

Partner, Backer Aboud Poliakoff & Foelster

Ryan D. Poliakoff is a partner of Backer Aboud Poliakoff & Foelster and serves as general counsel to condominiums, homeowners associations, and country clubs throughout South Florida.

How to keep rodents off the floor?

Keep all food off the floor in sealed containers that are not accessible by pests. Block off all holes in the premises that may afford access to rodents with a hard, gnaw resistant material. Block all gaps under doors and fit pest screens to doors and windows that may be left open.

What are the types of insects that are considered food hygiene?

Insects - cockroaches, beetles, ants and flies. The legislation requires that businesses must ensure that the layout, design, construction and size of food premises permit good food hygiene practices, including protection against external sources of contamination such as pests.

What happens if you find pests in your food?

If there are pests at your food premises they are likely to damage and contaminate food. If discovered during an inspection, or as a result of a complaint, this could lead to your premises being closed under a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice, costing you money and potentially ruining the reputation of your business.

What are the three pests that are encountered in food?

The three main groups of pests that are encountered in food businesses are: Rodents - rats and mice. Insects - cockroaches, beetles, ants and flies. Birds - pigeons etc.

Can you lay poison bait in food?

Laying of baits and poisons should be left to the professionals - commercially available baits are not adequate for use in food businesses and can be a source of food contamination - however you can and should carry out visual checks of the premises for signs of pest presence.

Is it good to set up a pest control contract?

The legislation also requires that adequate procedures be in place to ensure pests are controlled. Setting up a pest control contract is good practice, but remember that the ultimate responsibility for any pest problem lies with you, as the proprietor of the food business.

Brainstorming potential courses of action

We will be looking some more at the ‘cons’ in the next section on risk. But we will start here by looking to generate various courses of action so we can then evaluate them. We need a variety of options to examine and compare so at this stage we do some brainstorming.

Divergent thinking

There are many ways to help your creativity in thinking through a problem. Edward de Bono has written some excellent books on the topic such as Lateral Thinking and Six Thinking Hats . Malcolm Gladwell’s book ‘ Blink ’ and Tony Buzan’s work on Mind Mapping are other good resources that can help you.

Contingency planning

The time spent on this process is not wasted as the courses you don’t choose become your contingency planning. There is an army phrase that “no plan survives contact with the enemy.” In other words, there will always be unforeseen circumstances meaning you will have to adapt your ideas.

Making your choice

By this stage, you should have several courses of action that you could choose, Each option could achieve your aim. You will also have a feel for which option is the most attractive.