what is thatch on a golf course green

by Trystan Schaden 9 min read

In the Dictionary of Golf Turfgrass Terms, published by the Green Section, thatch is defined as a "tightly intermin- gled layer of dead and living parts (roots, stolons, shoots, stems, leaf tissue, etc.) that develops between the green vegeta- tion and soil surface.

How do you get rid of thatch from golf greens?

Deep vertical mowing with tractor-mounted equipment (e.g., Graden, Sisis, First Products) can also be very effective in removing thatch from fairways. This process aggressively removes thatch and old plant material from the surface in addition to grooming the turf and promoting upright growth with less grain.Oct 1, 2012

What is thatch on a golf green?

Thatch is defined as the living and non-living material located between green turfgrass leaves and the underlying soil. Bermudagrass turf in the Florida Region accumulates a large amount of organic matter, and it is best to use the terms "thatch" and organic matter or "mat".Feb 27, 2015

How do you stop thatch?

Aeration, raking and lawn care The best way to get rid of thatch is regular aeration and good lawn care practices. Aeration should be done every year or two, depending on the severity of the thatch, the condition of the lawn and how much foot traffic there is on the grass. Aeration can be done in spring or fall.

What is the short grass on a golf course called?

Bentgrass. Available in several varieties, bentgrass is found on golf courses in cool summer or coastal locations, including in the North, Mid-Atlantic, coastal California and the Midwest.

How does topdressing reduce thatch?

Thatch is broken down by microbial activity. For microbes to work on thatch, there has to be enough moisture and oxygen in the layer. Topdressing opens the layer up to moisture and air movement and contributes microbes to the process. It is one of the most effective ways of controlling thatch.Nov 7, 2017

Is it better to aerate or dethatch?

It is best to dethatch first before aerating your lawn. This way, you'll remove the excess debris and promote healthy root development. Aerating is best done when there's the problem of compaction.

How do you get rid of thatch naturally?

Remove Lawn ThatchUse a thatch rake for thick layers of thatch. Using this tool in a push-pull motion will rip out thatch and dig into the soil. ... Use leaf rakes and a tarp to gather and remove the dead thatch and other material from your lawn. ... Water the lawn as needed to keep it moist and promote growth.

Does thatch go away?

It can take a couple of years to fully break up the thatch, but it will happen. Here are some other factors and tips to help you get rid of thatch through decomposition: You need to keep the soil moist underneath the thatch layer. When it dries out, decomposition ceases.

Why do golf courses use Poa annua?

Poa annua is easily the one best-known to golfers, primarily because of its use as the putting surfaces at Pebble Beach. Poa annua is a "warm-season grass," meaning it is a grass that grows better and healthier in warmer climates.Oct 31, 2019

Are golf greens real grass?

Grasses are specifically selected for use on putting greens. Turfgrass breeders and natural selection have improved putting green grasses over many years. Bermudagrass, creeping bentgrass and Poa annua are the most commonly managed turfgrasses on putting greens in the United States.Feb 16, 2018

How do I make my lawn look like a golf course?

There are four main factors that go into giving your lawn that lush, golf-course look.Mow your lawn properly. Often, people take shortcuts when it comes to mowing their lawn. ... Apply the right fertilizer (at the right times). ... Use the right amount of water (and consider irrigation). ... Stop the weeds dead in their tracks.Apr 15, 2021

What is thatch in lawn?

What is thatch? Thatch is a layer of organic material, such as dead grass stems and roots, which forms between the grass surface and the soil beneath. This material contains lignin, a compound which slows down its natural breakdown within the turf. Ideally, you need the soil fungi and other microbes to break down this material at ...

What is a thatch away system?

The Thatch-Away Supa-System from Greentek is used by leading golf courses worldwide to tackle the problems of thatch quickly and easily. Fully compatible with all popular green mowers, this innovative, cassette-based system is highly effective in tackling thatch, with tungsten-tipped blades penetrating even the most matted surfaces. Thatch-Aways cut out and collect thatch cleanly, leaving behind a perfectly groomed surface that is immediately playable. This world-leading technology can also be found in our Thatch-Away Walk Behind range for use in smaller areas, and top level courses who only use walk-behind equipment.

How much thatch should I use for grass?

Up to a quarter of an inch of thatch can actually be beneficial to grass, depending on the desired playing characteristics, as it forms a protective layer over the soil that prevents it from drying out. This amount of thatch also makes the turf softer, cushioning the impact on the feet and bodies of sportspeople such as footballers, ...

Why is thatch bad for grass?

What is the problem with thatch? Because thatch forms between the grass layer and the soil, it can prevent essential water and nutrients from reaching the soil. This makes the grass weak and easily damaged since the roots will tend to grow into the shallow thatch and not penetrate deeper into the soil below.

How deep should I put thatch on my grass?

A shallow layer of thatch will also protect the new growth of grass shoots. However, any depth of thatch above a quarter of an inch is detrimental, particularly on golf greens where a firm fast surface is desired.

When to tackle thatch in grass?

Thatch should be tackled as soon as the grass begins to grow strongly. For deep that problems use scarifiers, in the late spring, and early autumn.

Why is my thatched grass yellow?

It also makes the turf more vulnerable to changes in weather, becoming wetter during rainy spells and dryer in the summer months. With such shallow root growth, heavily thatched grass will quickly yellow and die during a dry spell, and will also be far less hardwearing for more physical sports.

How Do You Stop Thatch?

The best way to get rid of thatch is to aeration regularly and to follow good lawn care practices. It is recommended that aeration be done every year or two, depending on the severity of the thatch, the condition of the lawn, and how much foot traffic there is on the grass. The spring or fall are the best times to aeration.

What Causes Thatch In Golf Greens?

The buildup of thatch on turf is exacerbated by improper turf management, resulting in soft conditions. It is possible to accumulate rapid thatch accumulation due to excessive use of fertilizer and irrigation. In addition to grass species, other factors play a significant role as well.

How Do You Maintain Golf Course Grass?

To reduce the height of the turf, rake it to a height below.25 inches.

How Often Do Golf Courses Dethatch?

It is recommended to perform these programs annually, regardless of whether core aeration or vertical mowing is used. There are some golf courses that only need one cultivation event per year, while others require two or more.

How Do I Get Rid Of Thatch?

If you use a thatch rake, you can rip out thatch and dig into the soil by pushing it in a push-pull motion.

How Do You Get Rid Of Thatch Naturally?

If you are using a thatch rake or a stiff-tined rake, comb through the grass in a back-and-forth motion, applying enough pressure to reach the bottom layer of thatch and slightly penetrate the soil on a dry day.

What Causes Excessive Thatch?

In thatch buildup, the microbes in the soil are unable to break down organic matter as quickly as they accumulate it. In absence of beneficial microbes, excessive thatch is caused. Watering practices that are improper, such as too much or too frequently, can cause excessive thatch.

What is thatch in turf?

Thatch is defined as partly decomposed or undecomposed organic matter exclusively of plant origin.

How does organic matter affect golf course?

Organic matter plays a pivotal role in golf course and general turf management through its influence on most processes that collectively determine 'turf health' or 'turf quality'. The changes in organic matter arising from turf management can critically affect the performance and sustainability of golf greens.

Which layer of soil contains the highest level of lignin?

The forest litter contained the highest level of lignin, followed by the thatch layer from soil-based green and the pasture soils (Figure 3). Based on the lignin content it could be argued that the thatch material from the soil-based green is less degradable compared to that of sand-based green.
