what is tesol course

by Chelsey Hamill 6 min read

TESOL is an acronym that stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It refers to teaching English to non-native English speakers either abroad or in English-speaking countries, though it is most often used to refer to language instruction that occurs in English-speaking countries.Jan 14, 2022

What do you learn in TESOL course?

In a TESOL certificate program, you can expect to complete coursework that explores theories of how students learn a new language. You're also likely to learn about language instruction, class management strategies and cultural barriers in language instruction.

What is the purpose of TESOL?

TESOL International Association advances the expertise of professionals who teach English to speakers of other languages in multilingual contexts worldwide. We accomplish this through professional learning, research, standards, and advocacy.

What is the benefit of TESOL certificate?

Getting TESOL certified qualifies you to teach students living in an English-speaking country that are not native English speakers, but it also allows you to teach English abroad! Getting certified doesn't just improve your resume.

Is TESOL certificate good?

Earning a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) credential is a valuable asset for teachers looking to enter the ESL field. It is a flexible certification that improves a teacher's chances of being hired.

What is the passing score for TESOL?

All students taking the TESOL emphasis are required to take one of the standard English proficiency tests prescribed by AIIAS. The minimum passing score for the test is higher than for other programs—IELTS 7.0 or equivalent. The limit of attempts in IELTS exam is up to three.

Is TESOL a teaching certificate?

Getting a TESOL certification or TESOL credential equips you to teach both in the U.S. and overseas where English is being taught to people of a different native language. This means that having TESOL certification can potentially open more doors to teaching experience and employment.

Do TESOL certificates expire?

TESOL certification does not expire; once you receive your TESOL certificate, it lasts a lifetime.

What do TESOL teachers do?

TESOL is an acronym that stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It refers to teaching English to non-native English speakers either abroad or in English-speaking countries, though it is most often used to refer to language instruction that occurs in English-speaking countries.

How do I prepare for TESOL?

The good news is that a fair proportion of any quality TESOL training course should be focused on English grammar and how to teach it in the classroom. Having said that, by dedicating a few hours to learning the basics of English grammar in advance you could give yourself a very handy headstart on the course.

Is TESOL hard?

How hard is the in-class TESOL course? Although many of our in-class course training centers are located in exotic locations, it should be noted that the course involves full-time study that requires coursework, real classroom teaching practice, and an end of course exam.

Can TESOL be a career?

Can I really make a long-term career out of TESOL? YES, you can certainly choose to make a long-term career out of teaching English.

How many hours is a TESOL certificate?

120-hour TESOL Certificate.

How long is a Tesol course?

These courses are typically four weeks long and often follow an intensive, full-time schedule. In-person TESOL courses are, however, less common nowadays, as most people choose to get certified online, especially since COVID-19 changed the way TESOL courses are delivered, moving them to the virtual space.

How long does it take to complete a TESOL course?

It usually takes between one to three months to complete a self-paced online TESOL course. This depends on the number of hours the course consists of (they can be anywhere from 40 to more than 150 hours) and how much time you can dedicate to working on your course each week.

How many hours are there in a TEFL course?

Online TESOL courses come in a range of hours, such as 40, 60, 100, 120, or 150, and usually provide the flexibility to complete coursework when it’s convenient for you. See how online TEFL/TESOL certification works.

What is a tefl?

What is TEFL? TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It refers to teaching English in a country where English is not a primary language (rather, it is a foreign language). An example of TEFL would be a teacher from the U.S. teaching English in China.

Is TEFL the same as TESOL?

The short answer is, although there is a subtle difference in meaning, the terms TEFL and TESOL are usually used interchangeably when it comes to certification in teaching English. Despite this common usage, however, there are actually differences in the meaning of these two terms. In this article, we’ll break down each acronym to explain those ...

Is TEFL better than other certifications?

In the context of getting certified and applying to jobs, one is not better than the other; they are simply two terms commonly used to describe the same certification. Yet, despite the fact that the terms are used interchangeably by most TEFL providers, language schools, and online teaching companies, there are subtle differences between the two.

Is a TEFL certificate required for teaching English?

The important thing to keep in mind is that although there is technically a distinction between these two terms, they are widely used interchangeably, so either a TEFL or TESOL certificate will meet certification requirements for jobs teaching English. One exception to this is in reference to university-level studies.

What is TESOL?

TESOL is an acronym that stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It refers to teaching English to non-native English speakers either abroad or in English-speaking countries, though it is most often used to refer to language instruction that occurs in English-speaking countries.

How Long Does a TESOL Course Take?

A typical TESOL/TEFL certification course for teaching English abroad entails at least 100 hours of training and coursework in addition to 6-20 hours of live practice teaching (practicum), which is equivalent to a full-time 4-week intensive course. Some courses are offered part-time in-person, online, or in some sort of hybrid format.

Does a TESOL Qualification Expire?

Whether you take a four-week TESOL/TEFL course, or you earn a full-blow university degree, your TESOL qualification will not expire . However, some teachers working in U.S. schools may need to take some type of continuing education to maintain their teaching credentials.

Why study a TESOL Course?

The need for TESOL teachers has exploded and continues to rise as global demand continue to increase. Native English speakers and non-native fluent English speakers are constantly sought after to work in Asian, European, South American and Middle Eastern countries in fact, almost everywhere in non-English speaking parts of the world.

How many people worldwide study English?

There are over 1.75 billion people studying English as a second language worldwide (according to the British Council) and this number is set to rise to over 2 billion by 2020.

How many certified TESOL teachers are needed?

Over 100,000 new TESOL teaching positions open every year and the lack of certified English language teachers is one of the largest challenges to educators and learners globally.

How can I become a part of this exciting industry?

You need to do a TESOL certificate and learn how to teach learners of all ages and all levels.

Which TESOL Certificate should I do?

Complete the form below for a fully qualified TESOL industry professional to give you the best advice on which certificate is best for YOU!

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What is the requirement to take a TESOL course?

To sign up for a TESOL course the only requirement is fluency in English. It’s as simple as that. When it comes to applying for jobs there can be additional requirements depending on the employer and country. Visa requirements are very important to research to establish where you’re able to secure work.

What does "tesol" mean?

What is TESOL? TESOL is an acronym that stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It concerns teaching English to non-native English speakers both abroad and in English-speaking countries. Every year the number of English language learners grows rapidly.

What is the difference between TEFL and TESOL?

The only slight difference is that TESOL encompasses teaching English language learners who are residing in English-speaking countries – but it is by no means only concerned with this.

Is TESOL accredited?

Accreditation is quality assurance and it really is key when choosing a TESOL certification provider. There is no over-arching accrediting body for TESOL, so while many course providers can claim to be accredited it’s important to do a little digging yourself.

Is a Tesol course accredited internationally?

If a provider is suitably accredited then the qualification should be recognized internationally. You also want to check out how long the course provider has been around for. New TESOL courses are popping up all the time (often for extremely low prices) and may not have much standing with employers abroad or online.

Can I teach English from home with a TESOL certification?

Career paths in the TESOL industry. There are so many different paths you can once you’re TESOL certified. With TESOL you can teach English from home or travel the world – but within both of these options there’s a wide range opportunities for teachers.

Is it better to study online or in a TESOL class?

Studying online – provided it’s with a reputable, suitably accredited provider – can be the most ideal way of getting started in TESOL. It’s cost-effective, allows you to fit studying in around existing commitments, and you can study where and when suits you.

What is the first step in teaching English abroad?

TESOL Certificate. The first steps on the journey towards a career in teaching English abroad is by training for and receiving TESOL certification. Employers all over the world will require you to have this, or a similar qualification that must be internationally recognized. The qualification must usually include either an online course ...

How many hours of training is required for a teacher?

The qualification must usually include either an online course of 100-hours or more, which covers all areas of teaching including what to expect and plan for in a classroom; a combined course with 120 hours of training, including 6-hours of teaching practice; or a 120-hour in-class course which includes 6 hours of teaching practice. ...

Can I take the TESOL Diploma course without prior TESOL certification?

The advanced nature of the diploma course means it has been specifically designed to build on the subjects that you study in a standard TESOL certification course, meaning that an initial TESOL qualification is generally required.

Does the TESOL Diploma course come with tutor support?

This is your choice to make as the diploma course comes either with or without the support of an online tutor. If you choose the tutored version you will have the support of a highly experienced teacher trainer who will be on hand to offer tips and advice throughout the course and be available to answer any questions you may have.

How will I receive the TESOL Diploma course study materials?

As the TESOL Diploma is an online course, all the necessary materials can be found via our online training system. Please note that this course also requires a lot of independent research using the internet and other media sources.

How is the TESOL Diploma course assessed?

The course is organised into 12 individual modules. After you have worked through the first six modules you will take an online test based on the topics covered in those sections. Next, you study modules 7 to 11 which are also followed by a second test. The final module is a research project that will be submitted for assessment by an online tutor.

How quickly can I finish the TESOL Diploma course?

This course has a maximum time limit of 12 months from the day you start it. If you have plenty of time to study and are in a real hurry, it is theoretically possible to complete the course in around a month. The average completion time for the majority of trainees is eight and ten months.
