what is tcc course in army

by Miss Ada Kunze IV 10 min read

TCC. Tactical Command Center. Military, Defence, Intelligence.

What is TCC in the Army?

he Tank Commanders Course (TCC) focuses more on technical T than tactical instruction. The instruction will include crew stations and duties, tank maintenance, unit gunnery management, bore sighting, armor accuracy checks, plumb and synchronization, tank ammunition and weapons, screening, and tank gunnery.

What is Technical Cadet Course (TCC)?

Technical Cadet Course (TCC) is for induction of Engineers in Pak Army. There are many students who want to do something artful in science and technology, so they chose to do engineering.

Who is teaching the TCCC course?

The course is taught by NAEMT, TCCC affiliate faculty and adheres to the TCCC standard set forth by the Joint Trauma System and the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care. for more information.

What is TCCC-AC?

TCCC-AC (TCCC for All Combatants) is a 1-day classroom course for non-medical military personnel and includes first responder skills appropriate for soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.

What is TCC in army?

From Technical Cadet Course, the selected candidates get free education from NUST. They don't need to have to pay fees and also get 40,000 monthly stipends. TCC Army course is only announced in February every year. The course has been advertised on the official website of the Pakistan Army.

What is TCC test?

Technical Cadet Course (TCC) 1.1. Welcome to the page of Technical Cadet Course as a Commissioned Officer in Pak Army. Here, you can find the basic criteria and practce tests to pass the initial tests. You can prepare your Intelligence Tests, Academic Tests & Interview questions with the whole procedure.

What is TCC Pakistan?

Get TCC Army 2022 Technical Cadet Course 34th Registration Online www.joinpakarmy.gov.pk (Entry September 2022) for which only unmarried male Pakistani Nationals from 17 to 21 years of age holders are welcome to apply for Commissioned Officer Jobs in TCC 34 Army 2022 Technical Cadet Course Registration.

What is technical cadet course in Pak Army?

FSc pre-engineering and ICS students can apply for Pakistan Army Technical Cadet course. Selected candidates will be offered admission to NUST colleges, and Pakistan Army will fully sponsor their studies. After completing four years degree, candidates will join Pakistan Army as captains.

What is full form of TCC?

The Full form of TCC is Type Correctness Condition, or TCC stands for Type Correctness Condition, or the full name of given abbreviation is Type Correctness Condition.

Can girls join TCC?

Girls can Join Pak Army as captains through this lady cadet course. Female unmarried candidates having 16 years of education in the relevant categories can apply for the lady cadet course. Registration for Pak Army Lady Cadet Course shall start on June 10 and the Last date to apply for the course is July 05, 2022.

What is the last date to apply in TCC?

Registration: 21st Feb – 04th Apr 2022. Details about to Join Pakistan Army 2022 Through 34th Technical Cadet Course Online Registration & Eligibility is provided above for which only Male Pakistani Nationals who are FSc passed are welcome to apply online before the closing date.

How can I join Pak Army after bachelors?

For serving Army Soldiers minimum 50% marks in BA/BSc and Equivalent.Candidates can apply on “Hope Certificate” who have qualified the part-I of BA/BSc with 60% marks and appeared in part-II.Candidates can apply with 55% marks from specified areas with domicile and have been actually studying in the same areas.

What is cadet course?

The purpose of cadet training is to develop character and leadership skills and instil a sense of duty and responsibility in the cadet. To benefit from that training, which is conducted in an environment of strict discipline, the cadet needs mental acuity and physical agility.

What TCC 32?

Join Pakistan Army 32 TCC Course 2020 Entry September 2020 is announced by Pakistan Army. Pakistan Army has announced 32nd Technical Cadet Course (TCC) 2020. These Jobs are announced in Express Newspaper on 23 February 2020. The Last Date to Apply is 23 March 2020.

What is the salary of 2nd lieutenant in Pak Army?

In Pakistan army the second lieutenant officers get BPS – 17. Starting pay for the second lieutenant would be 20,680 initially and could be 51,780 with the 1, 555 annual increments that are done on the date of 1st December of every year in Pakistan and 30 stages are left behind for the promotions in the service.

How many cadets are selected in PMA?

The PMA, which currently has three battalions, annually inducts two batches of around 500 cadets each.

Format: Resident, Exportable

The Tactical Combat Casualty Care Course (TCCC) Tactical Combat Casualty Care on NAEMT,org is a 2-day course designed to give medical service members the ability to register for a RESIDENT TCCC-MP course and receive training in-person.

Format: Didactic instruction followed by proctored assessment

The Tactical Combat Casualty Care All Service Members Course Manager (TCCC ASM CM) course provides a standardized baseline to all services for the implementation of the Department of Defense directed TCCC ASM curriculum.

Steps to Enroll in TCCC ASM CM

All students must complete JKO course DMRTI-US025: All Service Member TCCC Course Manager Test All Service Member TCCC Course Manager Test prior to attending the course. Prospective students will have three attempts to score a 90% or higher on the pre-test.

What is technical cadet course?

Technical Cadet Course (TCC) is for induction of Engineers in Pak Army. There are many students who want to do something artful in science and technology, so they chose to do engineering. In Pakistan, where everyone loves to join Pak Army, so there is a course, through which the students can introduce themselves as the engineering corps ...

How long does it take to become an engineer in the Pak Army?

The duration of this training will be 1 year. This training is highly necessary to polish the inner skills of the students and make them able to be the engineer in Pak Army through Technical Cadet Course. This training will place at PMA Kakul. In this training, the candidates will seek the required abilities to be engineer through Technical Cadet Course.

What are the subjects required for FSc?

The student must have the FSc Pre engineering degree with 65% marks, and the compulsory subjects are mathematics, physics, English.

Who can not join the Pak Army?

The candidate who has declared medically unfit by the Appeal Medical Board cannot apply in Pak Army.

Can I apply for engineering in Pak Army?

Students who have passed the FSc Part-I, and waiting for the result of Part-II, or even if they have to give the examinations of Part-II can also apply for the post of engineering in Pak Army. They only need to get the HOPE certificate from the Head of Institute (HOD)

What is TCCC in the military?

Department of Defense Defense Health Agency (DHA) Joint Trauma System to teach evidence-based, life-saving techniques and strategies for providing the best trauma care on the battlefield. NAEMT conducts TCCC courses as specified by the DHA-JTS. NAEMT currently offers three types of TCCC courses.

How long is TCCC?

NAEMT conducts TCCC courses as specified by the DHA-JTS. NAEMT currently offers three types of TCCC courses. TCCC-MP (TCCC for Medical Personnel) is a 16-hour course for military medical personnel including medics, corpsmen, and pararescue personnel deploying in support of combat operations.

What is TECC in EMS?

NAEMT also offers Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) for civilian tactical EMS. This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Emergency Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation to award 16 contact hours for TCCC-MP.

Is TCCC accredited by NREMT?

TCCC courses offered by NAEMT are endorsed by the Joint Trauma System and the American College of Surgeons. NAEMT’s TCCC-MP and TCCC-CLS courses are accredited by CAPCE and recognized by NREMT. NAEMT's TCCC courses are taught by a global network of experienced, well-trained instructors.

What is TCC in Pakistan?

Technical Cadet Course (TCC) is for induction of Engineers in Pakistan Army. If you have done FSC or equivalent you can join Pakistan Army in TCC course. This book will help you in preparation of your initial test of TCC Course. After order book will be delivered to you with cash on delivery service.

What is the Pakistan Army?

Pakistan Army is one of the most prestigious institutions of Pakistan. It is dream of the almost every youngster of country to join Pakistan armed forces whether it of Pakistan Army, Navy or Air force.

Modern Army Combatives

The Army Combatives Program enhances unit combat readiness by building Soldiers’ personal courage, confidence, and resiliency as well as their situational responsiveness to close quarters threats in the operational environment.


The Army Combatives Program enhances unit combat readiness by building Soldiers’ personal courage, confidence, and resiliency as well as their situational responsiveness to close quarters threats in the operational environment.

What is the education level for FSc?

(Pre-Engineering) with Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry / Computer Studies / Computer Sciences with minimum 65% marks or ‘O’ level passed in five subjects and ‘A’ level passed in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry / Computer Studies / Computer Sciences in Grade A-C.

Does Pakistan Army require regular commission?

There are some requirements to have Regular Commission through TCC Course and complete instructions are mentioned below as per the details provided by the officials of the Pakistan Army at its official site. So, read it carefully and apply it accordingly. If you are interested to Join PAF as GD Pilot then registration is open.
