what is project management and important course of project management slide share

by Elliot Stracke Jr. 10 min read

What are the objectives of a project management course?

Jul 21, 2013 · 3. Management : Management is the technique of understanding the problems, needs and controlling the use of Resources, Cost, Time, Scope and Quality. Project Management : Application of knowledge, skills , tools & techniques to project activities in order to meet stakeholder needs & expectations from a project.

What is the introduction to project management?

Feb 25, 2019 · “ Project Management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve pre-determined objectives of scope , cost , time, quality to the equal satisfaction of those involved.” -Project mgt inst of USA 16.

What is project management and its features?

Apr 24, 2014 · 13. Importance Of Project Maintenance Project Maintenance is an ongoing process, and it includes: Continuous support of end users Correction of errors Updates of the time utilized. 14. Major Project Types Civil Engineering, Construction, Petrochemical, Mining, and Quarrying Manufacturing Projects Management Projects. 15.

What is the difference between management and project management?

Aug 17, 2014 · “ Project Management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve pre-determined objectives of scope , cost , time, quality to the equal satisfaction of those involved.” -Project mgt inst of USA 16.

Why project management is important and explain the importance of project management?

The importance of project management in organizations can't be overstated. When it's done right, it helps every part of the business run more smoothly. It allows your team to focus on the work that matters, free from the distractions caused by tasks going off track or budgets spinning out of control.

What is project management definition?

Project management is the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge and experience to achieve specific project objectives according to the project acceptance criteria within agreed parameters. Project management has final deliverables that are constrained to a finite timescale and budget.

What is project management in PDF?

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. The planning and organization of an organization's resources in order to move a specific task, event or duty toward completion.

What is project management in Slideshare?

Project Management : Application of knowledge, skills , tools & techniques to project activities in order to meet stakeholder needs & expectations from a project. Needs : stated part of the project Expectations : unstated part of the project “Completion of Project on time within Budget without comprising Quality”

What is project management and its types?

On a very basic level, project management includes the planning, initiation, execution, monitoring, and closing of a project. Many different types of project management methodologies and techniques exist, including traditional, waterfall, agile, and lean.

What is project management example?

Project management is the science and art of organizing all the components of a project. For example, the launching of a new service, a marketing campaign, or the development of a new product are projects. In fact, even a wedding is a project that requires management.

What is project management objective?

In brief, project management objectives are the successful development of the project's procedures of initiation, planning, execution, regulation and closure as well as the guidance of the project team's operations towards achieving all the agreed upon goals within the set scope, time, quality and budget standards.May 13, 2021

What are the three primary objectives of project management?

Q. What are the three primary objectives of project management?
  • Financial Objectives.
  • Quality Objectives.
  • Compliance Objectives.
May 19, 2020

What is project Slideshare?

 A project is a unique set of coordinated activities, with a definite starting and finishing points, undertaken by an individual or organization to meet specific objectives within defined schedule, cost and performance parameters (British Standard 60971, 2000:2) Dr. Kishor Adhikari, Assoc.

What is project PPT?

A PowerPoint slideshow (PPT) is a presentation created on software from Microsoft that allows users to add audio, visual and audio/visual features to a presentation. It is considered to be a multimedia technology and also acts as a tool for collaboration and content sharing.

What is project management?

2. Basic Concept Project: It’s a temporary group activity designed to produce a unique product, service or result. Project management: It is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to execute projects effectively and efficiently.

What is the primary challenge of project management?

The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while honoring the preconceived constraints.

Can a project manager survive without project management?

In a competitive global economy, project managers can't survive without leaning efficient Project Management. So here’s a presentation giving an insight into the different components of project management. Discover more about Project Management and what benefits it offers, and choose understand its related concepts.

What is PMI in project management?

6. Project Management Institute (PMI) <ul><li>PMI was founded in 1969 by five individuals who wanted to network, share process information and discuss common project problems.

When was PMI founded?

Project Management Institute (PMI) <ul><li>PMI was founded in 1969 by five individuals who wanted to network, share process information and discuss common project problems.

What is project management?

Project management involves decision making for the planning, organizing, coordination, monitoring and control of a number of interrelated time bound activities. Project Manager therefore, often depends on tools and techniques that are effective enough not only for drawing-up the best possible initial plan but also capable of projecting instantaneously the impact of deviations so as to initiate necessary corrective measures. The search for an effective tool has resulted in development of a variety of techniques. These project management techniques can be classified under two broad categories i.e., Bar Charts and Networks.

What are the phases of a project?

An understanding of the life cycle is important to successful completion of the project as it facilitates to understand the logical sequence of events in the continuum of progress from start to finish. Typical project consists of four phases- Conceptualization, Planning, Execution and Termination. Each phase is marked by one or more deliverables such as Concept note, Feasibility report, Implementation Plan, HRD plan, Resource allocation plan, Evaluation report etc.

What are the three dimensions of project performance?

Three major dimensions that define the project performance are scope, time, and resource . These parameters are interrelated and interactive. The relationship generally represented as an equilateral triangle. The relationship is shown in figure 1.

What is project appraisal?

The project appraisal is the process of critical examination and analysis of the proposal in totality. The appraisal goes beyond the analysis presented in the feasibility report. At this stage, if required compilation of additional information and further analysis of project dimensions are undertaken. At the end of the process an appraisal note is prepared for facilitating decision on the project implementation.

What is project crashing?

Project crashing is an exercise carried out to reduce the time of a project by investing more money. This becomes necessary when the dead line has to be met. For crashing only the critical are considered since duration of the project could be reduced by crashing these activities only. It is possible that when a project is crashed another non-critical activity may become critical and in the next cycle this has to be considered for further crashing. The steps involved in

What is a Gantt chart in Project?

The default Project view is the Gantt Chart view, as displayed below. This view is used extensively in Microsoft Project. The Gantt Chart consists of a Gantt table and a Gantt bar chart. The divider bar separates the two and can be repositioned to display more of the table or more of the chart. The Gantt table consists of rows and columns. Just like on a spreadsheet, the intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. The Gantt bar chart graphically displays your schedule on a time line.

How does Microsoft Project work?

Microsoft Project provides the ability to structure the tasks by setting different levels of tasks and grouping tasks under a summary task. This can be useful where the project has a considerable number of tasks; management can be made easier by only viewing and reporting on the summary tasks.
