what is product value analysis? course

by Cecilia Yost 5 min read

(Courtesy of Online PM Courses) Value Analysis Value Analysis (VA) is concerned with existing products. It involves a current product being analysed and evaluated by a team, to reduce costs, improve product function or both.

Full Answer

What is value analysis in product management?

Value analysis is cost avoidance or cost reduction of a product already in production; both adopt the same approach (details below) i.e. a complete audit of the product. Development of Value Analysis Undertaking a value analysis exercise Such an exercise might involve a series of questions, including:

What is Value Analysis/Value engineering?

Value Analysis is a tool of management which attempts the question of saving cost from the point of view of, ‘Value’ or in other words the main aim is to study the relationship between the design function and cost of a part, keeping in view to reduce part and cost through change in design, modification in specification of the material used by changing the source of supply and …

How to determine the value of a product?

Dec 03, 2020 · The first step in conducting a value chain analysis is to understand all of the primary and secondary activities that go into your product or service’s creation. If your company sells multiple products or services, it’s important to perform this process for each one. 2. Determine the Cost and Value of Activities

What do you mean by value analysis?

• Function: the effect produced by a product or by one of its elements, in order to satisfy customer needs. • Value analysis: methodology to increase the value of an object – the object to be analysed could be an existing or a new product or process, and it is usually accomplished by a team following a workplan.

What is value analysis?

It involves a current product being analysed and evaluated by a team, to reduce costs, improve product function or both. Value Analysis exercises use a plan which step-by-step, methodically evaluates the product in a range of areas.

What is value engineering?

Value Engineering (VE) is concerned with new products. It is applied during product development. The focus is on reducing costs, improving function or both, by way of teamwork-based product evaluation and analysis. This takes place before any capital is invested in tooling, plant or equipment.

What is VA in manufacturing?

VA enables improvements to be made to the product in a variety of areas, such as design and engineering, material selection , testing , manufacturing, assembly, shipping, installation, use by the customer, service, maintenance and recycling. .

Is VA based on products you already sell?

In contrast to this, as stated above, VA is based upon products you already sell. On the face of it, the reasons for value analysing existing products may seem obvious. However you may find yourself in a situation where you need to convince others and make the case for undertaking a VA exercise.

Is value engineering a good investment?

Therefore value engineering should be considered a crucial activity late on in the product development process and is certainly a wise commercial investment, with regard to the time it takes. It is strongly recommended you build value engineering into your new product development process, to make it more robust and for sound commercial reasons.

What is value analysis?

Value Analysis is a technique of cost reduction based on systematic and organised examina­tion of every item of cost which goes into the manufacture of the industrial product in terms of the value or customer satisfaction it adds to the product.

What are the advantages of value analysis?

Further, the following advantages may be possible when value analysis is employed in the business: 1. The most suitable products are manufactured because a careful study is made to determine the desirable feature of each product in terms of customer’s requirement. 2.

What are the functions of a product?

Functions of a product can be classified into following two categories: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Basic (or Primary) Functions: These are the functions without which the product would virtually lose all of its value, and in some cases even its identity.

What are the two types of values?

Types of Values: 1. Cost Value: ADVERTISEMENTS: It is the cost of manufacturing a product or component. 2. Use Value: It considers work done, functions performed or service rendered and effi­ciency/effectiveness of the product. 3.

How can the value of a product be increased?

Thus the value of a product can he increased either by increasing its utility with the same cost or by decreasing its cost for the same utility. Users have different concepts of value depend­ing upon time, place and availability of substitute items.

What is value engineering?

Value engineering identifies the areas of excessive or unnecessary expenses and attempts to improve the value of the product. It provides the base for better performance at a lower cost while reducing neither necessary quality, reliability nor maintainability.

When value analysis is done, it is clear that the use function cannot be avoided be­cause it is a

When value analysis is done, then it is clear that the use function cannot be avoided be­cause it is a main function. But it is not necessary in the case of esteem function. Any benefit added on to a product, over and above those required to meet the use function, must add to the cost causing a higher price.

What is value analysis?

Value analysis is a relatively new approach to managerial decision-making. It includes a set of techniques to identify unnecessary items or costs in a product or service in order to eliminate them without decreasing their quality and serviceability. It is a systematic approach that relies on the evaluation of techniques and tools in ...

What is value in business?

Value is a subjective term that can be defined from different points of view. From a supplier’s perspective, value is directly related to the cost and function of a product while it may refer to various different meanings from a customer’s point of view.

What is value engineering?

Value Engineering Methodology is a systematic approach that can be considered as a problem-solving system that uses a set of specific tools, techniques, and skills. It assists all branches of an organization from engineering to marketing. While performing value analysis, you can use Pareto Chart, PERT Chart, and Gantt Diagrams, etc.

When was value engineering first applied?

Value Engineering was first applied in General Electric Co. during World War 2. Because, there were limited amounts of labor, material, and equipment resources to be used for manufacturing. After World War 2, Lawrence D. Miles developed this methodology in 1947. The methodology relies on two objectives;

Why is collecting information important in value analysis?

Because products and processes have multiple stakeholders that are related to multiple needs. Collecting information is the starting point of value analysis. Before performing the value analysis, you should know the scope of the project, product, or service well.

How effective is value chain analysis?

Value chain analysis can be a highly effective means of understanding and contextualizing your business’s processes, but it’s just one tool at your disposal. There's a host of other frameworks and concepts that can help you evaluate organizational performance, craft winning strategies, and be more effective in your role.

Why is value chain analysis important?

Conducting a value chain analysis prompts you to consider how each step adds or subtracts value from your final product or service. This, in turn, can help you realize some form of competitive advantage, such as: Cost reduction, by making each activity in the value chain more efficient and, therefore, less expensive.

What is value chain?

Understanding the Value Chain. The term value chain refers to the various business activities and processes involved in creating a product or performing a service. A value chain can consist of multiple stages of a product or service’s lifecycle, including research and development, sales, and everything in between.

What are the components of a value chain?

According to Porter’s definition, all of the activities that make up a firm's value chain can be split into two categories that contribute to its margin: primary activities and support activities.

What is product differentiation?

Product differentiation, by investing more time and resources into activities like research and development, design, or marketing that can help your product stand out. Typically, increasing the performance of one of the four secondary activities can benefit at least one of the primary activities.

What is the term for the activities that take place after a sale has been finalized?

Marketing and sales: Activities related to the marketing and sale of a product or service, including promotion, advertising, and pricing strategy. After-sales services: Activities that take place after a sale has been finalized, including installation, training, quality assurance, repair, and customer service.

What are the primary activities of a company?

Primary activities are those that go directly into the creation of a product or the execution of a service, including: 1 Inbound logistics: Activities related to receiving, warehousing, and inventory management of source materials and components 2 Operations: Activities related to turning raw materials and components into a finished product 3 Outbound logistics: Activities related to distribution, including packaging, sorting, and shipping 4 Marketing and sales: Activities related to the marketing and sale of a product or service, including promotion, advertising, and pricing strategy 5 After-sales services: Activities that take place after a sale has been finalized, including installation, training, quality assurance, repair, and customer service

What is value analysis?

Value Analysis can be defined as a process of systematic review that is applied to existing product designs in order to compare the function of the product required by a customer to meet their requirements at the lowest cost consistent with the specified performance and reliability needed.

What is product development?

product development approach that involves the manufacturing function in the initial stages of the product design to ensure ease of manufacturing and assembly. Since its introduction, the concept has been extended to design for ‘remanufacture’ or even design for ‘supply chain management’, involving suppliers in the design stage. It is generally referred to as DFX. As most of the design weaknesses of a product become visible in the production process this approach and set of techniques can result in very large savings in efficiency, time, and also quality losses.

What is functional analysis?

This is known as functional analysis. ‘Function’ can be defined, as the use demanded of a part pr a product and the esteem value that it provides . These functions therefore make the product work effectively or contribute to the ‘saleability’ of the product. Functional analysis outlines the basic function of a product using a verb and a noun such as ‘boil water’ as in the case of our kettle. These are several steps within this stage:

What is product management course?

This product management course is yet another set of training material offered by Boston University as part of their MicroMasters program. Unlike others, this course borrows from cross disciplinary methodology to contextualize its enrollees in product management as it relates to other businesses practices, like project management. For that reason, it equips candidates with the tools necessary to mold the product development process in such a way that professionals can map out the trajectory for a product's life cycle.

What is product school?

Product School is an institution that offers training in product management to registered users. Carlos González de Villaumbrosia is the CEO and founder, bringing over 10 years’ worth of experience in digital product building to his school.

What is product owner certification?

Offered in conjunction with the Product Manager HQ, the Product Owner Certification is a certificate that all product managers should consider getting. It has a reputation for being representative of one’s commitment to the standards of product management, ownership, and ethics. Unlike other courses, this program is continuously evolving in the sense that it is bestowed upon candidates who are aware of the best practices in product management at a given point. It's also relatively less expensive than other certifications, depending on your goals, you may find adding these credentials to your CV useful.

What is digital product management?

In partnership with Coursera, The University of Virginia offers a digital product management course catered to today’s cyber market space. The program prepares professionals in the field to lay the foundation for a successful working environment in which all team members can optimize their skills. Covering content from product planning, development, and execution, this certification is all encompassing.

What is a one week PM course?

The One Week PM course by PMHQ is the ultimate starter course to bolster your product management career. The course is designed to help PM beginners learn the fundamentals of product management and how they can set up their own product management projects. It also dives into how you can ace a product management interview.

What business school is Coursera partnered with?

Coursera has partnered with the IE Business School , one of the top ranking business schools in the world. They offer a course in product and branding that teaches registered users how to navigate the responsibilities that managers with this profile are faced with. Consequently, the course touches on all areas of product management, including the continued analysis that must be done when a product is on the market. Sign up and learn more about this niche from one of the best business schools in the world.

Value Analysis

Value Analysis is a project management best practice decision making tool to find alternative solutions to problems and achieve best value for money in projects, processes, systems and products.

What is VA Canada?

VA Canada (formerly CSVA) is a non profit society that is helping Canadians stay competitive by improving value in their projects, processes and products through the application of the value methodologies.


From organizational restructuring to product optimization, Function Analysis ...


If you are interested in Value Management, improved decision making, or identifying the best value solutions, you will love this new way to connect with others. Share knowledge with users who apply VM to solve problems, improve projects, and optimise designs and services. The Value Factory conference will benefit anyone who is interested in: ...



Cost reduction helps a business spend less on expensesExpensesAn expense is a cost incurred in completing any transaction by an organization, leading to either revenue generation creation of the asset, change in liability, or raising capital.read morewhich leaves it with more profit at the end of a year. As such, businesses de…
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  • Value Engineering (VE) is concerned with new products. It is applied during product development. The focus is on reducing costs, improving function or both, by way of teamwork-based product evaluation and analysis. This takes place before any capital is invested in tooling, plant or equipment.
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  • This is very significant, because according to many reports, up to 80% of a products costs (throughout the rest of its life-cycle), are locked in at the design development stage. This is understandable when you consider the design of any product determines many factors, such as tooling, plant and equipment, labour and skills, training costs, materials, shipping, installation, m…
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  • Value Analysis (VA) is concerned with existing products. It involves a current product being analysed and evaluated by a team, to reduce costs, improve product function or both. Value Analysis exercises use a plan which step-by-step, methodically evaluates the product in a range of areas. These include costs, function, alternative components and de...
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Value Analysis & Value Engineering Methodology

  • A significant part of VA is a technique called Functional Analysis, where the product is broken down and reviewed as a number of assemblies. Here, the function is identified and defined for each product assembly. Costs are also assigned to each one. This is assisted by designing and viewing products as assemblies (or modules). As with VE, VA is a group activity that involves br…
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Defining Value

  • Note: Many refer to Value Management as an umbrella term, which encompasses value engineering and value analysis.
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What Is Value Analysis (VA)? Definition & Purpose

  • Reducing Costs by Using Value Engineering in Conjunction with other World Class Manufacturing Techniques
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Phases of Value Analysis

Value analysis is a relatively new approach to managerial decision-making. It includes a set of techniques to identify unnecessary items or costs in a product or service in order to eliminate them without decreasing their quality and serviceability. It is a systematic approach that relies on the evaluation of techniqu…
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Advantages of Value Analysis

  • Before discussing What is Value Analysis, let’s focus on the definition of value to provide a better understanding. Value is a subjective term that can be defined from different points of view. From a supplier’s perspective, value is directly related to the cost and function of a product while it may refer to various different meanings from a customer’s point of view. Because products and proc…
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Weaknesses of Value Analysis

  • Project teams aim at improving projects, products and processes, and services by using systematic and structured methodologies. Value Analysis techniques (also known as Value Engineering or Methodology) are applicable to almost all industry projects or processes such as construction, business, IT, healthcare, administrative, etc. Value Engineering ...
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