what is pivot table and which course teach it

by Precious Runte 9 min read

PivotTables are an interactive way of quickly summarizing large amounts of data by grouping and aggregating datasets, letting you analyze the information in a clear and effective manner. This course will discuss the importance of cleaning your data before creating your first PivotTable.

Full Answer

How to create a basic pivot table?


  • Create a pivot table
  • Add a category field to the rows area (optional)
  • Add field to count to Values area
  • Change value field settings to show count if needed

How to set up Excel pivot table for beginners?

Pivot Tables

  • Insert a Pivot Table. To insert a pivot table, execute the following steps. ...
  • Drag fields. The PivotTable Fields pane appears. ...
  • Sort. To get Banana at the top of the list, sort the pivot table. ...
  • Filter. Because we added the Country field to the Filters area, we can filter this pivot table by Country. ...
  • Change Summary Calculation. ...
  • Two-dimensional Pivot Table. ...

How do you pivot a pivot table?

  • We will click OK. This immediately adds Product to the Pivot Table Fields
  • We will check the Product box in the Pivot Table Fields
  • We can use the same approach when we add rows. However, after adding the rows to the table, we will click on the Pivot Table, right-click, and click Refresh

How do I learn pivot tables in Excel?

How do I learn pivot tables in Excel? To begin the tutorial, we will learn how to insert a pivot table in our sample Excel sheet. Select all the data in the sheet. Go to Insert tab on Excel ribbon and click on PivotTable button. Create PivotTable dialog box will appear on screen. Click OK button to insert a blank pivot table in a new worksheet.

How can I learn pivot tables?

How to Create a Pivot TableEnter your data into a range of rows and columns.Sort your data by a specific attribute.Highlight your cells to create your pivot table.Drag and drop a field into the "Row Labels" area.Drag and drop a field into the "Values" area.Fine-tune your calculations.

Is pivot table easy to learn?

Pivot Tables are one of the most powerful features of Excel, and are something that every serious user of Excel should know how to use. Pivot Tables are also one of the most difficult features to figure out, unless you have some help.

What is a pivot table and what is it used for?

A PivotTable is an interactive way to quickly summarize large amounts of data. You can use a PivotTable to analyze numerical data in detail, and answer unanticipated questions about your data. A PivotTable is especially designed for: Querying large amounts of data in many user-friendly ways.

What is meant by pivot table?

A pivot table is a powerful data summarization tool that can automatically sort, count, and sum up data stored in tables and display the summarized data.

How do pivot tables work for beginners?

3:4312:36Well it went down into rows. And now I have my row labels you can see these are set up in rows. ButMoreWell it went down into rows. And now I have my row labels you can see these are set up in rows. But I don't have to have them in rows. I could drag them and drop them into columns.

How many types of pivot tables are there?

Pivot Tables have three different layouts that you can choose from: Compact, Outline, and Tabular Form.

What are the advantages of pivot tables?

Advantages of Pivot TablesEasy to use. Pivot tables are simple to use. ... Ability to perform Data Analysis. With the help of excel pivot tables, you can handle large data set in one go. ... Summarize and Organize Data. ... Quick Report Creation. ... Connect to External Source. ... Source Data. ... Column Labels. ... Row labels.More items...

What is the formula for pivot table in Excel?

This displays the PivotTable Tools, adding the Analyze and Design tabs. On the Analyze tab, in the Calculations group, click Fields, Items, & Sets, and then click Calculated Field. In the Name box, select the calculated field for which you want to change the formula. In the Formula box, edit the formula.

What are the features of pivot table?

The seven unique featuresTotaling values.Hierarchical grouping by rows and columns.Persisting node states on dynamic updates.Displaying no data items.Conditionally formatting values with color and text styles.Linking with relevant page URLs.Interactive sorting by value columns.

What is a pivot table class 7?

A pivot table is a data summarization device that is utilized in the context of data handling. Pivot tables are utilize to summarize, sort, rearrange, group, check, aggregate, or standard record stored in a database. It permits its clients to change columns into rows and rows into segments.

What is a pivot table?

A pivot table is a spreadsheet tool that makes it easy to select a data set from the larger data set in the spreadsheet for the purpose of explorin...

Why are pivot tables important to learn?

Learning pivot tables makes it easier to pull significant information from a spreadsheet, database, or business intelligence program that's full of...

What career opportunities can arise from learning pivot table?

Career opportunities that can arise from learning about pivot tables include accounting jobs at all levels, from accounting clerks to CPAs. High sc...

How can taking online courses on Coursera help me learn pivot table?

Taking online courses on Coursera can help you learn pivot tables starting at beginner level Excel courses where you apply spreadsheet-building les...

What is pivot table?

Let’s find out. 1. What is a pivot table? A pivot table is a summary tool that wraps up or summarizes information sourced from bigger tables. These bigger tables could be a database, an Excel spreadsheet, or any data that is or could be converted in a table-like form.

Can you use a pivot table to do exploratory analysis?

Using some grouping techniques and summary measures in a pivot table, you could perform some quick explorations. Pivot tables also support another handy tool for exploratory analysis. Once you have your data summarized, you can create some plots like bar charts and scatter plots in order to visualize your findings.

What is a spelling in pivot table?

Spelling is something that you’ll want to pay especially close attention to when building a pivot table. For example, if Jason had a typo that said “Sout” instead of “Stout” somewhere in his spreadsheet, the pivot table would pull both of those into the data summary.

How to insert a pivot table in Excel?

To do so, highlight your entire data set ( including the column headers), click “Insert” on the ribbon, and then click the “Pivot Table” button. 3. Choose where to place your pivot table. After clicking that “Pivot Table” button, you’ll be met with a popup that asks where you’d like to place your pivot table.

1. Microsoft Excel – Data Analysis with Pivot Tables (Udemy)

If you want to take your data analysis skills from Zero to Pro with Excel Pivot Tables, then this is the course for you. In this Pivot Table Certificate Course from Udemy, you will learn how to use Pivot tables and Pivot charts to streamline and absolutely revolutionize your workflow in Excel.

2. Master Excel Pivot Tables – Excel 2016 (Udemy)

Individuals who want to help their companies make better decisions and advance their careers by bringing real value to the organizations can take help from this course. This comprehensive course provides a concise illustration and detailed coverage of every topic included in Microsoft Excel 2016 Pivot tables.

3. Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables Training & Classes (GoSkills)

This introductory course is designed to give you a clear understanding of Pivot tables and make you an expert from a novice in using them for day-to-day activities.

4. Excel Pivot Table Basics Course (Udemy)

If you have no idea about Pivot Tables and still want to enroll in this field, but without any investment, then this free course from Udemy is the best choice for you. It is an introductory course that is specially designed to give you an overview of the basic concepts of Excel Pivot Tables.

5. Pivot Tables with Spreadsheets (Data Camp)

If you find it difficult and time-consuming to work with large quantities of data in spreadsheets, then this course from DataCamp can help you learn how to organize and evaluate your data quickly with the help of pivot tables.

6. Free Pivot Table Courses (LinkedIn Learning)

LinkedIn Learning provides excellent Pivot Table courses and tutorials to help you equip with all the essential knowledge that you need to become an expert in Excel Pivot Tables. Most of these courses are in collaboration with major institutions, academies, and designed by industry professionals who are working with MS Excel for a decade.

What is pivot table?

Pivot Tables are one of the most powerful features of Excel, and are something that every serious user of Excel should know how to use. Pivot Tables are also one of the most difficult features to figure out, unless you have some help. That's where we come in!

What happens when you create a pivot table?

When you create a new Pivot Table, Excel either uses the source data you selected or automatically selects the data for you. But data changes often, which means you also need to be able to update your pivot tables to reflect the new or changed data.

What is pivot table report filter?

The Pivot Table Report Filter adds another dimension to your pivot tables - literally. Rather than all of your data being presented in a flat table, the Report Filter lets you create a pivot table report and then change the data being presented using one or more Report Filters.

Can you group by day in a pivot table?

You can group by day, week, month, quarter or year. If your date fields include a time value, you can also group by seconds, minutes or hours. You'll also learn how to collapse and expand data groups in your pivot table so you can quickly see a summary of your data. Microsoft Excel, Pivot Tables, Intermediate. Read more.


Data analysis is essential in today’s data-driven world. Data is crucial in understanding businesses, analyzing trends, and forecasting your business needs. Due to such weight placed on data analysis, it is just as important for you to have relevant skills to handle and analyze data efficiently.


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What Is A Pivot table?

A pivot table is a summary toolthat wraps up or summarizes information sourced from bigger tables. These bigger tables could be a database, an Excel spreadsheet, or any data that is or could be converted in a table-like form. The data summarized in a pivot table might include sums, averages, or other statistics which the pivot t…
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What Are Pivot Tables Used for?

  • Now we know what pivot tables are, let’s take a closer look at how they might be used. As already mentioned, pivot tables enable data analysts to summarize large datasets into a concise and meaningful table which can be consumed at a glance. Let’s take a look at a practical example. Below is a small table that contains information about various criteria used to rank the states in …
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Pivot Table Functionalities

  • The example we gave in the previous section covered just one of the many functions that pivot tables are capable of. In the previous example, we needed to calculate averages. But what other functionalities do pivot tables have? Firstly, you can calculate other descriptive statistics too. Descriptive statistics are measures that show quantitative characteristics about the data, such a…
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  • In this post, we explored the role of pivot tables in basic analysis. We looked at a few examples of why this type of pivoting your data is important and how it could speed up your work. Let us sum up the key takeaways so far: 1. Pivot tables are great for creating summary statistics with any metrics you want, including showing only the data you are interested in by applying filters 2. The …
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