how to choose an lsat prep course

by Korbin Kertzmann 5 min read

Things to Consider When Choosing an LSAT Prep Course

  • Don’t always choose a course just because it’s highly rated. ...
  • Choose the prep course that fits your learning style, study habits, schedule, and budget. ...
  • If the course doesn’t have the features that you need to learn effectively, then it’s a waste of your time and money.
  • Make good use of the free trial that comes with many of the LSAT prep courses. ...

The prep course you choose depends upon variables such as budget, schedule, and what your starting score and goal score are. Below, you can find a few of the most popular LSAT prep options available online, and a short rundown of what you can expect to pay and receive from each.Jul 27, 2021

Full Answer

How should I prepare for the LSAT?

The most important things you can do to prepare for the LSAT are:

  • Review the test format, instructions, and question types. ...
  • Work through sample questions and explanations to familiarize yourself with the different types of questions.
  • Review at least one set of commercial preparation materials for important strategy on approaching the problems, especially the so-called “logic games”.

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When to study for LSAT?

  • Register for your official test as soon as possible. ...
  • This model study plan leaves a few blocks per week LSAT-free to reflect the reality of students’ lives. ...
  • Use a recent PrepTest. ...
  • See the “Personalize Your LSAT Preparation” section following the model study plan for more details about why and how to do this.

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What is the best online prep course?

Best Overall : ExamFX

  • Comprehensive offering of study packages to match learning styles
  • Reasonably priced, full-feature packages
  • Adaptive-learning simulation exams
  • Money-back guarantee

What LSAT score do I need for a full scholarship?

Typical LSAT score ranges include:

  • 120-147 Low
  • 148-156 Mid
  • 157-164 High
  • 165-180 Exceptional

Which LSAT prep course is best?

Best LSAT Prep Courses SummaryBest Overall LSAT Prep Course: Blueprint LSAT.Best LSAT Course Design: LSATMax.Most Immersive LSAT Prep Course: LSAT Lab.Best Value LSAT Prep Course: Magoosh.Best LSAT Live Classes: Princeton Review.The Safe LSAT Prep Pick: Kaplan.

Are LSAT prep courses worth it?

If at all possible, take a preparation course, as they can be very meaningful to your LSAT score. Even if you only get a two-point bump in your score, this investment is well worth the money and effort. Many people will tell you can do as well doing self-study as a prep course if you have enough discipline.

What is the best way to study for the LSAT?

Top 10 LSAT Study TipsRegister for the LSAT. ... Block your study time early. ... Pick the best study materials. ... Practice, Practice, Practice. ... Take full length LSAT practice tests. ... Focus on LSAT Logical Reasoning. ... Don't avoid your weak areas on the LSAT. ... Don't skip the LSAT writing sample.More items...•

When should I take an LSAT prep course?

Regardless of which path you choose, it's crucial to start prepping as soon as possible after you decide to take the LSAT. You can do that by taking an earlier course, or by studying on your own. You simply have no way of predicting how long it will take you to reach your target! It may be one month or four or more.

How hard is a 170 LSAT?

170 score: Scoring a 170 on the LSAT is almost always considered a good score — that means you are in the 2-3% of test-takers. Still, it won't guarantee you admission at a top law school. Other parts of your application are still a factor.

Should I self study for LSAT?

Courses are great if you need the accountability of a class and you'd like someone to check your work and progress. Self-studying is great because you control your own schedule and can study according to your availability. Personally, I self-studied for the LSAT.

Which LSAT section should I study first?

What Section Should I Start Learning First? Logic games is a natural starting point. It's got the steepest learning curve, so you generally want to be spending time with it over the full 3+ months that you are studying for the LSAT.

Does the LSAT make you smarter?

Studying for the LSAT really does make you smarter. As Berkeley News reports: [A] 2012 study found that a three-month LSAT course strengthened the circuitry in the brain's frontoparietal network and boosted the reasoning skills of two dozen young adults, compared to pre-law students who did not complete the course.

How long should I study for the LSAT?

For most students, a three-month period of preparation (of approximately 20 hours per week) is a great goal. This is, of course, an estimate; most students are not all students. To find out how much LSAT prep time you're likely to need, we recommend taking a practice LSAT to get a baseline score.

Is 2 months enough to study for LSAT?

Two months is the optimal LSAT prep schedule for many students. While you can make great score improvements with one intense month of study, practice, and review, most expert LSAT faculty will recommend a longer schedule if one is possible for you.

Are law school prep courses worth it?

Taking a law school prep course can help you feel more prepared. You may feel more at ease and gain confidence by exploring legal subjects before your actual first year classes begin.

Is 4 months enough to study for LSAT?

With approximately four months until test time, you should spend at least 10 hours a week studying. Ideally, one to two hours a day should be spent on studying. Four months may seem like a long time, but once you start studying, the time will move quickly. The LSAT is not a test you can simply cram for.

Are law school prep courses worth it?

Taking a law school prep course can help you feel more prepared. You may feel more at ease and gain confidence by exploring legal subjects before your actual first year classes begin.

How hard is it to get a 180 on the LSAT?

Across exams in 2018–2020, only 0.1% of test-takers received a perfect LSAT score of 180. Getting a perfect LSAT score is rare, but not impossible.

How much does an LSAT prep course cost?

LSAT prep courses are usually priced by the month, with costs ranging anywhere from $150 to more than $1,000. On-demand lessons tend to be cheaper than live, in-person classes, so they can be a good choice if you're on a budget.

Is Princeton LSAT prep worth it?

The long and the short of it is that you can't go wrong with Princeton Review LSAT prep. They offer an abundance of excellent content across both hard copy books and their digital platform, including lessons, drills, practice problems and explanations, and full-length practice tests.

Which LSAT prep courses are the best?

Our team looked at many different LSAT courses. After comparing different aspects of LSAT prep courses, our favorites were: Best for In-Depth Lear...

Are LSAT prep courses worth it?

LSAT prep courses are a great way to learn new material and refresh yourself on old material. Some factors to consider might be your budget, lear...

How much is an LSAT prep course?

LSAT prep courses can range anywhere from $249 to $1150. Magoosh offers a great LSAT prep course for a great price. Students can purchase Magoos...

Is Princeton Review a good LSAT prep course?

Princeton Review is one of our top picks for best LSAT prep courses. Princeton Review was ranked as one of our most comprehensive LSAT prep cour...

How hard is it to get a 180 on the LSAT?

A perfect score on the LSAT is 180. Students who score a 170 on the LSAT fall in the 97% percentile. Students who score 175 or higher can almost gu...

What's the best way to prepare for the LSAT?

One of the best ways to prepare for the LSAT is by investing in a LSAT prep course. A LSAT prep course will contain everything you need to get a...

Does LSAT tutoring help?

LSAT tutoring is a great option for students who may want more personalized attention. Keep in mind that LSAT tutoring will be more expensive tha...

What is the purpose of LSAT prep?

Some factors to consider might be your budget, learning style, and self-discipline. LSAT prep courses will help identify strengths and weaknesses, simulate the actual test, and provide a study plan.

How long does the LSAT prep course last?

This course is available to students for $1299 and classes usually last for 2.5 months depending on the class schedule.

How much does Magoosh cost for LSAT?

LSAT prep courses can range anywhere from $249 to $1150. Magoosh offers a great LSAT prep course for a great price. Students can purchase Magoosh for $249 and will get access to the course for 12 months.

How many questions are there in Magoosh LSAT?

Magoosh LSAT offers a free 7-day trial for students who wish to test-drive the course. The free trial includes 16 LSAT lessons and 20 LSAT practice questions. The prep course also comes with a 5-point score improvement guarantee or students will get their money back.

How long is TestMasters online?

TestMasters offers their 100% online course for $1150. The courses are available for about 3.5 months, depending on when you sign up. The course includes 160 hours of video lessons, 20 full-length practice exams, and over 9500 official LSAT prep questions.

What is Manhattan Prep?

Manhattan Prep uses interactive technology to keep students engaged. The lessons are taught by an instructor, but students have the ability to navigate through the lessons in various ways. This is a nice change to traditional online prep courses in which students watch videos to learn the material.

Does Magoosh simulate the LSAT?

Simulates actual test – the online exams included in an LSAT prep course do a great job of simulating the real LSAT. Magoosh’s dashboard predicts your LSAT scores and compare you to other students.

How many questions are asked on the LSAT?

The fifth — also known as the variable — section is unscored and contains questions being considered for future exams. Each section contains approximately 25 questions, though this can vary slightly. Once these are complete, there is a 35-minute writing sample to conclude the exam. These writing samples are not scored, but they’re sent out to all the schools you apply to, along with your LSAT scores.

Does Princeton Review have live classes?

In either case, you won’t find more with any other company on this list. The Princeton Review offers self-paced and live online courses as well as some pretty affordable private tutoring, but there aren’t any live in-person classes, so students who prefer this type of learning environment may be better off with Kaplan.

Do law schools accept LSAT scores?

Many don’t have a definite minimum for acceptance. Instead, they’ll accept a range of scores, depending on how strong the other aspects of your application are. Try to find the score range or an average LSAT score for the schools you’re applying to, and use this as your benchmark. If you find a score range, aim for the high end just to be safe.

Is the LSAT the hardest test?

LSAT has the reputation of being the hardest challenge in the law admission process. You will not be merely preparing for the LSAT, but likely to reschedule your life for a few months with your eye on the highest achievable score.

Is LSAT boot camp expensive?

This LSAT training also is expensive on the scale, compared to which model you choose. Make sure to consider factors such as the reviews, class sizes, location, qualifications of the tutors, and additional resources. The fewer the number of students, the better it will be for you to get personal attention.

Can I find tutors online?

For students who need one-on-one tutoring, you can find experienced instructors to keep their preparation on track. You can find the tutors online or through the test prep company itself. Some students combine private tutoring along with self-training so they can help with their problem areas.

Prepare for the LSAT

The LSAT tests skills necessary for success in the first year of school. These skills include reading comprehension, reasoning, and writing. LSAT test results can provide valuable insights about law school readiness for admission decision makers and candidates alike.

Test Day Essentials

The LSAT is an online, live remote-proctored test. For test day, you’ll need a compatible laptop or desktop computer, a webcam, a microphone, and Chrome or Firefox web browsers.

Additional LSAT Preparation Options

LSAC offers a variety of Official LSAT preparation books and eBooks that feature real test questions, explanations, and advice.
