what is philosophy course all about

by Bradley Kiehn 10 min read

Philosophy is the study of the nature of existence, knowledge, truth and ethics. It involves consideration of the most fundamental questions about who we are, and examines philosophical thought across the breadth of history right up to the present day.

What is the purpose of studying philosophy?

The study of philosophy enhances a person's problem-solving capacities. It helps us to analyze concepts, definitions, arguments, and problems. It contributes to our capacity to organize ideas and issues, to deal with questions of value, and to extract what is essential from large quantities of information.

What is the study of philosophy all about?

Philosophy – the love of wisdom – is an activity of attempting to understand the world, in all its aspects. There are four pillars of philosophy: theoretical philosophy (metaphysics and epistemology), practical philosophy (ethics, social and political philosophy, aesthetics), logic, and history of philosophy.

What kind of jobs can you get with a philosophy degree?

Jobs for philosophy majors include a lawyer, systems analyst, cultural affairs officer, technical writer, and a critic.

What is a philosophy course like?

A philosophy major is a humanities degree path that will challenge students to examine questions with no right answers. As they become familiar with notable thinkers and diverse worldviews, majors will learn to think critically, identify and evaluate arguments and engage in moral and ethical reasoning.May 5, 2020

Is philosophy hard to study?

Readings for philosophy courses are generally not long, but they are difficult and challenging. You cannot expect to go through an assigned reading once and have an adequate grasp of it. Some students seem to thrive on the painstaking study required, while others simply don't have the patience for it.

What are the 4 types of philosophy?

The four main branches of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic.Aug 5, 2016

What is the salary of a philosopher?

Salary in Philosophy One could get an initial pay of ₹8,000 to ₹15,000 per month.

Does philosophy have math?

Maths helps hone skills of clear, rigorous thinking, and science is unparalleled at determining facts and explanatory theories describing reality. Maths and science are therefore crucial for philosophy to make contributions of enduring worth, and so those who wish to be good at philosophy should study both.May 29, 2016

What do philosophers do for a living?

Most philosophers make their livings as college professors (see Professor), but there aren't many full-time teaching positions in philosophy, and philosophers do not have outside employment opportunities the way engineers or economists do.

Are philosophy courses useful?

Philosophy majors develop valuable career skills, such as reading and understanding complex materials, making logical arguments, explaining ideas clearly in oral and written form, and thinking about things from multiple perspectives.

Is philosophy a science?

In sum, philosophy is not science. For it employs the rational tools of logical analysis and conceptual clarification in lieu of empirical measurement. And this approach, when carefully carried out, can yield knowledge at times more reliable and enduring than science, strictly speaking.Apr 5, 2012

What are the 3 major fields of philosophy?

Explain and differentiate three main areas of philosophy: ethics, epistemology and metaphysics.

What motivates the study of philosophy?

What often motivates the study of philosophy is not merely the answers or arguments themselves but whether or not the arguments are good and the answers are true. Moreover, many of the questions and issues in the various areas of philosophy overlap and in some cases even converge.

What is the study of metaphysics?

Metaphysics. At its core the study of metaphysics is the study of the nature of reality, of what exists in the world, what it is like, and how it is ordered. In metaphysics philosophers wrestle with such questions as:

What is the study of knowledge?

Epistemology . Epistemology is the study of knowledge. It is primarily concerned with what we can know about the world and how we can know it. Typical questions of concern in epistemology are:

What is ethics study?

The study of ethics often concerns what we ought to do and what it would be best to do. In struggling with this issue, larger questions about what is good and right arise. So, the ethicist attempts to answer such questions as:

What are the questions of epistemology?

Epistemology is the study of knowledge. It is primarily concerned with what we can know about the world and how we can know it. Typical questions of concern in epistemology are: 1 What is knowledge? 2 Do we know anything at all? 3 How do we know what we know? 4 Can we be justified in claiming to know certain things?

How to get at the nature of philosophy?

A better way of getting at the nature of philosophy is to ask about what it deals with (subject matter) and what it is that philosophers (or anybody else) do when they are doing philosophy (method).

Why is clarification important in philosophy?

The clarification of concepts is often a prerequisite to a proper understanding of a problem which, in turn, is a prerequisite for dispelling confusion and providing a satisfactory answer to some of philosophy's ultimate questions.

What is the use of imagination and logic to offer new possibilities about things?

Philosophers have from earliest times engaged in speculation , and philosophers have, for almost as long, engaged in analysis. Speculation is merely the use of imagination and logic to offer new possibilities about things, especially about things not yet understood by science.

What is the difference between physics and psychology?

The first (physics) reflects interest in sound as a physical phenomenon. The second (psychology) reflects interest in sound as a kind of experience. Notice that these two kinds of sound, though related, are different and can occur independent of each other. Normally sound as vibrations causes sound as an experience.

Who believed that reality evolved from a primal substance?

Others had other speculative ideas about reality, some farfetched, but some quite remarkable for their anticipation of later scientific discoveries. Anaximander (550 B.C.) thought that reality, including the planets and life on earth, had evolved from a primal substance infinite and eternal.

Is the philosophical question a definite answer?

But the question does have a definite answer, and the example nicely illustrates (even if overly simplified) the usefulness of philosophical analysis.

What is the philosophy of science?

The philosophy of science, for instance, is concerned with metaphysical issues about what science is, but also with epistemological questions about how we can know scientific truths. The philosophy of love is similarly concerned with metaphysical questions about what love is. But it also concerned with questions about the value ...

Why has philosophy not succeeded in coming up with a definitive answer in ethics?

If philosophy has not succeeded in coming up with absolutely certain and definitive answer in ethics, this is in part because philosophers take the answers to moral questions to be things we need to discover, not simply matters of somebody’s say so.

What is the difference between ethics and epistemology?

While epistemology is concerned with what we ought to believe and how we ought to reason, Ethics is concerned with what we ought to do, how we ought to live, and how we ought to organize our communities. Sadly, it comes as a surprise to many new philosophy students that you can reason about such things.

What is the epistemology of knowledge?

Epistemology is concerned with the nature of knowledge and justified belief. What is knowledge? Can we have any knowledge at all? Can we have knowledge about the laws of nature, the laws or morality, or the existence of other minds? The view that we can’t have knowledge is called skepticism. An extreme form of skepticism denies that we can have any knowledge whatsoever. But we might grant that we can have knowledge about some things and remain skeptics concerning other issues. Many people, for instance, are not skeptics about scientific knowledge, but are skeptics when it comes to knowledge of morality. Later in this course we will entertain some skeptical worries about science and we will consider whether ethics is really in a more precarious position. Some critical attention reveals that scientific knowledge and moral knowledge face many of the same skeptical challenges and share some similar resources in addressing those challenges. Many of the popular reasons for being more skeptical about morality than science turn on philosophical confusions we will address and attempt to clear up.

What is the purpose of epistemology?

Epistemology is also concerned with what it is for a belief to be rationally justified. Even if we can’t have certain knowledge of anything (or much), questions about what we ought to believe remain relevant. See this article in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy for more about Epistemology.

What are metaphysical issues?

Metaphysical issues are concerned with the nature of reality. Traditional metaphysical issues include the existence of God and the nature of human free will (assuming we have any). Here are a few metaphysical questions of interest to contemporary philosophers: What is a thing? How are space and time related? Does the past exist? How about the future? How many dimensions does the world have? Are there any entities beyond physical objects (like numbers, properties, and relations)? If so, how are they related to physical objects? Historically, many philosophers have proposed and defended specific metaphysical positions, often as part of systematic and comprehensive metaphysical views. But attempts to establish systematic metaphysical world views have been notoriously unsuccessful.

Is metaphysics a waste of time?

Since the 19th century many philosophers and scientists have been understandably suspicious of metaphysics, and it has frequently been dismissed as a waste of time, or worse, as meaningless. But in just the past few decades metaphysics has returned to vitality.

What is the philosophy of thinking?

Philosophy is a way of thinking about certain subjects such as ethics, thought, existence, time, meaning and value. That 'way of thinking' involves 4 Rs: r esponsiveness, r eflection, r eason and r e-evaluation. The aim is to deepen understanding.

Why is it important to spell out what you mean by philosophy?

However, it is important, for anyone writing or training about doing philosophy, first of all to spell out what they mean by it so that the reader has some idea about what kind of philosophy they will encounter and , when training people to facilitate philosophy, to provide criteria.

What are the types of questions?

Types of questions we explore 1 Who should be in charge? How should we decide? 2 What is fairness? 3 What is responsibility? 4 What is beauty? Who decides? 5 Are some things absolutely wrong or right, or is it all relative? 6 Is zero a number? 7 What is freedom? 8 Would you like to live forever if you could? 9 Are people of equal value?

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What is the goal of philosophy?

Philosophy as an Answer. To some, philosophy’s goal is a systematic worldview. You are a philosopher when you can find a place to any fact, in heaven or earth. Philosophers have indeed provided systematic theories of history, justice, the State, the natural world, knowledge, love, friendship: you name it. Engaging in philosophical thinking is, ...

What is the relationship between philosophy and other sciences?

The deep and multifarious relationship that philosophy bears to other sciences is clear by taking a look at its branches. Philosophy has some core areas: metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, logic. To these should be added an indefinite amount of branches.

What are domain specific philosophy?

Others that are domain specific: philosophy of physics, philosophy of biology, philosophy of food, philosophy of culture, philosophy of education, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of art, philosophy of economics, legal philosophy, environmental philosophy, philosophy of technology.

What is philosophical wonder?

Some take a different route. To those, the gist of philosophy lies not in the answers, but in the questions. Philosophical wonder is a methodology. It does not matter which topic comes under discussion and what we make of it; philosophy is about the stance we take towards it. Philosophy is that attitude which brings you to question even what’s most obvious. Why are there spots on the surface of the moon? What creates a tide? What is the difference between a living and a non-living entity? Once upon a time, these were philosophical questions, and the wonder from which they emerged was a philosophical wonder.

Which philosophers affirmed that philosophy grounds all other sciences?

Classic systematic philosophers – such as Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hegel – bold ly affirmed that philosophy grounds all other sciences. Also, among those who see philosophy as a method, you find many who regard it as the chief source of knowledge.

Do philosophers have to be professors?

Nowadays most philosophers are found in the academic world. But, certainly, one does not have to be a professor in order to be a philosopher. Several key figures in the history of philosophy did something else for a living.
