what is french 6 course level

by Alessia Kuhlman 3 min read

It has since been applied to all European languages with success, including French. It's based on 6 levels called A1 and A2 (elementary); B1 and B2 (intermediate) and CA and C2 (advanced). It is in wide use all over Europe and has become the prevalent standard for the rest of the world.


Full Answer

What French level can I start my course in?

It started off as a reference scale developped by Cambridge University for the Council of Europe to assess people's English levels and help design English courses. It has since been applied to all European languages with success, including French. It's based on 6 levels called A1 and A2 (elementary); B1 and B2 (intermediate) and CA and C2 (advanced).

What is the French level test online?

A1 French level refers to the basic knowledge and subjects learned in French. A1 level is often expressed as a beginner or beginner level. The level to start learning French is A1 level. It is a fairly basic level of language. A1 French level is the first level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

How many questions are on the French level test?

Placement French level test. With your booking confirmation you receive an access code to do our online level test prior to arrival. This guarantees you to start your course in the appropriate French level group – you will therefore not lose any of your valuable language training time due to a placement test and evaluation taken only once ...

What are the different levels of the French language?

Discover your level of French from the CEFRL by the free test of France Langue! Beginner. A1. Can recognise and use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete purposes. Can introduce himself or someone else. Can ask and answer basic questions about home, family, surroundings, etc.

How many levels are there in French language course?

French language CEFR levels It's based on 6 levels called A1 and A2 (elementary); B1 and B2 (intermediate) and CA and C2 (advanced). It is in wide use all over Europe and has become the prevalent standard for the rest of the world.

What is a level in French?

[ˈeɪlɛvəlz ] plural noun. (Britain) ≈ baccalauréat m.

What is C1 level French?

C1 level is the first stage of the CEFR 'proficient [language] user' category. At C1 the learner is able to follow a conversation fluently. However, there may still be some expressions or words that are not quite grasped yet.

What is a B1 level in French?

Level B1, which is sometimes referred to as 'Threshold' or 'Breakthrough' stage, is the point at which a French speaker moves away from the most simplistic language usage and is able to cope with most of the situations they are likely to encounter when travelling around a French-speaking country.

Is French a level difficult?

In fact, Ofqual acknowledged in November 2019 (after ten years of complaints from teachers and research studies) that French, German and Spanish A Levels are 'above average difficulty', with 'severe' grading.

Is a level French equivalent to B2?

Foreign language teaching has for many years worked to a three tier hierarchy of level and achievement: elementary, intermediate and advanced....The CEFR and exam placements.CEFR levelCambridge ESOLFrench in UKA1Starters Etc.A2KETGCSE LowerB1PETGCSE HigherB2FCE'A' Level2 more rows

What is beginner level French?

A1 or Beginner: It is the most basic level of language learning. At this level, the user can do the following tasks: Can recognize and use known expressions and fundamental phrases that used in everyday needs.

Are native speakers C2?

In everyday speech, this level might be called “bilingual”, as in “I am bilingual in English and French.” A well-educated native English speaker is technically at a C2 level. Relatively few English learners reach this level because their professional or academic goals do not require it.

What are the 5 levels of language proficiency?

The ACTFL scale consists of five main fluency levels known as Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior and Distinguished. These levels include sublevels of proficiency known as low, medium or high.Mar 3, 2021

Is B1 considered fluent?

There is a level test in all the languages to know what is your level in this language, there are A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2, A1 is a beginner level or basic level, A2 is a higher beginner level, B1 is to be something fluent/semi-fluent in this languages, B2 is a fluent level and it is used with teachers in schools as I think, ...Dec 29, 2015

What is C2 level French?

C2 is the highest level of the CEFR and DALF C2 is the highest diploma of French as a foreign language. C2 users' proficiency in the language is illustrated by precision, appropriateness and fluency of expression. C2 candidates are capable of using the language for academic and advanced-level purposes.

Which French certificate is best?

The DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) The DALF C1 and C2 levels denote advanced or proficient proficiency. Since C2 is the highest level of the CEFR, DALF C2 is the highest French diploma as a foreign language.Feb 26, 2022

What is the meaning of "can understand with ease"?

Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.

What is a concrete type?

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

What is the IB score for French?

You are a native speaker of French. Your SAT II score is 640 or higher. Your IB score in French is 6 or 7.

What is French 111?

French 111 is the equivalent of French 101-102, and students who complete it earn 2 credits. French 111 is offered in the Spring semester. If you have this background and/or test score: You studied French for 2 years in a very strong high school program, took the last French course your senior year, and made an A.

What is the purpose of language studies in romance?

Within the language programs in Romance Studies there are multiple opportunities for engagement in the community, the best venue for acquiring real-world linguistic and cultural knowledge. Student interaction with language communities provides occasions for developing civic engagement, cultural competence, political activism, and awareness of issues of social justice.

What level of language do you need to be to be a Duke student?

Duke requires all students to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language at the intermediate or advanced level. Courses suitable for meeting this requirement are designed with an FL (Foreign Language) curriculum code. Depending on your language proficiency, you must complete one of the following:

Does Duke University have French classes?

Students currently enrolled in the French Language Program courses at Duke University have several options for receiving out-of-class assistance. Note, tutoring is available for students who really struggle, NOT for cramming for quizzes or exams. See the schedule below.

How many levels are there in Coffee Break French?

Course summary: Coffee Break French offers four levels, or “seasons”, of podcasts; beginner, intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced. The lessons in the first two seasons are grouped around topics and grammar concepts, taught in a podcast that features a teacher and a student.

What is Frantastique course?

Course summary: Like yet unlike any other online French course, Frantastique teaches you French through an immersive story. Follow a cartoon Victor Hugo – dressed only in his beard, PG suggested – as he learns about the world of the French.

How much does Rocket French cost?

1. Rocket French. Pricing: Starts at $99.95. Course summary: Rocket French will take you through a series of steps for each of their French lessons. You begin with an audio lesson, then a written section that dives deeper into grammar and cultural information.

What is the difference between Coursera and EdX?

Course summary: Very similar in concept to Coursera, the main differences between edX and Coursera are the number of courses Coursera has a wider pool – and cost. Where you may have to pay to access features within a free course or buy a course outright from Coursera, edX offers free courses.

How does FluentU work?

Course summary: FluentU boasts learning a new language through native videos so you learn words and grammar naturally. The subscription-based site offers more than just video clips in French, which you could find on any site like YouTube. It actually allows you to replay specific words, make a loop of troublesome sections so you can repeat them over and over until you understand, and my favorite, a built-in dictionary for looking up definitions while you watch. The video subjects include everything from politics to pastry, culture to science, and much more.

What is babble course?

Babble is one course that starts right at the beginning with a structured path of vocabulary and grammar.

How much does FluentU cost?

At $15 a month for the basic plan and $30 a month for their premium plan, FluentU is reasonably priced for the amount of content you’ll get.

Choose the right French course

Before you decide to go on a French language course abroad, you need to know where you’ll be starting from and what your strengths and weaknesses are. This will allow you to pick a French course where you will focus on your specific needs.

Set goals

Without taking a French language test, it’s hard to determine what goals are achievable - once you know what your level is at the moment, you’ll have a clear idea of what skills you need to improve in order to reach a higher level of French.

Measure your progress

If you’ve been studying French for a while, our online tests will allow you to identify your progress so far and how far you can go on a language stay abroad. Taking the test again during and after your French course abroad, will also allow you to determine how far you’ve come.

Test instructions

Each question comprises a sentence with a missing word or words. Below the incomplete statement are five possible answers, of which only one is correct. Click the answer you think is the right one to complete the relevant sentence.

Proficiency rating

Once the test is complete, you will receive your final score, which we use to designate one of our French proficiency ratings. Each gives an approximate description of your current comprehension, as well as the average number of hours of study (either one-to-one or in small groups) to reach the level.

Making use of your results

Completing our French Level test is about more than just satisfying your curiosity to know your current language ability. These results can be useful in several ways to improve your learning and confidence:
